Chapter 783: Eat stinky tofu

"No la."

Sister Yang was so embarrassed that she hurriedly covered her head with the quilt, feeling embarrassed to look at them.

Sister Ying and Jing Han looked at each other gossipingly, and immediately went to lift her quilt, "Let's see where you hide."

 “Oh, no.”

The heating in the room was sufficient, but Sister Yang felt too hot after grabbing the quilt from them for a while, so she had no choice but to give it to them.

 “The eldest sister hates it.”

They all glared at Sister Ying in anger.

Sister Ying laughed, "Why are you glaring at me? It's not someone else who made you sick, it was Brother Qi who made you sick. If you don't glare at him, but instead glare at me, wouldn't you be a little too biased?"

  I said it deliberately with a smile on my face.

Sister Yang's face turned red, knowing that they would make fun of her.

 “Humph, I won’t tell you.”

Sister Ying approached Jing Han and tickled her, "Are you sure you don't want to say it? Are you sure you don't want to say it?" She said while tickling her armpit.

Sister Yang couldn't stand the itch anymore, so she laughed loudly, "No, no, no, no, that's it, hahaha, stop scratching."

Sister Ying and Jing Han stopped, "Tell me, what were you and Qi Yuanming doing in the kitchen?"

Sister Yang smiled shyly, "Hey, I just asked him to cook a bowl of hot and sour noodles."

“What was he saying in the house just now? What did he say to you that made you blush so much?”

Sister Yang covered her face and said, "No, he said he would bring me stinky tofu tonight."

Sister Ying and Jing Han looked at each other in disbelief.

 “If you don’t tell us, we will take action.”

 As he said that, he would continue to tickle her.

Sister Yang quickly begged for mercy, "Okay, I'll tell you what I'll tell you."

 “He just kissed me on the forehead.” After saying that, his face turned red again.

This is the first time someone other than my own mother has kissed her on the forehead. It's embarrassing to say it.

Sister Ying and Jing Han saw her shy expression and instantly smelled the sweet smell of dog food.

Jinghan joked, "Brother Ming looked very dull in the past. I didn't expect him to kiss the **** the forehead. I really can't tell."

Sister Ying put her hands on her hips and snorted angrily, "That guy actually dares to talk to our Sister Yang, let's see how I educate him at night!"

Sister Yang blushed and said a few words for him, "He didn't mean it."

Sister Ying pretended to be angry, "That's not okay! I haven't even gotten married yet, but I dare to touch you. You two are not allowed to be alone together in the future!"

Sister Yang said "Huh?" and was stunned, "No, that's not what he meant. He...he didn't mean it."

She thought that Sister Ying really did not allow them to be alone, so she was busy explaining to Qi and Yuanming.

Sister Ying didn't listen, and pretended to be mean to her, "You too. How could the girl have no intention of protecting herself? Don't let him kiss you next time."

Sister Yang was unconvinced, "He doesn't care about me either. Why don't I just kiss you on the forehead? I don't believe that my brother-in-law has never kissed your forehead before marrying you."

Sister Ying choked, that’s true.

If not, she would still have the confidence to tell Sister Yang, but Shi Rong also kissed her on the forehead before the marriage, so now she has no confidence.

As soon as Sister Yang saw her expression, she knew that the two of them must be talking too, and she immediately smiled proudly.

“Okay, you guys are going out soon, the big guy is going to bring me stinky tofu tonight.”

Sister Ying and Jing Han were stunned, "Stinky tofu? How can there be stinky tofu here?"

This is not sold locally, so where can Qi Yuanming get it?

Sister Yang was also curious about this, "I don't know, I don't know if he wants to blow it up himself."

Stinky tofu needs to be made in advance. He has never made it before and doesn’t know where to get it. He is really curious.

“Then let’s wait until night and see if he can really get it.”

 Sister Yang is also looking forward to it.

At night.

  Qi Yuanming did not come during dinner. Sister Yang stretched her neck and looked outside the door, but no one was there.

  She was confident that he would definitely come, because he always kept his word and would never break his promise. After waiting for a long time and he didn't come, Sister Ying said, "Why don't you go to sleep for a while and we'll tell you when he comes?"

Sister Yang shook her head, "I've been sleeping all afternoon, I'm not sleepy."

 In fact, I still want to wait for him in person.

 In the latter part of the night, Qi Yuanming finally arrived late.

He knocked on the window, "Dong dong dong, Sister Yang?"

Sister Yang’s eyes lit up, “Big guy?”

 She happily opened the window for him, "Are you here?"

Qi Yuanming scratched his head and apologized, "I'm late. Have you been waiting for a long time?"

 After saying that, he quickly touched her forehead to see if it was still hot.

Sister Yang held his big hand, her eyes bright, "The fever is gone. I'm completely recovered. I only need to rest for two days and I can be active again."

 If she can do well, Qi Yuanming will naturally be happy.

 “Hey, fried tofu, try it.”

Sister Yang saw that he was holding a food box in his hand and opened the lid. The fried tofu inside was still steaming.

 She lowered her head and sniffed, "It smells so good, it doesn't stink at all."

Qi Yuanming sighed apologetically, "I searched three streets, but there was no one selling stinky tofu. Finally, I found one, but they grinded soy milk."

 Finally, he begged for a long time before they agreed to fry him a bowl of tofu.

The tofu is fried, but it doesn't smell bad, but is very fragrant.

Qi Yuanming looked at her apologetically, "The tofu this time is not smelly, but don't worry, I have found the secret recipe for making stinky tofu. I will make it for you next time."

Sister Yang twitched her lips and smiled, "You."

She reached out to take the fried tofu in his hand, twisted a piece, put it in her mouth, and said once, "It's delicious."

 The freshly fried tofu is crispy and very delicious with some seasoning powder.

 “Now, you should try it too.”

 She pushed the food box to Qi Yuanming and asked him to taste a piece.

Qi Yuanming picked up her hand and asked her to feed her, "Give me a piece too."

Sister Yang saw how clingy he was and deliberately said to him, "You can't eat it by yourself."

Qi Yuanming lowered his head and acted coquettishly in front of her, "Feed me~"

Sister Yang raised her lips, "No~"

Qi Yuanming put his handsome face close to her and said, "Feed me, okay~" If he had a tail, he would be wagging it.

Sister Yang couldn't resist his coquettishness, so she had to pinch a piece of fried tofu and put it to his mouth, "Eat it."

Qi Yuanming opened his mouth and said "Ah~", waiting for her to feed him.

Sister Yang was really convinced and threw the fried tofu into his mouth. "Virtue."

Qi Yuanming smiled, happy to be told this.

 “You eat it too.”


 “Then you can feed me another piece.” “I know.”

The two of them started feeding each other one by one. "

Sister Ying and Jing Han both heard it under the quilt, looked at each other and smiled, ignored them and let them go.

 After eating fried tofu, Qi Yuanming was still reluctant to leave.

 “I’ll come to see you tomorrow. What do you want to eat?”

Sister Yang didn't want him to go to such trouble, so she said, "I don't want to eat anything. I have it at home. You can come over and have dinner with me tomorrow. We haven't eaten together for a long time."

 Actually, I just ate at noon, but it just felt like it took a long time.

 (End of this chapter)

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