The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 774: , another couple with slow love

 Chapter 774, another pair of people with dull feelings

 “Okay, it just so happens that those few cans are almost used up.”

Sister Yang made another list of food supplements for her, "This one is for you, and this one is for cousin Jinghan. Go back and ask the cook to cook it for you."

“There are some supplements left for cousin Murong to buy for you. You should pay attention to replenishing your body in the later stages of pregnancy.”

After explaining this, Sister Ying proposed to be a beggar chicken.

Sister Yang cheered, "It's great. It's been a long time since I tasted my eldest sister's cooking."

Sister Ying may not have cooked for a long time. Jing Shirong was not here, so she was too lazy to get up early and had a light meal.

Now that Sister Yang wants to eat, it is rare for the three of them to get together, so they naturally have to take action.

Jinghan also wanted to help, "I'm going to get some honey and ice drink. I'll have a bowl of the beggar's chicken after a while. Not to mention how delicious it is."

Sister Yang cheered, "Okay, okay, this is a great way to eat."

 It is winter, and the fire is burning in the house to keep it warm.

●Staying in a hot room for a long time will make you feel hot and stuffy. At this time, a glass of ice drink is the best way to cool down the heat.

Sister Ying also got some frozen fruits for Sister Yang, and put them in a big bucket outside the door. They were frozen overnight. You can take a few if you want to eat them.

 The three of them are now making beggar's chicken. They marinate the chicken in advance, wrap it in large lotus leaves, wrap it in red soil, and put it into a hot fire.

 They burned a few more so that everyone could eat them together in the evening.

Jinghan dug out some clean ice cubes, put the honey in a bowl, added some water and stirred it evenly, then added the ice cubes.

 Although the preparation is simple, the taste is very sweet.

After the beggar's chicken was ready, Sister Ying asked her servants to share the other beggar's chickens with everyone, and they ate the remaining one themselves.

Pry open the blackened soil, and as soon as you open it, the fragrance of lotus leaves inside comes out.

 Prying open the lotus leaves, the aroma of chicken suddenly hits your nostrils.

 “It smells so good~”

Sister Ying tore a chicken drumstick for her with her hands and said, "Eat it."

Sister Yang reached out to take it and took a sip, "Hmm~ It smells so good."

Jinghan also ordered a chicken drumstick, and his eyes narrowed because of the delicious food.

Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan saw that his mother had forgotten him, so he simply rolled up his sleeves and ate the chicken by himself.

Sister Ying ate a chicken neck and gave the rest to the children.

 Qi Yuanming passed by here when he took people for a run at noon, and smelled the fragrance of beggar's chicken.

As usual, he let the large troops run away first, while he went around and shouted before the people arrived, "Sister Yang?"

Such a loud voice was heard by old Yuanyang sister.

Sister Yang stood up and glared at him, "Why are you shouting?"

Every time I shout so loudly, almost everyone in the neighborhood knows the word Yang Jie'er.

Qi Yuanming, however, didn't think there was anything wrong, and even said with a silly smile, "What's wrong? I smelled you smelling like a beggar's chicken, so I came here to take a look."

 After saying that, he looked at her with a silly smile.

Sister Yang gave him a disgusted look and said, "Whoever comes to see me is obviously here to beg for food, and he talks so nicely."

Qi Yuanming laughed loudly, "I just miss you. If you have something delicious, can you give me some by the way?"

This cheeky look made Sister Yang laugh angrily, "There is only one chicken **** left. If you are not picky, just eat it."

  They won’t eat chicken butts anyway.

Qi Yuanming laughed and said, "Okay, chicken **** is chicken butt. As long as it's from you, chicken **** is also delicious."

Sister Yang was really convinced by him, "I keep flattering you every day. You might as well call me a flatterer instead."

Qi Yuanming raised his head and smiled. He didn't mind at all. He reached out to take the chicken **** that she handed over and gnawed it deliciously.

Sister Yang saw that he was eating well, so she gave him two more toasted buns, "Nuo, take them, day by day, like the first born of a starving ghost."

  Just give it to him every time, and make sure to stab him a few times. But Qi Yuanming didn't care and accepted it stupidly, "I'm really hungry. That's all the food the military camp provides for a day. I've digested it after running around for a few times. It's better for Sister Yang to leave some food for me every time, hehe. "

Sister Yang gave him a snort and said, "Who left you some food? After you finish it, leave as soon as possible."

If it weren't for the fact that the maid brought her too much rice every day that she couldn't eat, she wouldn't want to leave it for him.

As long as he eats her leftover food every day, he is still a fool.

Qi Yuanming didn't mind at all. He smiled happily and greeted Sister Ying, "Sister Ying, are you here too?"

Sister Ying was also very happy to see him and hurriedly brought him some barbecue cakes.

“Take it back and eat it. Brother Qi seems to have lost weight recently.”

 While others put on weight in the winter, he lost a lot of weight.

Qi Yuanming patted the muscles on his body and felt that the clothes were a little too big.

“I have been training more intensively recently and I have indeed lost a little weight.”

“But it’s okay. As a man, just be thinner, as long as your muscles are still there.”

 He has not gained any weight now, and his clothes are one size too big, which shows that he has lost a lot of weight.

Including Jing Shirong has also lost weight. I wonder if it is because the food in the military camp is not enough to gain weight.

After hearing what she said, Sister Yang looked Qi Yuanming up and down and saw that the clothes around his waist were indeed empty. She thought to herself that this guy seemed to have lost a lot of weight.

She thought for a while and then spoke reluctantly, "I have a lot of leftover food every day. Since you are not picky about food, come over and eat my leftover food."

Qi Yuanming's eyes lit up, "Really? Then you won't scold me when I come?"

  She would scold him every time he came over.

It makes him feel embarrassed to come every day.

I just see her free every now and then, so I come over to have some food.

 But every time she would roll her eyes at him, which made him feel a little hurt, but he knew that she was not evil, so he didn't worry about it.

 Hearing her say that she could come again, she smiled so hard that her front teeth came out.

Sister Yang didn’t expect him to be so happy.

 How about just eating leftovers?

Thinking about it, he is actually quite pitiful. At such an old age, he has no wife and children, and no one cares about him. He has lost so much weight and no one cares about him. He looks quite pitiful.

So she changed her tone and told him, "You can come. Anyway, I have leftovers every day. If you don't mind, just come over and eat some."

Of course Qi Yuanming doesn't mind. As long as she is not angry with him, he will be happy.

“Okay, then I’ll come back tomorrow and leave first. Thank you, Sister Yang, haha~”

 After saying that, he ran away happily.

Sister Yang looked at his innocent smile and shook her head helplessly. She felt that she was also naive, so why did she have to quarrel with him every time.

 But every time we meet, I still can't help it and I have to quarrel with him several times.

He is also good at pretending to be good. Every time he is scolded, he still comes. Sometimes he gets scared and just puts his tail between his legs and runs away, which makes her unhappy again.

Seeing how awkward she was, Sister Ying took her into the room and asked her.

 “Do you like Brother Qi?”

Sister Yang was surprised, "What? Do I like him?"

This is impossible!

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Why is it impossible?"

"Don't you think you always treat him a little differently? He treats you a little differently, don't you notice?"

These two people, just like her and Jing Shirong back then, were both slow in love and didn't know their own feelings at all.

  If I hadn’t given them a heads up, they probably wouldn’t have understood it for a long time.

 (End of this chapter)

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