The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 768: , Kawuli comes to find Sister Yang

Chapter 768, Kawuli comes to find Sister Yang

After Sister Yang bought the medicinal seedlings, she went back with Sister Ying and others, completely unaware of this matter.

 Kawuli was still discussing business with people outside. When he got the news accidentally, he came to find her with a face full of surprise.

He never expected that the goddess doctor mentioned by the stall owner was actually his favorite Yang Jie'er.

At that time, he just heard someone say "Sister Yang," so he went over to ask.

Who would have expected that these things would be asked.

His medical skills and his kindness are all praise.

Kawuli felt incredible and came to see Sister Yang early the next morning.

Sister Yang was tinkering with the herb seedlings at home and planned to take them to the shed together.

 She was just packing things in the yard when Kawuli came.

 Kawuli's face was filled with joy, "Sister Yang?"

 He came over happily and looked at her with a smile on his face.

"What are you busy with?"

Seeing that it was him, Sister Yang also smiled and said, "I'm packing my things. Why are you here?"

Kawuli smiled shyly and said, "Recently, there are rumors in the herbal medicine market that you are a goddess doctor. I didn't expect you to have medical skills. It's really surprising."

Sister Yang didn't expect that this matter would spread like this, and she couldn't laugh or cry, "No, I just helped the stall owner heal a horse, it's not that exaggerated."

Kawuli looked at her with admiration, "But, I think you are very powerful."

“By the way, I’ve also had a sore shoulder these days. Can you help me find out what’s wrong?”

 After saying that, he looked at her shyly.

Like a straight girl, Sister Yang didn’t seem to notice the shy expression on his eyebrows, so she just said, “Turn around, let me take a look.”

She stood up, asked Kawuli to bend down, took the silver needle in the embroidery bag, opened the clothes around his neck and pressed it on him.

 “Does it hurt here?”

Kawuli shook his head, "It doesn't hurt, it's just very sore."

 “That must be due to overwork. Have you been moving things around recently?”

Kawuli shyly gathered up his clothes and hummed sweetly, "Yes, I have been busy transporting some cloth these past few days, and I helped move some."

When the work was busy, he would still go down and help move the goods, for fear that the goods would be bumped.

Sister Yang didn't expect that he was quite serious about his work, so she asked him, "Take off your shirt, and I'll give you a few needles and apply some ointment on you."

 He is young, strong, and in good health. Except for muscle strain, there is nothing wrong with him.

Kawuli blushed immediately when he heard that he was about to take off his shirt in front of her.

 “What, me, you.”

 He has had people give him massages before, but they were all men.

 At most, she is a maid, but a maid is different from her.

This is my sweetheart, and he has not yet taken off his clothes in front of a girl.

 He was too shy to take it off a little bit just now. If he took it off completely now, he was afraid that his whole face would be red.

Sister Yang disagrees. In her eyes, there are only patients, and there is no distinction between men and women.

Seeing Kawuli squirming, she told him, "Hurry up. If you're shy, go find a male doctor."

 Nowadays, not only women are afraid to be treated by male doctors, but men are also afraid of female doctors treating them.

As soon as Kawuli heard that she would not treat him, he quickly took off his shirt.

Then he squatted down shirtless and said, "Is this okay?"

Sister Yang hummed like a straight man, "The space is limited, so just squat like this."

It was not a serious illness at first, just a few injections and some ointment and it was fine.

She pricked a few needles on his back, baked a piece of ointment on the fire, put it on his back with a "snap" sound, and then said, "Okay, get up."

 It's a pity that it ended before Kawu Li even finished enjoying it. After putting on his clothes, he felt a little unfinished. He stood up and glanced at Sister Yang shyly, "If I feel uncomfortable next time, can I still come to see you?"

Sister Yang nodded, "Okay, but for minor illnesses and pains, you'd better go see a regular doctor. I'm usually busy."

 If you are not seriously ill, don't come to her. She will be very busy next.

Kawuli asked, "What are you going to do next? Do you need my help?"

Sister Yang shook her head, "No, I'm just going to help my brother-in-law plant some things. I won't tell you now, I still have to pack things."

 Speaking, he ignored Kawuli and continued to clean up.

Kawuli saw that she didn't even have time to talk to him, so he hurriedly approached and asked, "Where are you going? Shall I take you there?"

Sister Yang really didn't have time to chat with her, so she put her luggage into the box one after another.

“You’d better leave first and talk to you when I have time. I really don’t have time today.”

Kawuli saw that she was really busy, so he had no choice but to leave first.

 “Then I’ll come find you next time.”

Sister Yang gave a flat hum and continued to pack her things without going to see him off.

 Kawuli didn’t expect that she would be so cold to him, and felt a little disappointed.

He walked out, turning back three times a step, and sighed slightly, "Alas!" Love really makes people feel ups and downs.

    I am so happy when I come, but I am so sighing when I leave.

“Master, are we going back?”

Kawuli sighed, "Let's go."

 He could feel that Sister Yang was not as enthusiastic about him as he was about her.

But you can call her cold, but she also treated him.

Kawuli felt powerless and didn't know how to please her, so he sighed and got into the carriage.

Seeing his disappointed look, the servant asked, "What's wrong with you? Did you have a fight with Miss Liang?"

 Kawuli shook his head, "No."

“I just feel that Sister Yang is not very enthusiastic about me.”

 In the past, girls were so enthusiastic towards him that he wanted to hide from them.

 But Sister Yang was obviously not enthusiastic towards him, and her attitude was always very calm, as if he was just an ordinary friend.


Kawuli couldn't help but sigh and asked his personal attendant, "Tell me, how should I make her like me?"

 He had never found it difficult to chase a girl before.

But this time he couldn't impress Sister Yang, so he found it difficult. He wanted to learn from some master to see if he could win Sister Yang's heart.

The entourage gave him some advice, "You can have more contact with Miss Liang, give her some small gifts every day, or spend more time with her. Over time, your feelings will naturally develop."

This method is relatively simple. Anyway, this is how the men in their village chase little girls.

Kawuli thought about it and felt that it wouldn’t be impossible to try.

  "Okay, I'll buy her a gift when I get back."

  From now on, when he has free time, he will come to see Sister Yang more often and cultivate more feelings with her.

 He believes that as long as he puts in his efforts, he will definitely be rewarded.

 Unfortunately, as soon as he had this idea, he was called over by business.

 I have been busy for several months, so I have no time to develop a relationship with Sister Yang.

 This head.

Sister Yang didn't worry about Kawuli's matter. After packing her things, she got on the carriage and went to the shed with Sister Ying and others to see the environment.

Good night…



 (End of this chapter)

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