Chapter 764, two enemies

 After all, it is outrageous that he, a tall and dignified man, would push a little girl.

But if he was asked to apologize, he felt that Sister Yang would not forgive him easily.

Maybe I don’t want to see him yet.

 Thinking about this, Qi Yuanming became depressed.

How should I apologize to her?

He was lying on the roof distressed. Jing Shirong couldn't find him in the military camp, so he turned back.

He stood outside the yard, looked up, and saw the guy lying on the roof, and immediately shot an arrow at him.

 “Qi Yuanming, come down.”

 Qi Yuanming was startled.

 It was not the arrow that frightened him, but the fact that Jing Shirong exposed his position.

 “Don’t call me.”

As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I was exposed even more.

Sister Yang was originally wondering why her brother-in-law came back.

But when I heard him calling Qi Yuanming, I immediately realized that Qi Yuanming hadn't left yet.

Especially when Qi Yuanming did not reveal his hiding place, she immediately looked towards the roof.

"Oh it's you!"

The smelly man, pushed her without apologizing to her, and hid on the roof to peek.

 “Get down here!”

Seeing that she had discovered him, Qi Yuanming shrank his neck and tried to hide himself.

But Sister Yang had already seen his squirming buttocks, so she picked up the pebbles on the ground and threw them at them.

 “Get down here!”

Qi Yuanming felt a pain in his butt. He didn't expect that this girl could hit him so accurately.

Seeing that he was not moving, Sister Yang took ten stones in one go and prepared to hit him.

Seeing this, Qi Yuanming hurriedly surrendered, "No, no, no, no, I'll just come down."

  If you hit your head again, it will bloom.

Seeing his cowardice, Sister Yang snorted and did not use force again.

Qi Yuanming was afraid of Jiji coming down. The tall man who was almost nine feet tall was like a pupil who had made mistakes. He took a peek every step of the way. As if she was afraid of being scolded by her husband.

Sister Yang was originally very angry, but seeing how cowardly he looked, she wanted to laugh for no reason.

She pursed her lips and endured it, not wanting this guy to think she was fine, so she continued to pretend to be angry with a stinky face.

Qi Yuanming walked over cautiously and glanced at Sister Yang with his big eyes, like a puppy, with a guilty conscience.

Sister Yang snorted in front of him and started to question.

"Aren't you a deserter? Don't come back if you can."

 Escaped early in the morning, I didn’t have the guts to do this.

Qi Yuanming made a mistake. He scratched his head, shrank his head and leaned over, tugging at Sister Yang's sleeve. "I drank too much yesterday and accidentally pushed you. Otherwise, why don't you hit me? As long as it can relieve your anger, you You can fight whatever you want."

 After saying that, he tore open his shirt and took out the thorns he had prepared in advance and gave them to her.

  "Fight, as long as you are happy, fight as you like."

Sister Yang didn’t expect him to prepare this move.

 “Are you going to bear the thorns to plead guilty?”

Qi Yuanming nodded sincerely, "Yes. It was my fault to push you. I deserve to be punished, so just hit me."

After saying that, leave her back to hit her hard.

Sister Yang looked at the generous back and wanted to give him a couple of fake slaps, but she stopped when she touched the scars.

 Slender fingers fell on the scars, and his tone was a little distressed, "Why are there so many scars on your back?"

Qi Yuanming felt an itch on his back and knew that her hand was moving, so he stood still.

He said heartlessly, "Hey, it's just some old wounds, nothing serious." Looking at the thickness of the scars, Sister Yang knew that the injuries were serious at the time, but this guy looked like he was fine.

He also urged her, "Hit me quickly, I still want to apologize to you."

Sister Yang reached out and patted his back twice, and the anger was over.

"Okay, go back to the military camp quickly. Don't drink and cause trouble outside all day long."

“Next time if you drink and cause trouble again, I will ignore you.”

Seeing that she was no longer angry, Qi Yuanming still couldn't believe it, "You won't hit me?"

Sister Yang rolled her eyes at him, "When did I hit you?"

Qi Yuanming pointed to a bag on his forehead, "Isn't this the one?"

Sister Yang scolded him angrily, "You threw it by yourself last night, it's none of my business!"

Qi Yuanming said "Huh?" "You didn't hit me?"

 He thought it was her who hit him. The blow was so hard that his forehead was completely covered.

Sister Yang kicked him and said, "It's up to me to throw him down. Why don't you give me some shame?"

Qi Yuanming chuckled, "If you want to, then you won't be angry with me? Will you play with me next time?"

Sister Yang crossed her arms and said, "Let's talk about it later. Let's see how you behave."

Qi Yuanming chuckled and said, "Okay, then I'll behave well next time."

 Having said that, it’s time to say goodbye.

Jing Shirong asked him to get on his horse, and he turned around and walked away.

“Sister Yang, I will take you to the grassland to play when you have time.”

Sister Yang just said, "I got it."

 After Qi Yuanming left, the matter was settled.

Sister Ying saw that the two of them loved to quarrel so much, so she asked funnyly, "Why do you two always quarrel when we meet? You still have such good behavior after so many years."

Sister Yang smiled helplessly, "I don't know. Anyway, I just don't have a good relationship with him. I always quarrel when we meet. I don't know if I don't get along with him."

She is obviously very happy to get along with other people. She seldom fights or quarrels with others.

But when I'm with this big guy, I get angry at every turn and want to quarrel, but I don't know what's wrong with me.

Sister Ying saw through it but didn’t point it out. She smiled and didn’t say anything in the end.

They went to the house to drink some hot milk tea together. After drinking, Sister Yang brought the moisturizing cream she had prepared to them to try.

Sister Ying happened to have an itchy belly. She touched her belly and said to the little one, "Little one, let your aunt put some moisturizing cream on you. Please stop making trouble for a while."

Sister Yang smiled and said, "How about it, it likes to kick you these days?"

Sister Ying nodded, "A little bit. I didn't like kicking before, but now I kick it twice now."

Sister Yang took out a spoonful of moisturizer and spread it evenly on Sister Ying's round belly.

The moisturizer was a little cold. When I applied it, the little guy in my belly was obviously startled. He was punched and kicked all of a sudden. His little jiojio could be seen on his belly.

Sister Yang was very happy, "No, you are so cowardly?"

 “A little bit of coldness makes you jump? Hahahaha.”

Sister Ying quickly covered her belly with warm palms to keep the little one warm.

The little guy was comforted by his mother, and then he became obedient and motionless again.

Sister Yang laughed loudly, "This can't be a girl, she's so timid."

Jinghan came over and said, "I think it should be a boy. When I was pregnant with Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan, my belly was in this shape, round and pointed, very small."

Sister Ying and Sister Yang looked at her at the same time, "Really?" Is this dream accurate?

  After all, the birth of a boy or a girl is determined from the moment of pregnancy, and looking at the shape of the belly is all about luck.

 Sister Yang nodded in agreement.

“That’s right. In the past, I used to guess men and women based on their belly shape, but I guessed wrong every time, so I don’t really believe it anymore.”

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 (End of this chapter)

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