The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 782: , can I admit my mistake to you?

Chapter 782: Can I admit my mistake to you?

Qi Yuanming shouted twice, but Sister Yang didn't even turn around, she still pretended to be asleep.

Qi Yuanming thought she was really asleep and didn't dare to scream again.

He touched the quilt with a distressed look on his face and apologized to himself, "It's my fault. I shouldn't have stopped coming to see you. I didn't know you were sick."

Just thinking about how she had been sick these past few days made his heart ache, and he wished he could suffer for her.

Sister Yang could feel his sadness under the quilt, and was afraid that he would cry, so she slowly turned around and opened the quilt.

 Open your eyes and look at him. "How did you come?"

When Qi Yuanming saw that she was awake, his nose felt sore and he quickly wiped the moisture from the corners of his eyes.

 “I, I’m here to see you.”

Sister Yang pretended to be angry and snorted, "You came to see me now, don't you think it's too late?"

 I didn’t see him when he was so ill before, so what’s the use of coming now.

Qi Yuanming blamed himself so much that he grabbed her hand and apologized hastily, "It's my fault. I thought you didn't want to see me."

 If he knew she was sick, even if she didn't want to see him, he would come.

Sister Yang looked at him with a pale face, "Why don't you come these days?"

Qi Yuanming blushed, "I, I see you refusing to come out of the medicine shed every day. I thought that if you don't want to see me, I will go to another mountain to train, so as not to hinder your eyes."

Sister Yang rolled her eyes at him angrily, "I don't want to see you? How do you know I don't want to see you if you don't even ask me?"

It's really stupid to die. If you don't ask, you want to do it yourself.

Qi Yuanming knew he was wrong. He knelt down in front of the kang, like a child who had made a mistake, "I made a mistake. I will admit my mistake to you. Please don't be angry with me, okay?"

His two big eyes looked at her darkly, and his big hand grasped her small hand. Sister Yang's ears turned red when he held it.

 “You get up first.”

  The little hand struggled, but did not break away.

Qi Yuanming squatted on the ground, holding her small hand with his big hand, and pressed his forehead against hers, trying to test her temperature.

His face suddenly fell, frightening Sister Yang.

 Until his nose got closer and closer, Sister Yang couldn't help but close her eyes and felt his forehead pressing against hers.

The two of them stayed close to each other for a while, and Qi Yuanming made sure that she was no longer burning before getting up.

“The fever is gone, are you still feeling uncomfortable?”

Sister Yang shook her head, "It's much better now, but she just feels too soft and doesn't want to move."

Qi Yuanming helped her sit up, "What do you want to eat? I'll buy it for you."

Sister Yang thought for a while, "I want to eat hot and sour noodles, please make them for me."

Sister Ying personally cooked a lot of delicious food for her in the past few days, but she was in a low mood and couldn't eat it.

 Today he came and she was in a better mood and felt hungry.

When Qi Yuanming heard that she wanted to eat hot and sour noodles, he nodded, "Okay, I'll make it for you."

 Sister Ying had made hot and sour noodles for them before. He had also seen it and he should be able to make it.

 “Just wait for a while, you’ll be fine soon.”

Sister Yang hummed softly and looked at his back as he went out.

 Thought for a while, then suddenly stopped him, "Wait a minute."

Qi Yuanming turned around and asked, "What's wrong?"

Sister Yang stretched out her hand towards him softly, "I want to see it too."

Qi Yuanming was stunned, "You want to go see it? What are you going to see?"

 Did you see him making hot and sour noodles?

 What’s so interesting about this?

Although she was puzzled, she still came over and wrapped the quilt around her body, "You are recovering from your illness. It's better not to go out to enjoy the breeze. Wait for me in the house."

Sister Yang didn't, "I want to go and see it. You can carry me there."

She has already spoken, so naturally he will not refute her opinion.

 “Okay, I’ll carry you over.”

 He wrapped the quilt around her and carried her to the kitchen like a child.

Sister Ying, Jing Han and others were confused when they saw their interaction outside the door.

Jinghan asked, "What are they?"

Sister Ying covered her mouth and smiled, "Maybe they have reconciled."

Jing Han also smiled, "Let's go and take a look." The two of them squatted by the kitchen door. Qi Yuanming sent the cook away, while he put Sister Yang on a chair, and then squatted down to light the fire.

Sister Yang sat back on the chair and saw him squatting down to make a fire, chop vegetables, boil water and cook noodles. Looking at his busy back, she felt very fulfilled and safe.

 She looked at it like this for a while, and her face was almost familiar.

Qi Yuanming followed Sister Ying’s previous steps of cooking hot and sour noodles and cooked two bowls.

 He put the powder into a bowl, blew on it, brought it to Sister Yang, scooped out the soup with a spoon and handed it to her mouth.

 “Have a taste.”

Sister Yang hummed, lowered her head and took a sip of the hot and sour noodle soup. It was a bit sour, a bit spicy, but very satisfying.


Seeing that she liked it, Qi Yuanming took a spoon and fed her a few more spoons.

 “Eat more noodles.”

 He fed her with chopsticks, and Sister Yang also ate happily.

 It wasn’t until the bowl of hot and sour noodles reached the bottom of the bowl that I was so full that I felt my belly.

 “I can’t eat any more.”

Qi Yuanming felt very satisfied when he saw that she had finished eating.

 “I’ll do it for you next time if I like.”

Sister Yang asked him to eat his share quickly.

 “Go and eat quickly, don’t let it get cold.”

Qi Yuanming sighed, took the bowl of hot and sour noodles, took several big mouthfuls, and finished it in a short while, sweating all over his head.

Sister Yang asked him to eat slowly.

 “Eat slowly and don’t choke.”

Qi Yuanming still finished the soup in three or five gulps, as if he was going to the market.

“I’ll take you home first, and I’ll come see you in the evening.”

 He ran away temporarily and had to go back for a while and come back in the evening.

Sister Yang knew he was busy and didn't stop him, "Then remember to come tonight."

Qi Yuanming assured her, "Don't worry, I will do it. What do you want to eat tonight? I'll bring it to you."

Sister Yang, "I want to eat stinky tofu. I want it fried to be crispy."

 She hasn’t had stinky tofu for a long time, but it’s a pity that it’s not available here.

Qi Yuanming also knew that there was none here, so he could only think of another way, "Okay, I'll get it for you tonight."

Sister Yang chuckled and said, "I'm just kidding, you don't have to force it."

No one here eats stinky tofu, so where can he get it?

Qi Yuanming wanted to satisfy her, "Don't worry, it will happen."

  Whatever he can do, he will try his best to get it for her.

He carried Sister Yang back to the house, thought for a while, lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead, because he had seen Jing Shirong kiss Sister Ying in this way, and he learned from it.

Sister Yang was stunned by his kiss, "You."

Why did this guy suddenly kiss her? It's so embarrassing.

Qi Yuanming laughed and said, "If you like someone, you have to kiss him." He said it confidently.

Sister Yang felt so embarrassed that she slapped him angrily, "You stinking scoundrel."

Qi Yuanming laughed and said, "Then I'll leave first. You have a good rest. I'll see you in the evening."

Sister Yang's face turned red with anger, "Go away."

Qi Yuanming sighed reluctantly and went back to the military camp first.

Sister Yang was left covering her forehead and watching his departing back for a while.

Sister Ying and Jing Han looked outside for a long time before they came in gossiping.

 “Yo yo yo, someone is blushing.”

Jinghan also laughed and said, "Yeah, your face is so red. I wonder if you did something bad?"

 (End of this chapter)

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