The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 780: , confessing my love in the middle of the night

Chapter 780: Confession in the middle of the night

Qi Yuanming took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to ask, "Sister Yang, if, I mean if, if I want to marry you, what do you think?"

Sister Yang's eyes widened, she didn't expect that he would ask this suddenly.

 Didn’t you ask her how she felt just now? Why did it jump to getting married all of a sudden?


 This is too sudden, let her answer how she wants.

Is it too soon to want to get married when we haven't even gotten along well yet?

Seeing that she was silent for so long without answering, Qi Yuanming thought she was unhappy and felt disappointed.

 “Do you... don’t like me?”

When I think about it, I feel so sad that I almost want to cry.

Sister Yang could hear his disappointment and hurriedly said, "I...I just feel it's too sudden."

I just understood the feelings of men and women, and I immediately confessed that it was still a bit too fast.

She doesn't like it to be so fast. She likes to take things slowly, at least after the relationship between the two is stable before mentioning it so that she won't panic.

 It is a bit too big a leap for her to mention this now that she has just started to show some signs of it.

Qi Yuanming thought she didn't like him, and his heart was broken.

Hold up the sadness in his heart and pretend to be calm on his face, "It's very late, let's go back."

He seemed to be afraid of hearing her words of rejection and did not dare to listen, so he could only hurry up and send her back.

Sister Yang didn't understand what was wrong with him, why he suddenly rode so fast. She was startled and told him, "Ride slower."

Qi Yuanming's face was full of the weakness of lovelorn, and his heart ached, but he still slowed down.

 When he got home, he put her down and left without saying a word.

Sister Yang called him, "Why are you going?"

 Aren’t you going to build a rabbit house? Why did you send her back suddenly?

Is it possible that she said something wrong just now?

She thought about it carefully, and it seemed to be right.

She didn’t say anything? Why did he look so sad?

 She scratched her head, obviously not understanding much about feelings.

But Qi Yuanming left so mysteriously that Sister Yang couldn't sleep well all night.

 She rarely got up late the next day, but she was still sleeping when Sister Ying got up.

When Sister Ying woke up for the first time and saw that she was still in bed, she was also surprised, "Why did this girl sleep so late today?"

 Could it be that you have a fever?

 She went over and touched Sister Yang's head. It seemed that it was indeed a little hot.

 Check her pulse again, she is indeed a little weak.

“Sister Yang, you have a fever. Please don’t get up for a while. I’ll make some medicine for you.”

Sister Yang coughed twice and her throat hurt.

“Sister, my throat is also inflamed and I’m so thirsty.”

Sister Ying felt distressed and said hurriedly, "Just lie down and I'll get you breakfast. After eating, you can take medicine later."

Sister Yang let out a sleepy sigh and continued to lie back down.

Sister Ying sighed and hurriedly asked the maid to get some ice water and soak the handkerchief to cool Sister Yang's forehead.

The kitchen also asked me to cook some porridge and antipyretic medicine.

Sister Yang has a sore throat. I need to get her some pear juice to cool down the heat.

Jinghan woke up and helped take care of Sister Yang's son. The two pregnant women were busy going in and out, and finally took a rest in the house when they were tired.

 Sister Yang fell asleep after taking the medicine.

When Qi Yuanming passed by for a run at noon, he didn't see Sister Yang. After waiting for a while, he didn't see her coming out of the medicine shed. He thought she didn't want to see him, so he left in despair.

 At night, he came running with people, but she was still nowhere to be seen.

He craned his neck and waited on the roadside for a while, but still couldn't see her coming out.

Some soldiers saw that he was not leaving and were surprised, "General, what are you looking at?"

Qi Yuanming shook his head, "It's okay, go and run for your own good."

 He ran around five times, looking at the medicine shed every time, but no one could be seen. My heart slowly sinks...

At night.

 There was still no figure coming out from the medicine shed.

 He began to guess, did Sister Yang not want to see him? Qi Yuanming felt that his heart was about to break when he thought that she didn't want to see him.

He has never felt haggard because of a woman, let alone this kind of heart-wrenching feeling. It is really uncomfortable.

But he didn't dare to come and ask, fearing that what she would say would be even worse, and he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to bear it.

So he endured the sadness and never came again.

 Thinking that after a few days, maybe she would be in a better mood and be willing to come out to see him.

Sister Ying didn't know about their previous misunderstanding. She thought Qi Yuanming was busy and didn't come over, so she didn't ask.

 She concentrated on taking care of Sister Yang, and she was relieved until Sister Yang's fever subsided.

Sister Yang covered her mouth with a handkerchief, fearing that she would be offended.

 Ask her, "Sister, you go and have a rest. Isn't the maid here? Just let her come."

Sister Ying sighed. "I'm fine, I'm not tired."

 Seeing that my sister has a fever, she can't sit still at all, so it's safer to take care of her personally.

 And she did everything within her power, which was to make her some food to reduce the fire. It didn't take much effort and she could still cope with it.

Sister Yang took a breath and felt a little down.

She has been sick for a day, and that guy Qi Yuanming still hasn't come to see her. I don't know what he is doing.

 Sigh, I don’t know if my unclear attitude last night caused him to think wildly?

 But what she said is right.

She just felt that his confession was too fast and wanted to slow it down. Who knew that he was so glass-hearted that he couldn't say a word, so he left sadly without listening to her explanation.

 She has been sick for a whole day and he doesn't come to see him, and she doesn't know why he is there.

Thinking about this, my head became more and more dizzy, and I fell asleep again.

 The next day, she still couldn't get up and felt very weak.

 Maybe it was because I had not been sick for a long time, and suddenly I fell ill all of a sudden. On the third day, I was still sick and couldn't get up.

Sister Ying wanted to take care of her, but she drove her away.

 She is afraid of being angry with her.

Sister Ying was helpless and asked Xiao Zi to come over and take care of her.

 After Xiao Zi arrived, she was very busy, feeding her porridge and medicine, and served her well.

 Sister Yang fell into a deep sleep after eating and drinking.

Sister Ying also felt tired, so she went to the guest room to sleep.

Qi Yuanming was busy today and didn't come, so he didn't know the situation here.

 On the fourth day, Yang Jie'er's illness got better.

 She can sit up today, but her head is still a little heavy.

If she hadn't had medical skills, I would have thought I was going to burp.

 Xiao Zi went to open a crack in the window to get some air.

She helped Sister Yang sit up and asked, "How do you feel, Third Miss? Are you still feeling uncomfortable today?"

Sister Yang waved her hand, "I'm much better today, but I'm just a little weak."

 The fever has subsided, but I feel a little weak.

 Her physical condition was not good when she was a child, but it got much better when she grew up.

Especially after practicing ancient medicine, I have always been in good health, never getting sick or having a fever.

This time the fever may have occurred because I went out to blow in the wind and caught a cold in the middle of the night.

 Since you are thinking too much, it is better to go slower.

She looked out the window and didn't hear the sound of running. I wonder if that guy Qi Yuanming came today?

 He hasn’t been seen for four days, and I don’t know where he went.

You haven't come to see her for so long, and you still say you like her, huh, what a big liar!

 Xiao Zi fed her porridge and asked her, "Who has offended you again? Which one is the big liar?"

Sister Yang's nose was sore, "He's a big bastard, so don't mention it."

 (End of this chapter)

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