The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 759: , persuade Kawuli to retreat

Chapter 759: Persuading Kawuli to retreat

Seeing that he still refused to give up, Qi Yuanming felt unhappy and snorted coldly.

 “No, just those requirements.”

"If you can do it, do it. If you can't do it, don't bother her anymore. Most men do those things for her."

 Kawuli was said to be retreating steadily and was very frustrated. In the end, I didn’t even eat any food and went back feeling exhausted.

Sister Yang turned around and looked over, and saw Kawuli walking out of the gate with a disappointed look on his face, as if he had lost his soul.

She felt strange and glanced in the direction of Qi Yuanming again.

Seeing the big man's lips tightened, his eyebrows raised, and his expression holding back a smile, I knew that this matter must have something to do with him.

 She walked over, raised her chin, and hummed, "Big guy, what did you do to Kawuli?"

Qi Yuanming felt sour and very unhappy when he saw her expression of seeking justice for Kawu.

"I didn't say anything. If you want to know, go and ask yourself!"

Then he walked away angrily and kicked stones.

Sister Yang was confused. She didn’t know what he said to Kawuli, which would make Kawuli leave in a bad mood.

 She leaned over and continued to ask Qi Yuanming.

"What did you say to him? Why did he leave so unhappy? Did you bully him?"

Qi Yuanming didn't expect that she would think so, and his face turned red with anger.

"You care about him that much? Do you think so of me? Why did I bully him? He is a grown man, can I keep him if he leaves?"

"Besides, I think he bullied me. Not only did he bully me, but you bullied me too."

After saying that, he whined like a puppy and knelt down to feel aggrieved.

 Sister Yang.

Wouldn’t she just ask a few questions? As for being so angry?

 “I didn’t say anything to you.”

Isn’t it just a normal chat conversation, “Are you so angry?”

Or is this guy here to be my uncle? He has such a hot temper that he will explode at a moment's notice.

Qi Yuanming curled his lips, and for such a big body, he snorted in grievance, looking inexplicably pitiful.

Like a big wolf dog, it gives people the illusion that "who is not a baby yet!"

Sister Yang smiled helplessly and poked his shoulder.

“Okay, I didn’t mean anything to you. If you don’t want to say anything, forget it. Don’t be angry.”

There are so many people in the courtyard, it is not good for others to see you.

Qi Yuanming didn't care about those people's opinions, he was still feeling aggrieved.

Sister Yang had a headache and held her forehead, "Okay, then I'll apologize to you. I shouldn't have questioned you just now. Is that okay?"

Although it was an apology, it didn't sound sincere. Qi Yuanming didn't pay the bill and continued to moan.

Sister Yang was convinced by him, "Can we talk about it after we go home? There are people here?"

He is shameless and she still wants it.

With so many people watching, he squatted naked on the ground and hugged his knees, pretending to be aggrieved. It was irritating to everyone who looked at him.

Qi Yuanming didn't feel that he was embarrassed in this way, so he raised his head and looked at her aggrievedly.

"You can get up if you want me to, but you have to promise not to hurt me for that brat in the future."

Sister Yang was ashamed and didn’t know how things turned out like this.

Obviously she was just asking out of curiosity, but in the end it turned into her wanting to give him a guarantee.

 She had a headache, held her forehead, turned around and wanted to leave.

However, Qi Yuanming quickly grabbed her trouser legs with his quick hands, telling her that she could only move one thigh out before she could walk.

Sister Yang felt that the waistband of her pants was in danger, so she quickly grabbed her pants and turned to glare at him, "Let go! It's embarrassing."

It was so embarrassing to pull down her pants in someone's yard in broad daylight. Qi Yuanming was too thick-skinned to be ashamed. He snorted and pulled her trouser leg to tell her, "You haven't promised me yet."

 Sister Yang.

  "I promise you nothing! If you like crying or not, get out of here."

The words were spoken through gritted teeth and in a low voice, for fear of being heard.

Originally, she was just curious to ask about what happened between him and Kawuli. Who knew that this guy was still on the line? He really deserved a beating.

Qi Yuanming saw her big eyes staring angrily, as if she was tearing him apart, and then you retracted your hand and let go of her trouser leg.

 “Then, let’s make sure to do it next time.”

 Also learned to give myself a step down.

Sister Yang ignored him lazily, kicked him and went into the house, not wanting to see him again.

Perhaps this is how the old guy bullied Kawuli just now. I don’t blame him for leaving so sadly. He must have been bullied. snort!

Qi Yuanming saw her entering the house and looked back for a while, like a child, still looking forward to her return.

But after watching for a while, when he saw her coming out, he simply stood up, patted the dirt on his butt, and didn’t know what embarrassment was. He walked in in front of everyone and continued to talk to others.

  "Hey~, are you hungry? Let me go get you something to eat?"

Sister Yang moved her shoulders and shook him off, "Don't touch me, I don't want to talk to you."

Qi Yuanming didn't seem to hear him, "Okay, don't be angry. My tone was not good just now. I apologize to you. Are you still playing with me?"

Seeing his rogue appearance, Sister Yang took a deep breath and said, "Whoever wants to play with you, go away."

Qi Yuanming, however, refused to leave. He was stomping his feet like a mangy dog, barely wagging his tail.

“Okay, don’t be angry. How about I bake some sweets for you later?”

Sister Yang had never eaten roasted candy before, so she replied, "What is roasted candy?"

 Put the sugar in the fire to roast?

 Isn’t sugar very small?

Qi Yuanming stretched out his hand and pulled her sleeve, "Let's go, follow me."

Sister Yang also had the temper of a child and immediately followed him.

Qi Yuanming took out a pack of snacks made by the military camp from his arms, put them on iron skewers and put them on the grill to grill for her to see.

 Soon, the originally colorless and odorless things immediately became sweet after touching the fire.

Sister Ying sniffed it curiously, "What is this?"

Red and white, it looks like candy and smells like candy.

Qi Yuanming told her, "It's actually a special kind of hard candy. When we go out on patrol, if we walk for a long time and are afraid of getting dizzy, we will eat a piece."

But because of the cold weather, the candy was frozen hard and hard to bite, so I put it on the fire and roasted it, and it became softer after a while.

  Adding some sugar in the winter can reduce the reaction to low blood sugar and prevent you from feeling dizzy while patrolling.

 “Here, try it.”

Qi Yuanming gave her the baked candy. Sister Yang took it, blew on it, and took a bite to try.

 The taste is a bit sticky. I don’t know what materials it is made of. It tastes sweet.

Qi Yuanming saw her sweetly closing her eyes and laughed, "Isn't it too cool?"

“I told the cook before that I shouldn’t add so much sugar. It’s so sweet that it’s so sweet.”

But the cook didn't listen and said that something sweeter would replenish energy for the day and prevent everyone from coming back exhausted.

 But everyone’s reaction was too sweet, so Qi Yuanming fed back this to the third princess.

 Finally, the third princess ordered the sweetness to be adjusted, and then the sweetness was readjusted.

Sister Yang was speechless, "Then why is your piece so sweet?"

 (End of this chapter)

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