Chapter 773, weight control

Sister Yang knew what she was talking about and asked her to take appropriate measures.

“You are now in the third trimester of pregnancy, so it is still necessary to control your weight.”

 It’s not that you are not allowed to eat it, it’s just that you have to keep your mouth shut and eat less fried and fattening foods.

 You have to eat less fruits, including fruits that are too sweet, and you have to control them. Otherwise, the fetus will be too big by then and it will be dangerous for the mother.

Sister Yang used to help give first aid to a mother who had a difficult delivery in an emergency. The mother died because the fetus was too big to be born.

 So the fetus cannot be as big as the old man said, the better.

 The so-called fat boy, if the child is too fat, it is not good for the child's health.

Sister Ying listened to her detailed instructions and knew that what she said was right, so she took it to heart.

“I’ve been hungry lately and eaten a little more, but I always eat smaller meals more frequently.”

 She was very hungry before, so she ate a big bowl of rice when she came back. She was so bloated just after eating that she felt uncomfortable all night.

 Later, I rubbed my belly all night and ate some sour hawthorn, and the flatulence subsided.

After this time, she didn’t dare to eat too much and only had small meals.

Jinghan is the same.

Although she had experience with her first two pregnancies, sometimes she was so hungry that she couldn’t help but eat an extra bowl, which ended up with abdominal distension.

Both of them were afraid of stomach bloating, so they supervised each other and never dared to eat too much again.

Sister Yang put down the herbs, washed her hands, and checked their pulses respectively. Seeing that they were fine and just had some food, she gave them some fruit powder for digestion.

“This is sour fruit powder. Soak it in water and drink it. You can drink a small cup after eating.”

 “If you have acid reflux in your mouth, eat some biscuits. Otherwise, your stomach will burn.”

Sister Ying nodded, "I understand."

Sister Yang also gave them a manual for pregnant women, "Go back and ask the maid to read it to you, so you can learn more."

Especially in the third trimester of pregnancy, "Tomorrow I will take you to a lecture by a gynecologist. Then you will learn some experience so that you will not panic during delivery."

She has delivered babies, but Jing Han and Sister Ying gave birth very close to each other, so they might be born on the same day, and they will definitely be very busy by then.

Although Murong Yun has already hired a midwife, she will definitely have to accompany her during the delivery, otherwise she will not be at ease.

Sister Ying hugged her with warmth in her heart, lowered her head and told the little one in her belly, "Listen, this is your aunt. Remember to say hello to your aunt when you come out."

 But it was quiet inside, and the little guy seemed to be sleeping.

Sister Yang lowered her head and kissed her round belly, feeling love and affection in her heart.

“We haven’t had any grandchildren yet, so it’s up to you this time.”

Mrs. Liang and Mr. Wu had already written to ask about their children.

Sister Ying read the letter, and the words were full of care and kindness from Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Liang. They were all looking forward to the birth of this child.

They also sent a lot of things, including children's clothes, gold locks, gold bracelets, and blessings of peace.

 Including the children's blankets, diapers, shoes and babies, all washed and sent over.

Mrs. Wu was afraid that things would be broken, so she wrapped them tightly with three layers inside and three outside.

However, it took a long time to deliver, and I paid a lot for the shipping fee alone.

However, Mrs. Wu is happy to spend any amount of money to send her your thoughts.

Sister Ying was very happy to get the things. Every little piece of clothing inside could represent Mrs. Wu's love for her and her children.

Jinghan looked very envious and complained that her mother didn't care about her.

 But the next day something from the capital also arrived.

It turns out that Jinghan's mother also sent things for her grandson.

 The other copy was given by Mr. Jing and Mr. Jing.

Jingshi and Jing's father were not only happy when they found out that Sister Ying was pregnant, they also bought a lot of things.

 Because the journey is long, things arrive a little later. But the things inside were stuffed to the brim, all belonging to children and pregnant women.

Jing Shi attached a letter, and the words between the lines are full of concern for Sister Ying.

I also sent a bunch of banknotes to Sister Ying, all stuffed tightly in a diaper.

When Sister Ying saw the money, she was a little moved, but also a little dumbfounded.

Because Mrs. Wu also put the banknote in the diaper, the two of them had exactly the same idea.

Jinghan saw this and hurriedly went to look at the diaper, but found nothing.

“It seems like my mother doesn’t think I’m short of money.” Otherwise, why wouldn’t I have a banknote?

Sister Ying chuckled, "Are you the only one still short of money?"

With a God of Wealth as big as Murong Yun here, can he be short of money?

Jinghan laughed, "That's true."

With Murong Yun, there is indeed no such thing as lack of money.

Sister Ying sorted out the things sent by Mrs. Wu, and one of them was brought by Mrs. Wu to Sister Yang.

Today she brought all of Sister Yang’s things.

“Now, my mother brought these for you. There are clothes, jewelry, and banknotes. You go and put them away.”

Sister Yang's eyes lit up, "Mom, are you still bringing it to me?"

She was not allowed to come out before, and she was afraid that Mrs. Wu would urge her to go back.

Sister Ying nodded her head and said, "Mom said in the letter that you should stay at home and don't go anywhere. I don't know how to get back."

Sister Yang quickly begged, "Just tell me that I'm at home, otherwise she'll be angry with me again."

Wu didn’t mind her learning herbal medicine, but he didn’t like her running out all the time.

 She is a big girl after all. It is not safe to run out all the time, and it is not good for her reputation.

 You are a mother after all, so it is normal to have this worry.

Sister Ying nodded, but still said, "It's better to tell mother. Anyway, you are doing good things for the court, and mother will understand."

 “And there are no other neighbors here, so there is no way to show off.”

 In addition, the herbs are grown for the military camps, so it would be a honor to tell others about it, so there is nothing to hide.

Sister Yang felt, "My mother doesn't care about this. She just wants me to stay at home and let me do some mischief in the backyard at most."

Like Sister Ying, when she opened the inn before, Mr. Wu only let her participate in the early stage, and only let the steward handle any big things later. He still liked her to stay at home and look at the accounts.

 At Sister Yang's place, the Wu family was still like this and did not favor one over the other.

Sister Yang gets a headache thinking about this.

“Mom means to let me see you after giving birth and then let me go back. But I like it here very much now and I don’t want to go back so soon. Then you can delay it for a while.”

Sister Ying has a headache, "That's what I'm afraid of."

 She has her mother on one side and her sister on the other, and she also has a headache.

Mrs. Wu must also want Sister Yang to go back and get married.

 But Sister Yang is not the kind of person who will get married obediently at first sight.

Sister Yang also said, "Anyway, I'm already here. It's not that easy for me to catch me, so just stay here for now."

 Finally doing something meaningful, she didn’t want to go back so early.

Sister Ying nodded, "Okay, then you do it first and then we'll talk about going back."

 There are still three months left before she is born, and this girl is not too old. She can still stay for a few years.

 It's Wu's place. When the time comes, write a letter and explain it carefully. I believe my parents will understand.

When Sister Yang heard this, she was indeed very happy. She happily kissed Sister Ying and said, "Thank you, eldest sister. I will give you a moisturizing cream in a few days."

 (End of this chapter)

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