The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 779: , walking in the middle of the night

 Chapter 779, Walking in the middle of the night

Qi Yuanming saw that her big round eyes were particularly cute, and he rubbed her head with his big hands to reassure her.

“If you don’t know how, I’ll come and get it for you tomorrow night.”

“You have the tools and boards ready by then. I’ll be back at this time tomorrow night.”

Sister Yang said, "If you bang at night, it will disturb my sister and the others from sleeping, right?"

Qi Yuanming had a headache, and for the first time he thought, "Why aren't your sisters leaving?"

 Coming here in the middle of the night prevented him from having a good date with Sister Yang.

 Sister Yang.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I will give you the board and tools tomorrow. You can go and do it wherever you like. Don't come here to disturb us."

Actually, she is not afraid of disturbing anyone, but she is afraid that if the eldest sister and the others see Qi Yuanming coming to work for her, they will inevitably make fun of her.

Although she didn't feel that she was interested in this big guy, she was still embarrassed by being teased all the time, so she didn't want this guy to appear in front of her sisters.

Qi Yuanming looked innocent, "Am I so helpless?"

He’s not bad either, so why can’t he come in front of Sister Ying and the others?

Sister Yang coughed and told him, "Go back where you came from. It's too late, go back to sleep."

Qi Yuanming smiled warmly when he heard that she cared about him, "I know, I'm going back now."

 He looked at her with bright eyes and an affectionate look on his face.

"I'm leaving?"

 Sister Yang is still not used to his sudden behavior. His face turned red, "Let's go, Momojiji."

Qi Yuanming said "hmm" in a low voice and looked back at her three times with every step, her shadow in his eyes.

Sister Yang met his eyes, and her heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

She felt that her body was very hot, and her heartbeat was beating very fast.

 She took two deep breaths and tried to calm herself down.

 But looking at the two fluffy little rabbits at his feet, he couldn't help but think of his affectionate black eyes, and his ears suddenly turned red again.

She stamped her feet in shame and indignation, thinking to herself why she was so **** and blushing to a big guy.

She knelt down and looked at the little rabbit in the cage. It was really cute and fluffy. She didn't know if he went to catch someone else's rabbit nest, otherwise how could he be scratched by the big rabbit.

Thinking of the wound on the back of his hand, Sister Yang couldn't help but say, "Idiot." She was so stupid.

But the rabbits under my feet were particularly cherished. I fed them some tender grass and some water before putting them in the house.

Sister Yang lay down, covered herself with quilt, closed her eyes and smiled sweetly.

 On the second day.

Sister Ying and Jing Han woke up and heard Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan playing and laughing outside the house. They didn't know what they were playing.

Jinghan changed his clothes and went out to take a look. He saw two little guys surrounding a cage, not knowing what they were doing.

 “What are you two doing?”

Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan smiled and showed her, "Mom, there are two little rabbits here, they are so cute."

Jinghan lowered his head and saw, "Who got that little rabbit?"

 Brother Zheng replied, "It seems that Uncle Qi caught him."

Jinghan Bagua raised his eyebrows, "Brother Ming caught him? That kid." Interesting, hahaha.

Sister Ying heard this when she came out and asked Brother Zheng, "How do you know it was Uncle Qi who arrested him? Did you see it?"

Brother Zheng patted his chest and said confidently, "I saw it. When Uncle Qi came in the morning, he brought a handful of young grass over and asked Auntie to feed the rabbits."

At that time, he and Brother Yuan happened to come out and heard this conversation.

 Brother Zheng raised his head and asked Jinghan, "Mom, does Uncle Qi like Aunt Yang?"

Jing Han chuckled, "I'm going to ask your Uncle Qi now. Wouldn't it be great if you two asked him next time?" Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan were happy, "Okay, okay, next time we will Go ask."

Sister Ying shook her head and smiled, but did not object. She obviously wanted to hear it.

 At night, Qi Yuanming came over.

 He is here to build a rabbit nest.

Sister Yang knew he would come, so she took him to the hay shed to bang, otherwise the banging would be too loud and would disturb others.

Qi Yuanming thought for a while and simply said, "Otherwise, let's go outside."

It’s too spacious here and it’s quiet at night, so banging will definitely disturb those who can sleep.

Sister Yang said yes and followed him outside.

Qi Yuanming was riding a horse, carrying large and small bags of things, and asked Sister Yang to get on the horse, "Come, I will pull you."

Sister Yang saw that the horse was carrying so many things, so she hesitated, "How about I ride one myself?"

Qi Yuanming was unwilling, "Come up here. The road is difficult to walk in the middle of the night. It's safer if you ride with me."

Sister Yang didn’t know whether what he said was correct, but she still trusted him and handed her hand over to him.

Qi Yuanming grabbed her hand and pulled her up.

 This is not the first time that Sister Yang rides a horse with him.

But I was still young at that time, and I had no idea about Qi Yuanming at all, and I wouldn’t feel shy riding the same horse with him.

 But now that he is older and has a curvy figure, it still feels awkward to ride the same horse as him.

Qi Yuanming didn't think about this. He just liked riding the same horse with her. He felt that riding together could enhance the relationship, so he asked her to help him and said, "Hold it."

He said, "Drive~" and took her to the grassland.

Sister Yang held on to the saddle, with his broad chest behind her. They were so close that she could feel the heat on his body.

His strong arms pulled the horse rope and circled her, as if she was being protected in his arms, which made her ears turn red.

Qi Yuanming looked down and saw that her ears were red. He thought she was cold and hurriedly pulled up her hat.

 “Put it on, don’t freeze it.”

Sister Yang's face was red, but luckily she had her back to him and he couldn't see her. She said "Oh~" and simply lay down and leaned directly on his chest.

Hmm~ His chest is so broad, it’s suitable for a recliner.

Qi Yuanming didn't expect her to lie down, and his handsome face was stunned, "You"

Sister Yang snorted awkwardly, "What? Can't you lie down?"

Qi Yuanming's face turned red, but his heart felt sweet. He said quickly, "Okay, okay, you just lie down. I'll call you when the time comes."

After saying this, he also pulled her cloak up, for fear that she would catch a cold.

Sister Yang felt his thoughtfulness and thought to herself, this guy is not that stupid, at least he is still considerate.

Both of them had sweet smiles on their faces and rode their horses slowly on the road.

They seemed to have forgotten the purpose of coming out at night. They did not rush forward at this time, but stopped step by step, wishing to use the time instead of ending so early.

Qi Yuanming lowered his head and hugged her, asking, "Sister Yang, how do you feel about me?"

 It was the first time that he was attracted to a girl, and it was also the first time that he had the idea of ​​being with a girl.

Especially when I see her with other men, I get really angry. I wish I could take her back and hide her so that no one would **** her away.

But she likes freedom, so hiding her is impractical. He can only marry her home and let others know that she is his wife, otherwise he will be out of luck.

 (End of this chapter)

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