Chapter 767: Treating the horse


Jinghan cheered and immediately kissed Murong Yun, "Thank you, sir."

 She always likes to express her love and does not care whether there is anyone next to her.

Sister Yang and Sister Ying have seen enough of their parents showing affection at home since they were young, and they don’t feel anything at all.

 The two of them shrugged and went to rest after eating.

 To the next day.

 After the two little pregnant women got up, they started dressing up and getting ready to go out for a nice walk.

Sister Yang got up early in the morning and picked up a list of herbal medicines and a small bag, ready to buy more rare items.

 The four of them had a simple breakfast and set off in a carriage.

Murong Yun found out in advance where the herbal medicines were sold and took them to see the herbal medicines first.

 After arriving at the herbal field, Sister Yang took a deep breath and smelled fresh herbs with different flavors.

 She happily opened the car curtain and jumped out of the car.

 “Wow, so many.”

 As soon as I got off the bus, I saw several stalls selling different herbal seedlings and seeds.

Just like the flower and bird market, all kinds of exotic flowers and plants are on sale.

If you are not familiar with it, you really can’t find it here.

Sister Yang looked around excitedly and couldn't stop being happy.

Sister Ying and Sister Yang came down for a walk to look at the exotic flowers and plants.

Sister Ying also knows a bit about herbal medicine, including those beautiful flowers.

There are very few flowers here in winter. One or two bright red wintersweets can be seen in the white snowdrifts, which is very eye-catching.

“It’s wintersweet. It’s really good. Let’s buy some and take it back.”

Jinghan also liked it very much, "Okay, buy more and put them in your home."

 In addition to wintersweets, there are also several chubby puppies.

 The puppies are round and round, and they wiggle their buttocks when they walk. They are very cute.

They are not afraid of people at all. When they see Sister Ying and Jing Han, they come over and wag their tails at them, and their short legs lie on their laps, as if to please them.

The stall owner saw the two pregnant women and laughed, "These little ones are only two months old. They are very courageous. They wag their tails when they see people. They don't bite, so ladies, don't worry."

Sister Ying and Jing Han were naturally not afraid, they smiled and said it was okay.

They continued to walk forward and saw a sick horse sitting on the ground. It looked very painful and they didn't know what was wrong.

Sister Ying asked the stall owner, "What happened to the horse?"

The stall owner sighed and told her, "I don't know what happened. I was fine before. In the past few days, I suddenly stopped eating and vomited after eating. I saw the doctor. The doctor said it was a spleen and stomach problem and prescribed medicine, but after eating It’s not working, I’m still too sick to eat.”

The red horse seemed to feel their concerned gazes, glanced at them, and then lay down weakly.

 Horses normally stand, sometimes sit, and occasionally lie down.

 But they are all very lively. It is rare to see such a weak person. He must be really sick.

Sister Ying called Sister Laiyang and asked her to show the horse.

Sister Yang was very happy with the selection, but when she saw something was going on here, she came over to take a look.

"What's the matter?"

 “Show that red horse to see what’s wrong with it.”

Sister Yang looked in the direction she was pointing and saw a weak red horse on the ground.

 She walked over and let Hongma get familiar with her smell first.

 Wait until the red horse doesn't reject her, then give it a tap on its belly.

The stall owner saw her knocking and was wondering if she could read, so he asked, "Do you treat livestock?"

Don't know how to read, and if you continue to look randomly, you will kill the horse after a while. Sister Yang knew that he didn't believe her, so she told him while watching.

 “Try it, I’ve shown it to livestock before.”

 “Besides, your horse will die if you don’t take care of it.”

After hearing this, the stall owner had no choice but to treat the dead horse as a living doctor.

“Then look good. This horse has never been happy since he came here. It would be a pity if he died.”

Originally, I bought this horse halfway. It was in good condition when I bought it. But for some reason, it couldn't eat or drink water, and it became sick every day.

He also went to the veterinarian to see the red horse, but the vet prescribed medicine but it had no effect. He had no choice but to ask the girl in front of him to see the red horse.

Sister Yang looked at Hong Ma carefully and took out a medicine to treat gastrointestinal problems from her arms.

 Open the horse's mouth and drink it directly.

The stall owner was startled and asked, "What did you give it to eat?"

Sister Yang replied, "Give it some gastrointestinal medicine first and see if it has any effect. Even if it has no effect, the medicine is not harmful."

Just now she touched the horse’s stomach and intestines, and the horse visibly avoided her, which showed that he felt uncomfortable.

 But she rubbed the horse gently, and the horse stopped struggling. It was more comfortable to rub it like this.

Yang Jie'er's initial diagnosis was that the horse had gastrointestinal disease.

After waiting for a while, the horse’s stomach began to growl, and Sister Ying quickly asked Sister Ying and Jing Han to go aside.

The stall owner didn't know what happened to them at first, but he didn't realize it until the red horse let out a big stinky fart.

 “My God, this stinks too much.”

  The red horse obviously felt much better after farting. He can even stand up, walk up to the horse's owner, and nuzzle the owner with his horse's mouth.

The stall owner was surprised and happy, and hurriedly gave it some water.

Sister Yang said to the stall owner, "Your horse probably has intestinal obstruction. He has difficulty defecating and his stomach is uncomfortable. That's why he can't eat or sleep."

 “I’ll give you the pill later, and you take it regularly.”

“For the next few days, you should feed her some porridge and drink first, and then give her some grass or carrots after her bowel movements are smooth.”

The stall owner was very grateful, "Thank you so much. I didn't expect you to be able to cure it."

 At first he didn't believe it.

 But as the horse stood up and farted, and its distended belly gradually subsided, the stall owner felt that Sister Yang was in trouble.

 “Dare you ask the goddess about the name of the doctor?”

This is called the goddess doctor?

Sister Yang grinned and said, "It's a trivial matter, not the goddess doctor."

 She treated so many people well before, and people also called her the goddess doctor.

However, she is very modest and does not think that she is a miracle doctor. Instead, she feels that she still needs to work hard.

But the stall owner thought she was very powerful, at least better than the veterinarians he had seen, so he stretched out one hand and wanted Sister Yang to show him.

“Miracle doctor, I have been dizzy these days and have nightmares when sleeping. Can you help me?”

Sister Yang looked at his neck and knew the symptoms, so she said, "Is the pillow you have been sleeping on too high recently?"

 Pillows that are too high can cause shoulder pain or head hypoxia.

 Incorrect sleeping posture can also lead to dizziness, insomnia and dreaminess.

The owner of the horse thought about it carefully, "It's true, the pillow my wife made for me recently is indeed a little higher, because I like the height to be more comfortable, but I didn't expect it to have such a disadvantage."

Sister Yang asked him to go back and change the pillow to the height of his fist. The stall owner was happy to go back.

 A few days later, due to the good diagnosis, the stall owner’s dizziness disappeared.

He was so happy that he went around promoting Sister Yang's superb medical skills. He kept saying that he had met the goddess doctor, which made everyone want to see her.

 (End of this chapter)

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