The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 761: , Little Piggy’s first birthday party

Chapter 761, Piggy’s first birthday party

 Qi Yuanming watched with fear, fearing that Sister Ying would beat Sister Yang.

 Fortunately, Sister Ying took a few deep breaths and didn't make a move, so she felt relieved.

 He chuckled, scratched his head, and found a seat at the men's table to sit down.

 Actually, he was also in a mess. He looked worse than Sister Yang, as if he had been robbed.

 There were chicken feathers in his hair, injuries on his face, and a footprint on his butt, as if he had been beaten by a crowd.

But the people here were all rough men. Seeing him like this, they didn’t even ask. They poured him a glass of wine and said, “Come on, let’s have a drink first. It’s a rare day off.”

Qi Yuanming laughed, holding a wine bowl with a chicken feather on his head, and immediately started drinking with them.

 “Come on, do it~”

 “Come on, punch, punch.”

 A group of men immediately rolled up their sleeves and started punching each other, "Six six six, five leaders."

They shouted loudly, and the children liked to watch the fun, so they ran over to watch the men punch and drink, and started to imitate the gestures with their small fists.

Sister Ying saw how lively the table was and asked Jing Shirong, "You should also go and have a couple of punches. It's rare to get a drink."

Jing Shirong sat next to her and didn't even think about going.

 He leaned his head on Sister Ying's shoulder and murmured in a low voice, "It's a rare holiday, so it's better for me to accompany you."

Sister Ying touched his handsome face with her hands, pinched his nose, and then touched his lips. She held his handsome face and couldn't put it down.

Jing Shirong was being licked like a big wolfdog, so comfortable that she closed her eyes.

Tilting his head, he masturbated as she pleased.

 Others saw the sweet interaction between the two of them and were filled with envy and jealousy.

Qi Yuanming, on the other hand, was very excited and immediately came over to **** Jing Shirong away.

“Ajing, come and drink too, let’s go.”

 Speaking, he grabbed his arm and went to the drinking table.

Sister Ying asked him to go, "Go and have a drink with the brothers."

Jing Shirong hummed, lowered his head to kiss her, and then passed.

Murong Yun was also pulled over.

A group of people were drinking at the table, fist pumping and shouting very lively.

 “How good you two are, seven clever tricks, you lose, hahaha.”

 “Drink, drink.”

Murong Yun lost as soon as he passed by and drank a bowl immediately. Everyone laughed when they saw it.

 At this time, Kawuli, who had left not long ago, came again.

 After being beaten back by Qi Yuanming, the more he thought about it, the more reluctant he became. He felt that he had to ask Sister Yang about this before he could give up.

 Otherwise, he would just leave without taking any action, which is not his style at all.

So he plucked up the courage and came over again to ask Sister Yang what she meant.

As soon as he arrived, he searched the courtyard for Sister Yang and then plucked up the courage to look for her.

 He walked up behind Sister Yang and patted her shoulder, "Sister Yang."

Sister Yang turned around and said, "Is it you? Why did you leave just now?"

Kawuli blushed and was embarrassed to tell her that he had been persuaded to leave just now, so he coughed and said to her, "Can you come out for a moment? I have something to tell you."

Sister Yang hummed, without thinking much, "Okay."

 She told Sister Ying and then went out with Kawuli.

The two of them went to the alley. When Kawuli saw no one around, he felt awkward for a moment before looking directly at her.

“Sister Yang, I’ve had feelings for you since the first time I saw you. Every time I’m with you, my heart beats faster. I think I’m falling in love with you.”

Sister Yang opened her mouth wide and said, "Huh?" "No way? Are you in love with me?"

This, this, this, is this too sudden? Kawuli shook his head and looked at her sincerely, "It's not sudden at all. Love is like this. Just one look and one moment can make people's hearts beat."

He used to read books, and the love described in the books was exactly the same as how he felt now.

  In the past, when there were so many beautiful girls in front of him, he never felt his heart fluttering. Only this time, after meeting Sister Yang again, he began to miss her.

He hoped that this kind of love would be reciprocated, so he looked at her sincerely, "Sister Yang, I want to pursue you, are you willing?"

"Although I don't know how to wash clothes, cook, and take care of the children, I will hire the best cook and wet nurse for you. I will let you live a happy life. Can you give me a chance?"

Sister Yang was stunned for a moment by what he said, and "I" couldn't react.

It's not like no young men have confessed to her before, but she didn't feel anything at all.

 Say directly, "I don't have feelings for you, please don't come again," and then leave.

Seeing that she refused so simply, the young man left sadly and angrily, but later he did not come back again, probably because his self-esteem was bruised.

 This would be confessed by Kawuli. She hesitated for a moment, thinking about how to politely refuse.

 “That. Actually me.”

 Kawuli looked at her seriously, "Well, you tell me."

Sister Yang was embarrassed, "Actually, I haven't thought about getting married so early, and I'm not familiar with you, so I don't have any feelings for you."

We had only met a few times, and we talked about whether we liked him or not, but she didn't feel anything at all.

Hearing this, Kawuli was a little surprised, "Don't you have any feelings for me at all?"

how come?

 Has his charm declined?

Every time he goes out, there are so many girls chasing him, so how come he doesn't feel anything about him when he comes to Sister Yang's place?

“Is there something wrong with me? Tell me, I can change it.”

Obviously he is a young master from a wealthy family, but he keeps a low profile.

Sister Yang scratched her head, a little embarrassed, "Actually, you are quite nice, but I really don't have any feelings for you, otherwise we can be friends."

Kawuli didn’t want to be friends with her, “I want to be with you, I want to marry you, but I don’t want to be friends with you.”

Sister Yang said "I'll go", "Are you serious?"

  How come we are getting married now?

Just as she was about to persuade him, she saw Qi Yuanming staggering over with a wine bottle.

“Hey, what are you two doing in the alley in the middle of the night?”

Because he drank too much, his face was flushed and his steps were staggering, and he was about to fall down.

 “It’s about you two, why don’t you answer?”

Even though I was drunk, I still wanted to question people.

Sister Yang saw how stupid he was drunk and choked him, "It's none of your business."

  After scolding, leave immediately.

 But Qi Yuanming held her arm and refused to allow her to leave.

 Even drunkenly reprimanded her. "You're a disobedient girl. Do you want me to leave?"

“How dare you come out to meet a man in the middle of the night? See if I don’t complain to your mother!”

Kawuli was originally quite embarrassed about being caught, but when he heard the word "your mother", he suddenly sobered up.

“You, what do you mean? Aren’t you Sister Yang’s eldest brother?”

Is it possible that he is a fake?

Qi Yuanming glanced at him drunkenly, "Of course I am her eldest brother. I have also met her father, mother, and grandmother. You are just a fool."

 Kawuli was stunned when he was scolded, "I"

He was stunned by the comment, "So are you her eldest brother?"

 Could it be that he is a cousin or something?

 (End of this chapter)

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