The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 775: , hard-spoken and soft-hearted

Chapter 775: Hard-spoken but soft-hearted

Sister Yang blushed, "No way?"

 She has never thought about "liking".

  I didn’t even think that I would like that big fool.

Seeing her disbelief, Sister Ying asked her, "Then are you always soft-hearted towards him? You say you hate him, but you always give him food?"

Sister Yang nodded, "That's true, but it doesn't mean I like him."

 She will show sympathy to other weak people and give them food, so what does this mean?

 Is it possible that you just like it if you are soft-hearted?

Sister Ying gave her an example, "What if this happened to Kawuli? If he came to ask you for food, would you feel sorry for him?"

Sister Yang said "Huh?" "Kawuli?"

 He shouldn’t come to ask her for food, right?

That guy looks quite rich, not like someone who has no money to eat.

 And if he wants something to eat, just give it to him. She is not a stingy person either.

 As for feeling distressed. It doesn't seem like it really does.

But if you don’t feel bad, that doesn’t mean anything, right?

  After all, she was not familiar with Kawuli and had no emotional foundation, so how could she feel distressed.

Sister Ying asked her again, "What if it were your brother-in-law? Would you feel bad if he had no food to eat?"

Sister Yang shook her head without thinking, "I would feel so miserable for him."

Having a wife and children but no food to eat would be miserable.

Sister Ying chuckled and said, "What about Qi Yuanming? If he is injured, no one will treat him or give him food. Imagine that scene, won't you be very distressed?"

Sister Yang imagined that Qi Yuanming was chopped by someone, was seriously injured in a ruined temple, and couldn't even drink a drop of water. That image really made her frown, feeling a little distressed, and wanting to help him.

But she still doesn’t quite believe that this is “like”.

Sister Ying is not in a hurry and gives her time to calm down.

“Let’s talk about this in private. If you don’t like him, just pretend I didn’t say it.”

“If you like him, we can talk more and let me help you clear up your doubts.”

“After all, your brother-in-law and I were like this back then. We liked each other but didn’t know it. We thought we only regarded each other as good friends.”

Sister Yang was stunned, "Is there still such a thing?"

Sister Ying smiled and nodded, "Yes, your brother-in-law and I are also slow in love. We are both stupid."

“At that time, he regarded me as his little sister, and I regarded him as my neighbor’s elder brother, just like you and Qi Yuanming do now.”

Sister Yang recalled the way she got along with Qi Yuanming and chuckled, "He and I seem to be like brothers and sisters."

  But somewhat similar.

The two disliked each other every day, and they quarreled every time they met, which lasted even a quarter of an hour.

  No, Qi Yuanming doesn't dislike her, he just has a bad mouth and deserves a beating every time he speaks.

 On the contrary, she disliked him more.

 Looking at it this way, she couldn’t figure out what the relationship between them was.

Sister Ying smiled, "Then let's just say you two are friends."

“Then next time your friend comes over, will you give him something to eat?”

Sister Yang chuckled and said, "Look at what you said. Didn't I tell him just now that I was willing to give him leftovers to eat?"

Sister Ying raised her eyebrows and looked at her with a sly look, "Really giving her leftovers? Didn't you leave a portion for him specifically?"

Sister Ying curled her lips and said unnaturally, "It's just a little bit of food, nothing special. I will give it to others even if they come. It's not just for him to eat."

 Don't say that she treats him specially.

Seeing that she refused to admit it, Sister Ying smiled knowingly and said, "Okay, it's your food anyway, you can give it to whoever you want."

“But if you really don’t like Brother Qi coming to see you, why don’t I tell him not to come, so that you don’t get angry again when you see him.”

 Said, he was about to go out.

Sister Yang hurriedly called to her, "Oh, sister, don't go." She stopped her in a hurry.

“Oh, what are you doing for such a trivial matter? It’s just some food. I don’t hate him that much.”

Seeing her anxious look, Sister Ying smiled happily and said, "Yes, yes, I'm too busy, so I won't say anything. It's up to you."

Sister Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

 In the evening, Sister Ying and Jing Han decided to stay here for a few days.

It's very convenient to eat and drink here. Sister Yang has no objection. The three of them plan to sleep in the same room at night.

 We decided to eat with our hands for dinner.

When Qi Yuanming led his troops through here, he smelled the fragrant smell and grabbed rice with his hands.

The soldiers under his command were all starving to death, and they all said they wanted to eat with their hands at night.

Qi Yuanming led them to run around five times before going to the cook and told them that they would eat finger food in the evening and gave them a reward of silver.

When the cook got the silver reward, he thought a lot and started cooking with his hands at night.

The soldiers were so happy that they died.

 When it’s time for dinner, start devouring it.

Qi Yuanming sneaked over to Sister Yang while they were eating.

He didn't know what was wrong. He just couldn't eat the food in the military camp. The food in Sister Yang's place must be better, so he had to come here to eat a few mouthfuls before he could sleep.

 Come here, come here, like a thief, knock on Sister Yang's window first.

“Sister Yang? Are you there?”

Sister Ying and Jing Han were both in the room at this time. They covered their mouths and snickered when they heard the words.

Sister Yang was even more embarrassed. She opened the window and said angrily, "What's the name? What are you doing here after dark?"

Qi Yuanming chuckled in a silly manner, "What about that? I smell the fragrance of hand-picked rice here. Can you come and have some?"

Sister Yang glanced at him up and down, "You haven't eaten?"

Qi Yuanming touched his empty stomach and nodded pitifully, "Yeah, I haven't eaten yet. I'm so hungry. Do you have any leftover food here?"

 He said it so pitifully, and his stomach was growling, and you couldn't even give it to him.

Sister Yang was disgusted, but she still asked him, "Wait!"

She closed the window, went into the room and brought him a large plate of prepared leftovers, and gave him a pot of hot milk tea. Passed it through the window, "Take it!"

Qi Yuanming reached out and took it, quite touched, "I knew you were the best to me and I love you."

Sister Yang snorted, a little proud, "It's just a meal, look at your achievements."

Qi Yuanming felt warm in his heart, knowing that she had a hard mouth and a soft heart, so he knelt down and started eating.

The evening wind outside the window whistled loudly, making his face turn red.

Sister Yang couldn't stand it anymore, so she clicked her tongue and called him in.

"Okay, come in and eat, don't act like a beggar, who are you trying to offend?"

"come on in."

 Look, it’s obvious that he feels distressed, yet he still has to say a few words of mercy to him.

Qi Yuanming knew that she felt sorry for him, so he immediately smiled and came in with rice in hand.

As soon as I entered the house, I found, "Sister Ying? Jinghan? Are you there too?"

Sister Ying and Jing Han laughed, "Yes, we are here too, aren't you surprised?"

Qi Yuanming snorted, "It's quite a surprise. Did you two sneak out?"

Sister Ying gave him a look and said, "Nonsense, we came out openly and prepared to stay here for a few days."

Qi Yuanming nodded while eating, "You didn't tell A Jing and the others about this, right?"

If he did, he would probably have to go back.

 (End of this chapter)

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