The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 769: , both sisters follow their mother

Chapter 769: Both sisters follow their mother

 The shed house has been repaired and the heating has been installed.

Jing Shirong chose another maid for her, a kitchen woman, two herbal masters and a young apprentice, and let her have free control over these people.

 With so many people living here, the atmosphere becomes lively, and you don’t have to worry about being scared in the dead of night.

Sister Ying was worried and came over to see what was going on here.

 After arriving at the shed, I found that the situation was okay.

Not only is this place heavily guarded, it is also close to the military camp, so there is no need to worry about safety issues at all.

And nearby is the snack shop that Qi Yuanming mentioned. The soldiers who can take leave will go there to eat after training, and the atmosphere is very lively.

Sister Yang was also very satisfied with what she saw and happily moved her things in.

Jing Shirong chose a room with the best lighting for her. It had been cleaned and all she had to do was put away the quilts and a change of clothes.

Sister Yang hummed a song and put things away happily.

Sister Ying went to help with a full belly and put away all the bacon, sausages, smoked duck, smoked chicken, and ham that she brought from home.

Sister Yang saw that she was still busy with her belly, so she quickly stopped her, "Sister, don't move those things, put them down quickly, I will do it myself."

Sister Ying doesn’t think there is any problem.

 “Don’t worry, it’s not heavy.”

 She is now seven months pregnant and her belly is not that heavy yet, so she can still do some work for the time being.

 But the frequency of urination is getting more and more frequent, and I will have to go to the latrine soon.

Jinghan is not much better than her. Her belly is growing sideways and she has started to feel pain in her lower back.

 Fortunately, Sister Yang made her a belly band, which saved a lot of effort in wearing it.

Sister Ying also wears it, and by paying attention to her posture when walking, she can save a lot of effort on her waist and avoid back pain.

 She is in good spirits now and is quite energetic in lifting things.

Sister Yang looked frightened.

Those smoked chicken and duck looked quite heavy, so she hurried over to pick them up.

“Sister, I’ll just come. Go and get me some snacks. I’m hungry.”

Sister Ying thought she was really hungry, so she said, "Okay, I'll get it."

Sister Yang took the chicken and duck in her hand and breathed a sigh of relief.

If my brother-in-law sees this, I won't give her a few daggers.

Her sister is the same, she is so worried even though she has a big belly, she doesn’t enjoy any leisure time at all.

She took the chickens and ducks to the kitchen, and when she came out, she saw that Jing Han was also taking care of Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan in the yard with a full belly.

Sister Yang’s eyes widened in fright.

“Cousin, cousin, don’t stand in the snow, it’s not safe, you, you, you, come up here.”

Mother, why are these two pregnant women so unconscious? It’s not reassuring at all.

Jinghan smiled and waved his hand and said it was okay, "Don't worry, I know what's appropriate."

 After all, she is pregnant with her third child, so she already has experience.

Sister Yang was still frightened, "You'd better come in and let the servants take a look at the child."

As he said that, he pulled Jinghan back into the room, where Sister Ying had just warmed up some snacks for them.

“Here, try this rice cake. It’s freshly steamed. It’s so fragrant.”

Sister Yang smelled it really fragrant. She twisted a piece and put it in her mouth, chewed it and said, "Yeah, it's delicious."

Sister Ying also tasted a small piece and told her, "These rice cakes are frozen in a vat outside the door. When you want to eat, break off two pieces and steam them. You can eat them when they are soft. They are very filling, but don't eat too much." Too much will cause bloating.”

Sister Yang nodded, "Don't worry, I know."

 She is an adult now and knows how to take care of herself.

Sister Ying still treats her as a child, "Let the cook cook the smoked duck and chicken for you. If you need anything, ask the servants to tell me and I will bring it to you."

"You also need to wear warm clothes. I got you two quilted vests. You should wear them every day to avoid catching a cold."

"There's more. Warm your feet before going to bed at night, do you hear me?" "There's more."

Sister Yang saw that she was just like her own mother, and started to give various instructions, but stopped quickly, "Oh sister, I know, I will take care of myself, don't worry."

“It’s snowing a lot these days, so don’t come here. I’ll go back to see you when I have time. It’s not far away anyway.”

"Also, drink more milk or goat's milk recently to prevent cramps at night."

 As you get into the third trimester of pregnancy, you will be more afraid of cramps. At this time, you should take good supplements and have comprehensive nutrition.

Sister Ying knew what she said was right and nodded.

“Don’t worry, the cows at home are ready, and they will drink two cups of cooked food every day.

 She will take calcium supplements to avoid cramps at night.

Sister Yang still didn't trust her, "Forget it, I'll go back to see you in three to five days."

 It was her first child after all, so she had no experience, so she was not at ease.

Seeing her worried look, Sister Ying chuckled and said, "Just now you said I look like my mother, now you will too."

The two sisters were worried about each other and had exactly the same pattern of talking about each other.

 Jing Han looked on amused, "Okay, you two, stop fighting. As long as the weather is good, let's go out and get together more often."

Now that they are pregnant and the weather is cold, they cannot go out and can only stay at home.

 When you get bored at home, you will want to go out for a party, have a drink and chat.

Although you can’t drink wine now, you can drink something else.

Sister Yang laughed and said, "Don't worry, I'll go and have a drink with you when I have time."

After the three of them chatted, they went to the medicine shed for a walk. When they saw that there were no other problems, they were ready to go back.

As soon as Jing Shirong heard that Sister Ying was coming, she hurriedly chased her out.

Qi Yuanming passed by with his soldiers.

 He let the group of soldiers continue to run forward while he walked around to take a look.

 “Sister Yang?”

Sister Yang saw him coming with a sweaty face and asked with a smile, "Did you really come from here?"

Qi Yuanming said of course, "That's right. We pass by here every day when we run, and we will come to see you every day from now on."

Sister Yang rolled her eyes at him and said, "No need. Who cares?"

Qi Yuanming laughed and said, "You don't care about me, I do. Anyway, I want to come to you."

 After that, he ran away hahaha again, following a big fool.

Sister Yang yelled at his back and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

Jing Shirong was worried and sent Sister Ying and the others back in person.

The three of them got on the carriage. Sister Yang waved to them happily and went to the medicine shed to get busy.

Sister Ying looked at her for a while until her back was no longer visible, then she lowered the car curtain.

  Turning to look at Jing Shirong, "How did you know I was coming?"

Jing Shirong rubbed her hands to warm her up, and then said, "I saw it."

He was practicing hiding with his spies recently, and he saw their carriage coming here just after hiding.

She has a big belly now. Even if she puts on her cloak, you can see her round and pointed belly. You can spot her from a distance.

It was snowy and the road was slippery. Even though the driver was diligent, he was still worried and came over.

He hugged her and said in her ear, "Next time, don't go out in heavy snow. It's not safe. I'm afraid you won't be able to see the road under your feet because of your big belly."

Sister Ying had no choice but to smile and said, "Isn't Xiao Zi supporting this?"

There are also two little maids following behind.

 (End of this chapter)

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