Chapter 766, Planting Herbs

Sister Yang thought it was too much trouble and said directly, "It's too troublesome to come here every day. I might as well live over there."

 Otherwise, as soon as she gets busy, she will forget the time and never remember to come back.

Sister Ying felt it was not appropriate, "It's the twelfth lunar month of winter. If you live outside, you will die of cold."

This area is a cold area. It is very cold in winter, and it is impossible to survive without heating in the house.

Jing Shirong thought for a while, "There is an old house over there. It can be improved and people can live in it.

Sister Ying hesitated, but Sister Yang had already made up her mind, "Hey, sister, don't hesitate. Didn't you just say that you support my herbal medicine business?"

 Since you are doing something you like, it doesn’t matter if you suffer a little.

But I said, "Brother-in-law, do I get paid for doing this?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "Of course there is."

Since you are working for the emperor, especially growing herbs, your wages must be several times more than those of ordinary workers.

And he will also subsidize it a little, so there is no way that my sister-in-law's hard work will be in vain.

Sister Yang laughed and said, "That's good, then I can make some pocket money, then it's settled."

Sister Ying was helpless. She originally wanted to ask Sister Yang to see a doctor, but unexpectedly she ended up growing herbal medicine instead.

Sister Yang is very open-minded.

“That’s how we doctors are, we go wherever there is need. Anyway, I am very proud if I am useful.”

 As long as it is useful to her, she feels that her medical skills are not in vain.

Although she was never asked to treat illnesses and save people in ancient times, after she saved dying people one after another and watched the people who were almost out of breath come back to life and become more energetic, she felt that everything was worth it.

 So she likes to treat diseases and save people, and likes to watch herbal seedlings grow into something that can save people, and feels a sense of accomplishment.

After hearing this, everyone felt that this little girl had grown up.

Especially Qi Yuanming, who touched Sister Yang’s head with a look of emotion.

"I misjudged you. I thought you were just a bawdy girl. I didn't expect you to be so righteous."

 Many men can't match her magnanimity, but she does it naturally.

Sister Yang felt a little numb when he praised her so much, so she waved away his hand touching her head and told him, "Go away."

Qi Yuanming, however, became more and more curious about her. He refused to leave and followed her with a smile.

“Sister Yang, let me tell you, we pass by the herbal shed you go to every day for training. What do you want to eat then? I will bring it to you?”

Sister Yang gave him a slap and said, "What do I want to eat? What can you give me when you are in the military camp?"

Qi Yuanming coughed and forgot about this.

“Don’t worry, there is a snack shop outside our military camp. I will bring you delicious food when the time comes.”

The food in the military camp is good, but the cooking skills of the cooks are mediocre. Sometimes when the generals get tired of eating, they will sneak away to the snack bar outside to replenish their food.

 He also took his soldiers to eat it, and it tasted really good.

When Sister Yang heard what he said, her curiosity was aroused, "Okay, then bring me some next time."

 After that, give him the few pieces of silver you have in your purse.

 “No, you can buy it if you want.”

 “If you don’t have enough money, don’t buy something too expensive.”

Qi Yuanming blushed when he saw her giving him money, "I don't want your money, I have money."

He is now a general and is paid.

 Although it is not much, it is higher than before.

Furthermore, he also invested in that snack shop. Three or four more have opened nearby. Now he is considered a person with a little money, so he will not take her money.

"Take it back quickly. I have money and I can take care of it, so don't worry." Sister Yang made an ouch and teased him, "When did you start to learn how to make money?"

  Before, I was stupid and thought that money was enough for my needs. I didn’t want to make any money at all.

But she had no right to make fun of him. After all, she just had enough money and didn't want to do any big business.

Both of them are contented people who only need enough money, and they don’t want to be rich at all.

However, the prerequisite for them to have enough money is that they are free from illness and disaster, and there are no other expenses.

 If a relative in your family suddenly wants to get married, you must give a gift.

Even if someone gives birth to a child, they must also give gifts.

 In this case, the money will definitely not be enough.

 So when the two of them were experiencing the embarrassment of having no money, they knew they had to make some investments and save some savings, so as not to suddenly have to borrow money when they suddenly ran out of money.

This is why investing in a snack shop came about.

 Including Yang Jie'er, they also invested in pharmacies, and the principal was still the silver reward from treating rich people.

But she wouldn’t take the money when she had nothing to do.

Qi Yuanming doesn’t care whether she has money or not, but he doesn’t want her money anyway.

He then threw the money bag to her and said, "Okay, we're going back. I'll come see you when I have time."

Sister Yang sighed, and he had already mounted his horse and left.

Jing Shirong stayed behind, planning to take her to the thatched shed to have a look.

Sister Ying originally wanted to go, but Jing Shirong refused, so she didn’t go.

He and Sister Yang rode horses to the herb shed to get familiar with it, and then planned with her how to decorate the house next to the shed.

Sister Yang was very excited when she saw those big sheds, and she wanted to buy herbal seeds to plant immediately.

Jing Shirong said that she would let Murong Yun take her to buy herbal seedlings tomorrow, and that she would buy them by herself, and the money would be reimbursed by the court.

Sister Yang was happy after hearing this, "Okay, I will help you with this matter."

The two of them went back happily. On the way, Jing Shirong bought her some delicious food as a reward.

 After arriving home, Jing Shirong kissed Sister Ying and her belly, and then returned to the military camp.

During dinner in the evening, Sister Yang was chattering about what seeds she would buy to plant tomorrow, and she would also make a list.

She knew which herbs were not suitable for planting in which seasons, and also knew which herbs were suitable for the greenhouse. She chatted a lot while eating.

Murong Yun said, "Tomorrow I will take you to the herbal medicine market to pick out whatever you like. The court will pay for it."

Sister Yang laughed and said, "I know, my brother-in-law told me."

As soon as Jinghan saw that they were going out, he immediately wanted to follow them, "Take us there too. We have been at home for several days and we are already bored."

 There is no other way, the little pregnant woman just wants to go out and play.

 Normally I don’t feel bored even if I stay at home for three days and three nights. But when I get pregnant, I really want to go out. I don’t know what’s wrong with it.

The same goes for Sister Ying. She doesn’t feel bored at home every day.

 But ever since I got pregnant, I have wanted to go out and relax every day, but I don’t know why.

Sister Yang smiled and said, "It can't be that the little guy in your belly wants to go out, hahaha."

Sister Ying and Jing Han both laughed when they heard this.

Murong Yun thought for a while, and since he had free time tomorrow, he would take them for a walk together, so as not to be unhappy at home and make him angry when he came back.

"Okay, then you go to bed early tonight and I will take you out for a walk tomorrow."

 (End of this chapter)

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