Chapter 760, two naughty children

Qi Yuanming scratched his head and smiled, "This is the last piece in my pocket. I wanted to throw it away, but I thought it was a waste, so I'll give it to you."

 After saying that, he laughed and saw that Sister Yang was so angry that she wanted to hit him, so she immediately ran to the roof to hide.

Sister Yang was furious, raised her head, put her hands on her hips, and pointed angrily at the people on the roof, "Get down here!"

Qi Yuanming said slightly, "I don't! If you have the ability, come up."

Sister Yang is good at Qinggong, so she can naturally go up.

 She glanced at the sticks on the ground, picked up one, and jumped on it, intending to knock him to death.

 “You really came.”

Qi Yuanming saw her swinging the stick and ran away quickly.

 Sister Yang picked up a stick and continued to chase.


"I don't!"

 Unless you lay down your arms.

Sister Yang snorted coldly, "It's your spring and autumn dream."

If she doesn't beat him today, her surname will not be Liang.

So the two of them chased and ran, actually running in a large circle around the area.

Sister Ying heard the noise and came out, but saw no one.

 Still wondering, “Where are the people?”

 Xiao Zi looked at the roof, "I saw them just now, but I don't know if they went out."

Brother Zheng ran over to report, "Cousin, Sister Yang went up to the roof to beat General Qi just now. She probably won't be back soon."

Sister Ying said "Huh?" with a question mark on her face.

 She asked Brother Zheng, "Did you see them fighting?"

Zhen Geer chuckled and said, "I saw them, they were fighting on the roof just now."

“It’s just that Sister Yang beats General Qi.”

 Originally, Sister Yang could not catch up with Qi Yuanming with her skills.

Qi Yuanming was also a thief, and he always let her chase him. He pretended to hit her twice, and then pulled her hair, which made her angry and continued to chase him.

Then she continued to catch her and beat her twice, and then pulled her clothes. The angry Sister Yang chased her again.

The two of them chased each other all the way down the street.

Sister Ying was speechless after hearing this.

 Ask the secret guard, "Go and call the second young lady back."

The big girl's house, with Qi Yuanming on the roof, what's going on.

As soon as people see her, the news will spread to Jiangnan and she will be beaten.

 The secret guard took the order and went.

 It just so happens that Little Piggy’s first-year feast is about to begin.

The ceremony was held just now, and this meeting is about to celebrate the week.

Mr. Zhong bought all the things for Zhou Zhou and put them on the red carpet.

Mr. Zhong put his son on the ground and asked him, "Son, go grab what you like and bring it to daddy."

Little Piggy glanced at his biological father, hummed, and swept the ornaments on the carpet with a cool expression.

 He crawled over, sat on the carpet and looked at the books, seals, bows and arrows, and swords, and finally chose the sword without hesitation.

Young Master Zhong covered his face, feeling that this boy was completely following his mother.

Originally, he didn't want to let go of the sword, but the third princess insisted on letting it go.

Otherwise, he would only put some elegant things, such as herbal books and chess records, which are all gentle and good books on self-cultivation.

 It’s a pity that my son seems not interested in reading.

 I read to him every night and he immediately fell asleep.

  He is very energetic when you don't read. As soon as he reads, he yawns within five times and falls asleep after a while.

On the contrary, the third princess was very happy when she saw her son choose swords and bows, and she laughed rarely.

 “As expected of my son, follow me! Haha!”

It was rare for everyone to see the third princess smile and be so heroic, so they all laughed.

 It seems that the child has the charm of a child and can make the cold third princess laugh.

Sister Ying and Jing Han also laughed. Jing Shirong held her waist and took her to sit down for a while and chat with her.

“When our child is born, he will be able to catch his first week, but we don’t know what he will catch.”

Sister Ying also wanted to know and covered her mouth with a smile.

 “What do you want it to catch? A sword? Or a book?”

Jing Shirong shook his head, "Actually, it's all fine."

Whether it’s a sword or a book, you have to learn both.

 They don’t just learn the same rules at home, they have to learn everything that needs to be learned.

Sister Ying chuckled and said, "Your idea is exactly the same as my mother's."

The Wu family has asked their four siblings to learn music, chess, calligraphy, painting, and other hobbies since they were young.

 She doesn’t ask for perfection, but at least she needs to learn how to do it.

 She felt that every thing she learned was a survival skill, which would provide another way for her children to learn, so she let them learn everything.

 And this has been quite effective.

 At least when they go out, they have many survival skills and are not afraid of starving to death or thirsting to death.

 It's like learning to cook. Wu requires them to know how to cook, but whether they can do it or not is another matter.

 Whether or not to cook is a personal preference, but being able to cook is a survival skill.

 As for whether to do it or not, she left it up to them.

 As long as you have the ability, you can eat from outside or hire a cook.

 But one day there is no one to cook for them outside, so they can cook it by themselves, which is pretty good.

Jing Shirong coincides with her mother-in-law in this regard.

“Anyway, our children should learn more.”

As parents, it is impossible to take care of them for the rest of their lives. In the end, they still have to teach their children more survival skills while they are young.

 When they grow up and go outside, they will have more ability to survive.

Sister Ying touched her belly and asked, "Isn't that too hard?"

 It is one thing to agree with their views, but after becoming a mother, I feel a little softer.

 If the child cries then, she will probably relent and say stop.

Jing Shirong frowned, feeling that she had become much softer after becoming pregnant.

 I feel that she might be a loving mother in the future, and he would be a strict father.

 But in reality, he was the loving mother, and Sister Ying was the strict father.

But it’s still early, so let’s put it aside for now.

 When the Zhou Zhou ceremony is over, we start to sit down.

The servants entertained the guests to a banquet, and the food was served quickly.

Sister Yang came back in time for the meal.

Qi Yuanming also came back with several bumps on his forehead, apparently from being beaten with a rolling pin.

Sister Ying's mouth twitched when she saw it, she took a few deep breaths and wanted to beat the naughty kid.

When Sister Yang saw her angry face, she shrank her neck in fear.

 Actually, she didn’t do it on purpose.

 Originally, she couldn't defeat Qi Yuanming with her Kung Fu.

Who knew that the boy didn't hide, so he asked her to hit him with a stick.

She still regretted the touch. Just when she was about to apologize, the guy suddenly pulled her hair, which made her angry, so he slapped her again.

Now that I think about it, it’s really childish.

“Sister, I know I made a mistake, and I won’t do it again in the future.”

She took the initiative to come over and carefully pulled Sister Ying's sleeves, fearing she would be beaten.

Sister Ying snorted at her, "Look at what you look like."

Hair is disheveled, clothes are messy, and one shoe is missing, especially when there are so many people in the courtyard.

Sister Ying had a headache, so she held her forehead and asked Xiao Zi to take her to tidy up her appearance.

Seeing that she didn't rush her home, Sister Yang smiled and went to tidy up with Xiao Zi.

 (End of this chapter)

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