Chapter 776, Do you like Qi Yuanming?

Sister Ying raised her chin and said, "Does he agree to my use?"

 She is the tigress in the family, she comes out whenever she wants and no one can stop her.

Jinghan also said, "That is, we can come out whenever we want, no one can stop us."

Qi Yuanming suppressed a smile and said, "Yes, yes, you two are the bosses at home. A Jing and A Yun both have to listen to you."

The two little pregnant women were so happy that they raised their chins proudly.

Sister Yang said in her heart, "Childish."

 She is almost a mother and yet she is still so childish.

Looking at Qi Yuanming again, he saw a suppressed smile on his face, which showed that he also noticed the cowardice of the two young pregnant women but did not reveal it.

 Hmph, it doesn’t look like he’s stupid.

Qi Yuanming felt her gaze, and stopped eating with rice grains on his mouth. He looked at her innocently with his big eyes, "What's wrong?"

Sister Yang saw how stupid he was and felt that he was not smart at all.

 “Eat your food, you talk so much.”

Qi Yuanming said oh and continued to eat, chewing deliciously.

Sister Yang taught him, "Eat quietly and don't chirp."

Have a meal, chirp, chirp, the sound is so loud.

Qi Yuanming didn't think it was anything, "There's a lot of meat here, so of course it needs to be smashed to make it easier to digest."

And it’s really delicious when you smash it.

Sister Yang crossed her arms and said, "If you don't allow it, I won't allow it. There are so many words."

Qi Yuanming said quietly, "I know."

 After saying that, the sound of eating was quieter, and he was very obedient.

Sister Yang and Sister Ying looked at each other and smiled.

 After eating, Qi Yuanming patted his round belly and stood up to say goodbye.

“Sister Yang, I’ll come find you tomorrow.”

Sister Yang waved her hand in disgust, "Let's go."

 She is a big eater and eats a large plate in one meal, so she has to live in poverty.

Qi Yuanming asked her with a silly smile, "Will you leave me some food tomorrow?"

Sister Yang originally meant to be harsh, but after thinking about it, she let it go. It’s just a meal.

“You can eat leftovers if you don’t mind. I don’t eat leftovers anyway.”

 Qi Yuanming scratched his head and smiled happily.

“Okay, I’ll come back tomorrow and leave first.”

 After saying that, he turned back three times and left.

Sister Yang made a sound, but still asked the maid Ming'er to leave a portion of rice for Qi Yuanming.

Sister Ying and Jing Han raised their eyebrows and smiled mischievously.

They all looked at Sister Xiang Yang and laughed teasingly, "Hey~ Didn't I say that I hated Brother Qi before, but now I'm leaving food for others?"

Jinghan echoed, "That's right~"

 “Then do you like her or not?”

 “Yes, yes~”

Sister Yang's ears turned red from what they said to each other.

"Do you two still want to stay here tonight? If you don't want to stay, leave now."

Sister Ying laughed and said, "If we don't leave, we still want to watch your show, right, cousin?"

Jinghan nodded, "Yes, we still have to see it for a few more days."

 It’s so boring at home, why not read the story of this young couple here.

Sister Yang was so embarrassed, "I won't tell you anymore."

 After saying that, he ran to the pharmacy angrily.

Sister Ying and Jing Han laughed loudly in the room, while Sister Yang outside the door stamped her feet in shame and anger.

 She still doesn’t feel that she is interested in Qi Yuanming.

I always feel like they are just good friends who like to quarrel.

 After all we have known each other for so many years, it is normal for us to bicker, but it does not mean anything.

 It’s just that the eldest sister likes to gossip about this, so it’s nothing wrong at all.

Jinghan saw that she really went to the pharmacy and would not come back, so he asked Sister Ying, "She won't get angry because of shame, right?" Sister Ying was very confident, "No, I'm just kidding."

If that girl really likes Qi Yuanming, there's nothing wrong with her.

She and Qi Yuanming have known each other for many years, and they both know the basics.

 If the parents know about it, they probably won’t object.

Moreover, Qi Yuanming seems careless, but he is quite nice to Sister Yang.

 Although he comes to eat every time, he always brings fresh wild fruits.

The wild fruit looks quite red and big, obviously it was specially selected.

 She doesn’t just eat Sister Yang’s food for free, she always brings something with her.

 It's just that Sister Yang didn't care about it, so she didn't say anything.

And there is always a vase outside Sister Yang's window. There are always fresh flowers on the vase, which smells very fragrant.

 Sister Ying looked at the medicine shed and saw that it was full of herbs and there were no flowers nearby.

This flower was probably picked by Qi Yuanming, because the smell on him is the same as that of the flower.

Jinghan really didn’t notice this and asked her out of curiosity, “How do you know Qi Yuanming likes Sister Yang?”

 When I saw them getting along before, it was quite normal. They were just like two children playing around. There was no difference at all.

 “How are you sure they have feelings for each other?”

Sister Ying smiled and said, "It depends on the details."

Although Qi Yuanming and Yang Jieer look normal on the surface, many details are still very thought-provoking.

Like the pearl flowers on Sister Yang’s head, or the different fruit snacks on the windowsill.

Neither the garland or the garland hanging in front of the door seemed to have been bought by Sister Yang, but they were gifts from others.

 The only one who can give such a small thing is Qi Yuanming.

 After all, I don’t even know Sister Yang here, only Qi Yuanming knows her.

In addition, this place is heavily guarded. If the guards outside the door don't know it, they won't be able to get in at all.

 Looking at it this way, it was naturally Qi Yuanming who gave those small gifts.

Jinghan clapped his hands and said, "Awesome, I admire you, your observation is very good."

Sister Ying smiled and said, "It's a small matter."

 Mainly because she was more concerned about her younger sister, she observed her more carefully.

Jinghan also said, "Brother Ming is a very good person, a very down-to-earth person, and he protects his shortcomings and is very protective of those close to him."

If Sister Yang marries him in the future, the date will definitely be good.

  “And he is a very carefree person.”

 After so many years, it is not that there are no girls who want to marry him, but he is not attracted to anyone, and I don’t know if it is because he has no eye for her. He does not feel attracted to anyone, and he has no desire or desire.

 Just for this moment, I was so enthusiastic towards Sister Yang. It could be said that I was having a hot face but a cold butt, and I was very happy to do so.

 Sister Ying understands this very well.

 “That’s true.”

 She has never seen Qi Yuanming being passionate about any girl in the past.

 Even if the girl takes the initiative, he shows no desire, and can even be said to be stoic.

 It was in front of Sister Yang that he behaved very childishly.

 She will be arrogant, make her cry, and bully her.

 After being bullied, he regretted it and tried every means to coax him.

 After coaxing her, he continued to make her angry, then he laughed and ran away, like a childish ghost.

 Sister Ying doesn’t believe it if this is not a liking.

Jinghan also believed what she said.

“When you said that, I remembered it. It seems that it is indeed the case.”

 Qi Yuanming seems particularly lively every time he is with Sister Yang.

 In the past, when Sister Yang didn't come here, he would stay in the military camp and not come out.

 As soon as Sister Yang came, he would come out to see her every now and then.

I used to go to see her at home, but now I come directly to the medicine shed to see her.

 The purpose should never be too clear.

Remember to keep warm and wear clothes when it’s cold (▽`) Good night



 (End of this chapter)

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