The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 762: , Qi Yuanming pushed Sister Yang

Chapter 762, Qi Yuanming pushed Sister Yang

Qi Yuanming saw the boy's unwillingness to give up and snorted drunkenly, "You don't care whether I'm a cousin or not. Anyway, I'm her brother. Don't give me any ideas about her, do you hear me?"

Kawu Li was unconvinced, "Even her brother has no right to stop a couple from falling in love. Besides, you are not her brother at all."

These words were slightly provocative, which aroused Qi Yuanming's anger.

 “You bastard, what are you talking about?”

His steps were unsteady, but he still stumbled to Kawuli and grabbed Kawuli's collar.

“I’m telling you, I’m covering Sister Yang, please stay away from her!”

Kawuli looked directly at him without giving in, "What if I don't?"

 Love should be relentless, and he will not give in anyway.

Qi Yuanming saw that he didn't turn around until he hit the south wall. He raised his fist angrily and was about to hit him, "Looking for death!"

Sister Yang was startled and quickly grabbed him, "Qi Yuanming, you are crazy!"

With such a big fist, he could easily kill someone.

But Qi Yuanming mistakenly thought that she was helping Kawuli, and his expression was stunned, obviously a little stunned.

 “Are you helping him? I’m helping you.”

What a stinky girl, does she know who is in the same group with her?

Sister Yang thought he wanted to block Wuli, so she quickly stood in front of Kawuli and blocked Qi Yuanming's attack with her hands crossed.

"Big guy, you're drunk. You have nothing to do here. You go back first."

 It was no big deal.

This guy will come out to beat people when he is drunk, sometimes beating people to death. It would be strange if their parents don't settle the score with him.

Qi Yuanming suddenly felt sad when he saw her protecting Kawuli.

 “You actually protected him?”

 What's so good about this guy? Worth her protection?

“How long have you known him and yet you are protecting him? Do you even know what you are doing!”

His face was red from drunkenness, his chest was rising and falling with anger, and he was blowing his beard and staring.

Seeing how drunk he was and how difficult it was, Sister Yang knew that she couldn't persuade him, so she turned to Kawuli and said, "Go back first, and we'll talk about it when we have time. He's drunk and will hit people, so run away." ”

Kawuli was very touched when she stood in front of him to protect him, so he said obediently, "I'll come back to you tomorrow."

 After saying that, he ran away with a smile.

Qi Yuanming was so angry that he said, "Stop!"

He wanted to chase her, but Sister Ying held him back and said, "Okay, stop making trouble."

 We will recruit people from the courtyard later, and then we will be embarrassed again.

Qi Yuanming thought she was still protecting Kawuli, so he pushed her away angrily, "Ah!"

Because of his strong strength and the fact that he was drunk, he pushed Sister Yang to the ground.

 “Sister Yang”

 Qi Yuanming was startled and suddenly woke up.

“Where did it fall? Let me see it quickly?”

 He hurriedly helped Sister Yang up and looked worriedly to see if there were any injuries on her body.

Sister Yang, however, had a cold face and waved his hand away, "You don't need to pretend to be kind."

 After saying that, he ran away angrily.

 “Sister Yang!”

Qi Yuanming hurriedly chased her, but his steps were unsteady and he stumbled, causing her to run away.

Sister Ying heard the noise and came out to take a look, holding her belly.

As soon as he came out, he saw Qi Yuanming falling to the ground, holding his head and looking like he was about to vomit.

She hurriedly came over and called for the servants to help.

Qi Yuanming, however, waved away the servant and said, "Sister Yang~Sister Yang~" and stumbled to chase after him.

Sister Ying didn’t know what was wrong with him, but looking at his posture, she was probably quarreling with Sister Yang again.

 She held her forehead, her head ached, and sighed that these two were really enemies, they could argue no matter what, and she was really convinced.

 She asked her servants to "send General Qi back to the military camp."

The servant took the order and was about to help him back, but Qi Yuanming struggled, "I won't leave, I won't leave." He was noisy like a child having a tantrum.

Sister Ying had no choice but to hold her belly and walked over, "If you don't want to go to the military camp, how about you stay in the guest room in the third princess's mansion for one night?"

Qi Yuanming struggled, "I don't want it, I don't want it."

 “Then where do you want to go?”

Qi Yuanming opened his eyes drunkenly, "I want to find him."

He was about to say it when Sister Ying covered his mouth and said, "Okay, I understand. You will come back with us in a minute."

 After saying that, let the servants carry him into the carriage.

Qi Yuanming originally wanted to struggle, but Sister Ying immediately glared at her, "Huh?"

 I mean if you continue to struggle, get back to the military camp.

Qi Yuanming felt that the look in his eyes looked like his mother's, so he lowered his hands fearfully and let his servants carry him into the carriage.

 After doing this, Sister Ying felt that she had no strength left, so she asked Xiao Zi to call Jing Shirong back and prepare to go back.

 The people in the courtyard were all drunk now and began to stagger around.

The third princess also drank to her heart's content. She hugged Young Master Zhong's neck and kissed her.

 “Perform well today and I’ll reward you tonight.”

Zhong Da was as shy as anything, and pushed her, "There are so many people, so stop talking."

The third princess is like a man and doesn’t know what it means to be shy at all.

 “Okay, I’ll accompany you.”

 After saying that, he picked up Mr. Zhong and went directly upstairs.

 The drunkards looked at it and booed, "Oh oh oh~ the third princess is so powerful~~"

 Zhong Da Shao simply covered his face in shame, it was so embarrassing.

Xiao Zi went to call Jing Shirong, "Uncle, the lady said she was going back because she was tired."

When Jing Shirong heard this, he immediately put down the wine in his hand and pulled Murong Yun along. The two brothers put their shoulders on each other and walked towards the door with slightly unsteady steps.

Jinghan and Sister Ying are waiting outside.

Seeing them coming over unsteadily, he smiled helplessly and said, "Let's go back."

 The four of them got on the carriage together. Fortunately, the carriage was big enough, but it was still a bit crowded.

Qi Yuanming had long been lying in the carriage and fast asleep, while Jing Shirong and Murong Yun sat in the corner of their own volition.

 But the two pregnant women had big bellies and it was a bit uncomfortable not being able to straighten their legs.

In the end, Jing Shirong couldn't bear it anymore, so he picked up Qi Yuanming and threw him into a corner.

Qi Yuanming's **** hurt when he was thrown away, he muttered, lowered his head and continued to sleep.

 After arriving home, servants helped them in.

Jinghan followed Sister Ying in slow motion.

Sister Yang heard the noise and hurriedly came out to take a look.

“Sister, are you back?”

I ran back angrily just now, but I forgot to tell them, so I hurried out to pick them up.

Sister Ying looked at her with a bad look on her face, as if someone had offended her, and she knew it was Qi Yuanming without even thinking.

 She pinched Sister Yang's face, which was full of collagen, and asked her, "What happened just now? Did you quarrel with Brother Qi again?"

Sister Yang sighed, "Oh, it's not a big deal."

 But I still get angry thinking about it.

She stopped him with good intentions, fearing that he would have to kill someone to pay for it.

 But he didn’t understand the good people’s hearts and actually pushed her. This was simply too much!

 “I’ll never pay attention to him again, you stinky man!”

Sister Ying snorted, "Why are you so angry?"

It seems that the noise is quite fierce.

Sister Yang was angry and put her arms on her hips, "Anyway, I will never play with him again. He is a stinky man. He drinks so much even though he doesn't know how to drink. He is not very smart. He is stupid as **** and he still pushes others!"

  What a bastard!



 (End of this chapter)

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