The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 772: , each other’s embarrassment

Chapter 772: Mutual embarrassment

 The next day, Sister Ying and Jing Han got up late at the same time.

 Jing Shirong and Murong Yun both went out when they got up early in the morning.

 There are two little pregnant women left, who didn’t get up until noon.

The two of them woke up and went to the living room to eat together. When their eyes collided, they both coughed awkwardly and hurriedly lowered their heads to eat.

 In the end, Jinghan, as someone who has been through this before, had a thicker skin and whispered to Sister Ying.

"What, you are the first born, be careful in everything and don't let A Jing mess around."

 After saying that, he blushed extremely, "I have given birth to him after all. You heard me right. Let him control it."

Sister Ying’s face turned red with embarrassment, “I know.”

 Actually, Jing Shirong is still under control.

 She would probably fall apart if he didn't control it.

He was already very considerate of her last night.

Jinghan was also very embarrassed. He coughed and said, "You are still young. You just need to pay more attention to this during pregnancy, but it is not impossible."

She remembered that her first pregnancy was like this too, and she was worried for a while, but the doctor said it would be fine after three months.

 So that’s when I started to feel no shame.

 She was afraid that Sister Ying had no experience, so she endured the embarrassment and taught her her experience.

As the two of them chatted, the awkwardness subsided.

Jing Han also taught her, "Don't let A Jing do everything, you have to have your own opinion."

 Men, they always need to be trained a little or two before they become obedient and feel comfortable when aroused.

  You cannot always leave it up to them and let them have the final say, otherwise they will lose their leadership.

Sister Ying nodded shyly, "I know."

Actually, they were okay. Jing Shirong mostly coaxed her, but he was a little tougher on some things, but he was okay.

 After all, he is a man, and his structure and thoughts are still different from those of women.

She can't always be too strong and ask him to do everything.

Jinghan nodded, "That's right, men do need to be given the dominant position at some point."

 The couple is basically one and a half. Sometimes he listens to you and sometimes you listen to him. This is more harmonious.

Jinghan took a copybook and read it to her, "We talked a lot yesterday and planned to give the baby a nickname. Let's see which one sounds better."

Sister Ying took it and took a look, "Sisi, Lulu, Liuliu? They are all words with overlapping sounds."

Jinghan smiled lovingly, "Yes, it's a nickname, just keep it simple."

“Brother Yun and I both thought this baby was a girl, so we both chose girls’ names.”

Sister Ying covered her mouth and smiled, "What if it's a boy? These are all useless."

Jinghan waved his hand and said, "If you use it, even if it's a boy, you can still use it. He was born in the wrong child, hahaha."

Sister Ying chuckled and said, "Suddenly I feel that your three treasures are so pitiful."

 It would be really miserable if this baby was a son.

 After all, parents long for a daughter, so the name is also a daughter.

If there is a son, I guess he really should be named Sisi, Lulu, Liuliu?

Jinghan also laughed after hearing this.

"Hahaha, my husband and I are so bad. It would be really miserable if the third child was really a boy, hahaha."

 She is indeed my mother, she is smiling so happily.

Sister Ying laughed along with her and was very happy.

After he finished laughing, Jing Han asked Sister Ying, "What about you? What nickname are you going to give me?"

 It will be almost eight months next month, and it’s time to start picking up nicknames.

Sister Ying thought for a while and said, "I haven't thought about this yet. I'll look it up later." Both boys and girls should check it a little, which will save them no use in the future.

Jinghan was still very sure, "You must be a boy and I must be a girl. Just believe me."

  She is very determined anyway.

Sister Ying couldn't laugh or cry when she saw her swearing so confidently.

He then touched his belly and said, "Not to mention this, I miss Sister Yang a little bit. Why don't I go see Sister Yang tomorrow?"

 When the time comes, go to her place and be a beggar chicken. Jinghan's eyes lit up, "Okay, it's settled."

But we have to see if there will be heavy snow tomorrow.

 If the snow is too heavy, you can’t go.

Sister Ying nodded and didn’t force herself too much. It would be best if she could go. If she couldn’t go, forget it.

 On the second day.

As expected, it’s snowing heavily, and it seems like we won’t be able to go. So we can only find nicknames for our children at home.

Jinghan continued to look for the girl’s name.

Sister Ying will have to search on both sides.

She chose a few, but she felt unsatisfied with them all.

 Finally, after much deliberation, I feel that I still have to wait until the child is born to see what kind of personality the little guy has before naming him.

I don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl now, and I don’t know what personality the child has. I’ve searched a lot, but none of them may be suitable by then.

 Just look for it when the time comes.

Jinghan thought it made sense, so he said, "Okay, let's stop looking for it and let's bake sweet potatoes."

The two of them sat around the stove roasting sweet potatoes and waited quietly for the snow to stop.

 Another half month later, we finally got good weather.

 That day, the sun was shining brightly, and Sister Ying and Jing Han could finally go out to relax.

 The two of them went to find Sister Yang at their first stop.

 The carriage slowly arrived at Sister Yang's residence.

Once they got here, the guards saw that it was them two and hurriedly let them in.

After coming in, I didn’t see Sister Yang. After looking around, I saw her in the corner of the shed.

 “Sister Yang?”

“Sister Yang? Are you there?”

When Sister Yang heard that her sister was coming, she stood up with joy.

 “Sister, I’m here.”

Sister Ying hadn't seen her for half a month and already missed her. She smiled and waved to her, "Come on, I'm here at the door."

Sister Yang ran out happily, without even having time to brush off the dirt on her hands.

 The two little hands are also holding weeds, but they are not thrown away.

“Sister, why are you here? Do you miss me?”

Sister Ying used a handkerchief to wipe her sweat, "Of course I miss you, but it's hard to walk on the snowy road."

 If the road was easier, she would have been here long ago.

Sister Yang looked at her big belly and gestured, "It seems to be a little bigger."

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes, I changed my clothes to another size."

 As the months get older, the belly at the back swells up as if blowing air.

Sister Yang reminded me, "The belly will grow faster in the later stage. You should pay attention to control your diet. Don't overeat, and don't eat too greasy food, which is difficult to digest."

Sister Ying feels it deeply.

“I ate a few mutton ribs before, but the oiliness couldn’t relieve my energy. I ate fruit for several days before I could bear it down.”

 In the third trimester of pregnancy, in addition to the bladder, the spleen and stomach also begin to be squeezed.

Especially my stomach feels like it’s being pushed. Sometimes I feel bloated even after I can’t eat much.

Sister Yang listened carefully and told her, "These symptoms of yours are normal. The women I saw in Jiangnan before all had these symptoms. They will recover slowly after giving birth. You don't have to worry too much."

“You should eat small meals frequently and exercise moderately to prevent the fetus from becoming too large and difficult to give birth to.”

Sister Yang visually measured the height of her belly and estimated that the fetus should be neither too big nor too small. The fetus was of normal weight.

But you still have to exercise some restraint and don't be greedy.

Even though it is winter, there is floor heating in the house. Pregnant women are afraid of heat. If they want to eat something cold after staying in the greenhouse for half a day, they still have to control it.

 (End of this chapter)

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