Chapter 770, Coaxing Wife Daily

Jing Shirong looked at the carriage following behind him and realized that they had brought so many people out.

 “I thought you would come out on your own.”

 Scared him.

Sister Ying hugged his neck and looked at him with bright eyes, "Do you think I'm stupid? How dare I come out on a snowy day without someone to help me?"

 She is not risking her life, she still has to protect the child in her belly, so she must be careful.

 In other words, they all thought that she and Jing Han had a big heart.

They are all mothers, so they are more worried about the child in their belly than anyone else!

Jing Shirong felt distressed immediately when he heard what she said. He touched her little face and gave her a comforting kiss.

“I misunderstood you. I won’t do it next time.”

 It was okay if he didn't say it, but he felt aggrieved when he mentioned Sister Ying.

“You are busy every day and have no time to accompany me. I want to come out after staying at home for a long time, and you still blame me.”

  Even while talking, I actually cried.

The cry was as loud as raindrops, humming softly, crying like a cat, which made people feel distressed.

Jing Shirong felt really distressed and hurriedly hugged her and sat on his lap, like a child.

"It's my fault for leaving you alone at home. I will spend more time with you in the future. Okay, don't cry anymore. Carefully hurt your eyes."

While coaxing, he took out a sweat towel to wipe her tears.

Sister Ying smelled the sweat on the sweat towel, wrinkled her nose, and pushed it away with her hand.

 “Your sweat towel smells like it, and I feel uncomfortable smelling it.”

Jing Shirong hurriedly put away the sweat towel and said, "If you blame me, then use your scarf. Your scarf smells good."

 Speaking, he went to get the veil from her arms, but accidentally touched something that he shouldn't have touched.

Sister Ying was embarrassed and said, "What are you doing?"

Jing Shirong was also stunned, and then coughed twice, "I am your husband-in-law, can't I even touch you?"

Sister Ying protected herself and gave him a coquettish look, "No."

 This is still outside.

Jing Shirong smiled with dark eyes, "Is it okay to go back then?"

Sister Ying hit him in the face with a handkerchief, "Rogue."

Every time we chat, we always end up talking about it, which is so embarrassing.

Jing Shirong smiled and said, "Then what can we do? We gather less and stay apart more, and we are like firewood. How can we not get entangled?"

Sister Ying glanced at him and said, "You are the one doing Chai Liehuo, I am not you."

Jing Shirong saw her squeezing her **** with her small hands, her face firmly refusing to admit it, and she didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Yes, yes, I am a firewood, madam, you are not."

Sister Ying looked at him with bright eyes, "Then what do you think I am? I won't let you hug me."

Jing Shirong raised his eyebrows in amusement as he was playing with him.

  "Well, you are my heart? My liver? Are you my entire family property?"

 He said it with a serious face, which made Sister Ying laugh.

“Who owns all your property? Your property hasn’t been handed over to me yet.”

Upon hearing this, Jing Shirong immediately took off the seal from her chest and hung it around her neck.

“This is a common seal for all banks in my name. Just stamp it on it and you can withdraw as much money as you want.”

 All stores under his name are managed by stewards. Normally nothing major would bother him.

Only the bank's account books will be sent to him for review. The rest of the time is taken care of by the steward.

This seal can not only transfer money, but also direct management.

Even if any shop wants to sell, it must use this seal, otherwise it will not be sold.

Sister Ying carefully picked up the seal and looked at it, but found nothing special.

"I saw you wearing this before, and I thought it was a flute, but it turned out to be a seal?" He used to put this thing on his belt, so she thought it was an accessory, so she didn't pay attention.

 After all, the appearance of this seal is really ordinary, and there is nothing special about it.

 Coupled with the fact that it is shaped like a flute, ordinary people would not associate the seal with it at all.

Jing Shirong explained to her, "The beauty of this seal is that it is ordinary, but the texture at the bottom of the seal is extremely complicated. Even a master may not be able to make the same bottom."

 The stewards under his name have all seen the patterns printed on the seal.

If you meet someone who wants to imitate, it is not easy to imitate.

 The seal is only used when others cannot go back. Otherwise, most people still need to show up in person.

However, the stewards trained by Jing Shirong are very useful, and they can handle most major matters by themselves without the need for him to step in.

 His talent management was learned from Jingwai Public School. Only by knowing people well and utilizing them well can management be strict.

 So this seal was rarely used, so he hung it casually.

“But now this seal belongs to you.”

I didn’t give it to her before because I didn’t want her to be too busy.

 She has the kind of character that once she does something, she has to do it to the extreme.

 If you give her the business, once the manager comes to her, she will be busy.

She is pregnant now, and business matters will only make her tired and not good for her health, so he didn't mention it.

 But she had cried in grievance just now, so Jing Shirong wanted to give her something to play with, so he gave her the seal as if it were a toy, without hesitation at all.

Sister Ying sniffed and said, "You can give me something that can withdraw money, just give it to me?"

Jing Shirong said with a natural look on his face, "What if?"

His things are all hers, and she can spend them as she likes, even if she spends them all.

Sister Ying smiled and was coaxed.

“Aren’t you afraid that I will destroy all your property?”

Jing Shirong shrugged nonchalantly, "If you lose the glory, you will lose the glory. At worst, we will eat chaffy vegetables together."

Sister Ying chuckled, she liked how he supported her unconditionally.

He also joked with him, "We can eat bran-fed vegetables, but what about the children? Children also eat bran-fed vegetables?"

Jing Shirong felt happy and touched her belly, "My parents have already eaten bran-thick vegetables, what else can they choose? Let's eat them together."

Sister Ying laughed, and the child in her belly immediately kicked her twice, as if she understood.

 “Sir, it kicked me.”

 Speaking, he chuckled.

 “It won’t hear what we say, right?”

  Let her eat chaffy vegetables before she was born. The little thing in her belly will probably regret being reincarnated in her belly, hahaha.

Jing Shirong saw her smiling happily and also laughed too.

  Xiao Zi who was beside her even covered her mouth and snickered.

Jinghan and the others drove into another carriage. He didn’t hear what they said, but they also heard Sister Ying’s laughter.

The more Sister Ying laughs, the more the little guy in her belly kicks, as if she is having a tantrum.

Jing Shirong hurriedly comforted her. He lowered his head and put it next to Sister Ying's belly, gently comforting her. "Okay, don't be angry anymore. Mom and dad are joking with you. They won't let you eat bran-thick vegetables. Don't be angry anymore."

 The little guy in his belly seemed to hear a familiar voice, so he stopped quietly and listened for a while.

Jing Shirong saw that it stopped kicking, so he kissed its belly.

 But the little guy in his belly seemed dissatisfied with his silence and continued to wave his little hands and feet in protest.

Sister Ying's belly bulged as the little guy punched and kicked her.

She looked at Jing Shirong helplessly and said, "Quickly coax it to sleep."

Kicking her like this will make her pee urgently.

 (End of this chapter)

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