The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 778: , Qi Yuanming didn’t come?

Chapter 778, Qi Yuanming didn’t come?

Sister Yang put the noodles into a bowl, covered it with a lid, and put it in a basket aside.

 Put another apple into the basket and let him eat it together.

 After doing this, she realized, "What are you doing?"

Obviously she hates him coming to eat to make people uncomfortable, but she always leaves food for him. It’s no wonder that the eldest sister teases her.

But think about it, every time that guy comes here he eats big, and it looks like he is starving.

 Forget it, it’s just a bowl of rice, so he can eat it as he pleases. If eldest sister likes to laugh, just laugh.

 After thinking about it, I went out to the medicine shed and got busy.

At noon, the group of soldiers ran by and heard the thumping of footsteps. Sister Yang went out to take a look, but Qi Yuanming was nowhere to be seen.

 She looked for a while, but didn't see him, and wondered where he had gone.

But sometimes he didn't have time to come over. He thought he was busy, so he didn't wait any longer and continued to work.

 At night, he still didn't come.

 While eating, Sister Yang glanced at the window a few more times.

Sister Ying looked at Jinghan and asked her, "What are you looking at?"

Sister Yang blushed, "Nothing, just look at the moonlight."

Sister Ying didn't know what she was looking at, so she looked at Jinghan and smiled.

 After the meal, the three of them chatted for a while. Don't get ready to sleep until you feel sleepy.

 At midnight, Sister Yang was half asleep when she heard someone knocking on the window.

She was half asleep, turned over, and asked, "Who is it?"

Qi Yuanming whispered, "It's me, come here."

Sister Yang recognized his voice, rubbed her eyes and walked to the window.

 Open the window, yawn and ask him, "Why are you here?"

 In the middle of the night.

Qi Yuanming held the hay on his head, grinned, and gave her the cage in his hand, "Hey, little rabbit."

Sister Yang was stunned. She didn't expect that he really caught a rabbit for herself.

 “You went to catch it in the middle of the night?”

Qi Yuanming scratched his head in embarrassment, "Well, I don't have time during the day, so I have to catch it at night."

And it’s hard to catch rabbits in winter. He chased them for a long time before catching them.

Sister Yang was helpless and funny, "There's no need to deliver it in the middle of the night. You can do it tomorrow."

  It's too late.

But Qi Yuanming said, "No, I promised you that I would give it to you, and I have to deliver it to you immediately after I catch him."

Sister Yang was so angry that she laughed, "What if I fall asleep? Why don't you wake me up again to disturb me?"

Qi Yuanming was stunned for a moment, but he forgot about this.


So what should we do now? It woke him up, could he go back in time and let him do it all over again?


 He scratched his head, as if he knew he had disturbed her sleep.

"I'll put the rabbit here first. I'm going back. You go back to sleep quickly."

Sister Yang stopped him, "Wait a minute."

 Come here, why not leave?

“There is leftover noodles in the kitchen. Go and heat them up and eat them. Don’t waste it.”

Qi Yuanming's face was filled with joy, "Really? Did you leave it for me specially?"

Sister Yang said harshly, "What are you thinking about? It's just the leftovers for today. Don't be too pretentious. After eating, leave as soon as possible."

Qi Yuanming knew that she had a hard mouth and a soft heart, so he raised the corners of his lips and acted coquettishly with her, "Then help me warm up, I can't do it."

 Actually, yes, he just wants her to warm him up.

Sister Yang crossed her arms so as not to offend him, "You can warm it up yourself, whether you like it or not." After saying that, she closed the window.

However, Qi Yuanming stopped her hand from closing the window and continued to act coquettishly, "Please give me some heat. I just caught rabbits and my hands were injured. Please show me~" Having said that, he put on his hand pitifully. The scratched back of his hand was exposed to her.

When Sister Yang saw that the backs of her broad hands were scratched, she clicked her tongue and said to him, "Why are you so careless?"

Aren't they just two little rabbits? How could they be caught like this? You are such an idiot.

Qi Yuanming gave a silly smile and said, "Rabbits have claws. If I catch someone else's cub, I deserve to be scratched." It was retaliation.

“But you can’t eat this rabbit, keep it as a pet.”

Sister Yang rolled her eyes at him and said, "What do you mean?"

 There is no famine at home, so why eat rabbits?

Qi Yuanming chuckled, "Can you heat some food for me? I'm so hungry."

 The generous face is particularly good at acting coquettishly, and I don’t even know who learned it from.

Sister Yang was really impressed by him. She first put medicine on his hand and wrapped it with a bandage. Then she put on her cloak and went to the kitchen to heat him food.

Qi Yuanming consciously went to light the fire. When the water was hot, he put the leftover rice in and heated it up. It became hot in a short while.

Sister Yang peeled another apple for him.

 “Eat all.”

 Like feeding a pig, not even a grain is allowed to be left.

Qi Yuanming sighed, "Don't worry, I promise not to waste a grain of food."

Then he picked up his chopsticks and finished eating.

 The apples were gnawed cleanly.

Sister Yang couldn't help but complain, "You eat a lot every day, how come you're still losing weight?"

Qi Yuanming didn’t know either. He wasn’t prone to gaining weight anyway. It was just his thick frame and tall height that made him look very strong.

  It's just that being strong is strong, but fat is not.

 But he is now visibly thinner, and I don’t know if he has lost so much weight because he is too tired from running every day.

Qi Yuanming nodded, "That's possible."

 Although he was busy every day before, he didn't have to exert so much energy, and his figure was naturally very well-proportioned.

Now I am leading troops every day, and I have to train every day. I train from morning to night without stopping. It would be strange if I don't lose weight.

 In addition, the food was not very tasty, so I ate some randomly, and naturally I lost weight.

Sister Yang sighed, feeling that it would not be possible to continue like this.

“Why didn’t you suggest to the cook in your camp that he should make the food more oily so that it can be fattened for you?”

Qi Yuanming even laughed, "That won't work. How can you still run after you've gained weight?"

 At that time, the fat ones will be as fat as pigs, and they will not be able to run fast let alone fight or escape for their lives.

Sister Yang smiled and forgot about this.

“I heard from my sister that when the chickens, ducks and geese are ripe, they can make soup for you.”

 It’s good to drink chicken soup occasionally.

 Chicken, a native chicken, is very replenishing.

Qi Yuanming may not have had chicken soup for a long time, so he swallowed when he heard this.

Sister Yang knew he was greedy when she saw him like this, "We are going to have chicken soup tomorrow, so I'll save a bowl for you."

Qi Yuanming's eyes lit up, "Really? You didn't stew it specially for me, did you?"

Sister Yang kicked him and said, "What are you thinking about? The chicken soup is for my sister and cousin Jinghan. They are pregnant women. What can I stew for you? You are so beautiful."

Qi Yuanming laughed, but still believed that she stewed it specially for him. He felt so good that he didn't reveal it.

“Yes, yes, yes, then I really asked Sister Ying and the others for their blessing. I will come over for soup tomorrow. Remember to leave a bowl for me.”

 After saying that, I wiped my mouth and prepared to go back.

“You put the little rabbits in the house first, and we’ll get them cages tomorrow.”

Sister Yang is not very good at it, "How big should the cage be? They won't run away, right?"

 (End of this chapter)

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