Chapter 765, Guess the boy or girl

 In the past, women also came to her to see men and women.

 She could indeed see a little difference in her pulse.

 But the pulse patterns of some boys and girls are sometimes surprisingly similar, so this may not be accurate.

But when she told the pregnant women, they didn’t believe her.

They insist that the shape of the belly can tell the difference between men and women.

 Those with round and pointed bellies are generally considered to be boys.

 If the belly is broad and long, it is considered to be a girl.

 Some people guessed it correctly and believed it to be true.

Those who guessed wrong just said they were unlucky, but still thought it was a problem with their belly shape.

Just like this time, Jing Han also felt that he was a person who had been there and had experience, so he was clear-headed.

“Don’t believe it, you two. When I was pregnant with Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan, I had the same belly shape as Sister Ying, and both of them were boys.”

“It’s not like the one I was pregnant with this time. My belly is sideways and my waist is a little bigger, but my skin has improved. I feel like my baby is probably a girl.”

 She felt that she had experience and was very sure that her baby was a girl, while the one in Sister Ying's belly was a boy.

Sister Ying herself felt nothing. She touched her belly and felt that no matter whether it was a boy or a girl, as long as the child was healthy and safe, she would be relieved.

Sister Yang thought the same way, "As long as you, mother and child, are safe, both boys and girls will be fine, and our family can afford to support them."

Sister Ying laughed and said, "Our family can afford to raise it, but I'm afraid that my aunt will be a pauper and won't be able to raise it."

Sister Yang laughed and said, "Who said I can't support you? How can I be an aunt without money?"

 Speaking, he took out the money bag, only to find that there was not much silver in it.

The money was given to Mrs. Wu before she went out.

 Seng Geer was the one paying the bills on the way, and she didn’t even pay a few times.

It seems that the eldest sister is right, she is really a pauper.

Sister Ying covered her mouth and snickered, pinching her face with her little hands.

“It’s okay if you don’t have money. Just work in a pharmacy and the money will come.”

Sister Yang’s eyes lit up, “Yes, that’s a good idea.”

  When she was in Jiangnan, she also had pocket money, but all her money was used to provide medical subsidies for the poor, and she had no money at all.

 Sometimes I really don’t have money and don’t want to talk to my mother, so I go to work in a drugstore and do consultations.

Now that I’m here, of course I can’t eat and drink for free, so I have to do odd jobs to earn pocket money.

Sister Ying did not ask her to work outside to make money. Instead, she thought it would be good for her to have a job at home.

Sister Yang can not only treat people but also gain experience by going to the pharmacy.

No matter whether she gets married or not, she will be able to make a living without being bored at home.

Sister Yang hugged her happily and said, "Well, thank you, eldest sister."

Sister Ying wiped the saliva on her face in disgust, "In order to prevent you from incurring a lot of peach blossom debts, you have to cover up your face and only expose your eyes." The rest is covered.

Sister Yang uttered an ouch and raised her eyebrows, "I understand."

 “Don’t worry, I used to wear a veil when I went to see people.”

Sister Ying gave her a teasing look, "I'm afraid those short-sighted people will still come after you."

Sister Yang glared at him, "I won't let you harm others like this."

 How come those who pursue her are so blind?

“I’m called charming. Those who like me are discerning. Those who don’t like me have eye problems.”

Where can I find a female doctor like her who is kind-hearted and can treat patients and save people?

Sister Ying chuckled and said, "Don't be too confident. There is a female doctor on this street. She is quite beautiful, and she has been chasing after him for many years."

Sister Yang was curious, "Who is it? What's your name? How old are you?" As both female doctors, she was quite curious about people of the same gender.

Especially there are not many female doctors nowadays, and the diseases they see are all concentrated in gynecology. There are very few like her who can treat all kinds of diseases.

Sister Ying said of her, "I want to see everything, so I have to have medical skills."

 Not everyone has the opportunity to meet a master of the level of the old Medicine King.

An ordinary female doctor is considered good if she can treat women.

  After all, women nowadays still tend to avoid medical treatment.

Sister Yang lamented, "Actually, there should be more female doctors, so that women and children would not be afraid to go out to see doctors because they are sick."

Originally, the women tolerated some minor ailments on their own and did not dare to go to the medicine hall for medical treatment. They asked the maids to get medicine when they couldn't bear it.

 Since the client did not go to the doctor for consultation, the medicine prescribed was naturally inaccurate.

Sister Yang understands the difficulties faced by those women, so she naturally wants to pass on her medical skills.

Sister Ying knew that she had a kind heart, so she patted her hand and said, "I know you are kind-hearted. I will take you to a nearby pharmacy tomorrow to see if there are any herbs you need for daily use."

“You think about which herbs are necessary, and I’ll ask your brother-in-law to get some herb seedlings back, and then we’ll take a look at them.”

 Including the military camp, a large amount of gold sore medicine is needed.

Sister Yang nodded understandingly, "I know, if there is a need at the military camp, I can also help get herbs."

Jinghan interrupted at the right moment, "This is really needed."

“A Jing also asked Brother Yun for a batch of golden sore medicine before, saying it was for spare use.”

However, it is not easy to buy the golden sore medicine in large quantities. You can only buy it and grow it yourself, and then grind it into powder yourself. Otherwise, the quantity will not be enough.

Sister Yang understood what she was saying, "Is the Chinese medicine shed ready?"

If the shed is ready and the herb seedlings have arrived, she can go and help.

 She originally liked doing this, and since it was for the benefit of the military camp, she naturally had to put in more effort.

Jinghan nodded, "The shed is ready, but I haven't bought the herb seedlings yet."

 Because the selection of herbal seedlings requires an experienced doctor to select them, so that they will not make the wrong choice.

However, the experienced doctors nearby are still lacking compared to the professional doctors in the capital.

They didn’t know many herbal medicines, so Murong Yun was still looking for other doctors.

Upon hearing this, Sister Yang immediately recommended herself, "Look for me. I have been pouring herbs since I was a child. I know herbal medicine very well. Leave it to me and I will ensure that I can handle this matter for you."

Jinghan was overjoyed and said, "That's great. I'll tell my husband-in-law tonight."

At night.

Jinghan told Murong Yun about this, and Murong Yun told Jing Shirong.

 Finally, Jing Shirong came back specially, taking Qi Yuanming with him.

As soon as he came back, Sister Ying knew that he must be here for the herbal medicine.

Sister Yang told them openly, "Brother-in-law, I feel that picking out herbal seedlings and growing herbs is tailor-made for me, so you can leave it to me."

 She wanted to help with such a meaningful thing.

Jing Shirong looked at Sister Ying and asked her, "Is it okay?"

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes, yes, but is the shed for growing herbs far from here?"

 If it was far away, someone would definitely have to be sent to protect Sister Yang.

Jing Shirong nodded, "It's a bit far away, but riding a horse is very fast. When the time comes, I will make arrangements for someone to **** Sister Yang there every day."

 (End of this chapter)

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