Chapter 784, step by step

 “Okay, then I’ll come over early tomorrow.”

Qi Yuanming also felt as if he hadn’t had a meal with her for a long time, and he really wanted to sit down and have a meal with her.

Sister Yang smiled sweetly, "Then remember to come over tomorrow."

Qi Yuanming nodded, "Okay, then I'll pick some more flowers for you. Your flowers are all wilting." She was referring to the wild flowers in the vase in front of her window.

Sister Yang gave him a look of blame, "Who told you not to come for so long? Won't the flowers wither?"

Qi Yuanming regretted not seeing her for so many days.

 “It’s my fault, I won’t do it next time.”

 No matter what happens in the future, he must come and see her, otherwise he won't even know something happened to her.

Bah, bah, bah, that’s not right either.

"No matter what happens in the future, I will come to see you, even if you don't let me come."

This time it really scared him.

If Sister Ying didn't call him, he would regret it if he came a few days late.

Sister Yang saw regret on his face, held his square face in her hands and asked him, "Why did you leave so suddenly that day? I didn't even say anything."

Qi Yuanming was still sad when he recalled the day he was rejected by her.

 “Didn’t you reject me that day? I was sad and sad, so why didn’t I just leave?”

Sister Yang was speechless, "What did I say to reject you? You left before I even said anything. Why are there so many dramas with you?"

Qi Yuanming said "Huh?" and said in a daze, "But didn't you reject me?"

That day he asked her if he could marry her. She looked embarrassed. Didn't she just reject him?

 Did he understand it wrong?

 Sister Yang.

Taking a deep breath, I was really speechless, "I haven't reacted yet, how can I answer you? Can't you wait for them to calm down for a while?"

Even before she answered, he thought he had rejected her, and he didn't see her for several days in a row. Unexpectedly, he thought she had really rejected him. It was really a great injustice.

Qi Yuanming's expression was blank, "Then what do you mean, you won't reject me?"

That means you are willing to marry him?

 When I thought about this, my eyes immediately lit up. "Then you are willing to marry me?"

Sister Yang slapped him on the head, "What are you thinking about? I told you not to take such a big leap. I haven't thought about it clearly yet."

 Qi Yuanming was confused by him. "Then what do you mean?"

 He doesn’t understand whether he is willing to do it or not.

Sister Yang hated that iron could not become steel, so she pinched his ears.

"You just confessed to me, and I haven't recovered yet. You bring up the matter of getting married. How can I not be confused?"

  The subject of marriage was mentioned immediately after taking the first step. It was strange that she could answer it.

Qi Yuanming was also confused, "Then what do you mean? Please explain it to me clearly."

 If he didn’t make it clear, he wouldn’t be able to sleep well if he went back at night.

Sister Yang sighed and explained to him clearly.

 “You like me, don’t you?”

Qi Yuanming nodded, "Yes, I like you and want to marry you."

Sister Yang raised her hand to stop him, "I know you like me, this is the first step."

“Let’s talk about the things we like first, get along first, and then move on to the second step when we get along. Don’t get married to me right away, that would be too fast for me.”

Qi Yuanming didn’t quite understand, “If you like someone, don’t you want to get married?”

 In his opinion, if he likes a girl, he must marry her immediately. This is the correct step.

Sister Yang doesn’t think so. She has been influenced by Wu and Ying since she was a child, and she knows that getting married cannot be careless, but must be done step by step, at least after the relationship between the two people is stable before they can enter into marriage.

If you get married because of a temporary interest, it will be even worse if you can't get along in the future and want to divorce.

 Qi Yuanming scratched his head and felt that he was not very good at it.

"I will only marry you in this life. I will not have concubines, let alone a common roommate, and I will not divorce you."

 Their family is similar to A Jing's family, birds of a feather flock together, and he doesn't like noisy people at home, so naturally he only wants to marry one.

Moreover, he is not a playboy, and he will only love her when he gets married. So he was very confident that he would not change his mind after getting married to her.

Sister Yang believed that he would not change his mind for the time being, but she still didn't want to get married so early.

“Anyway, let’s get along more and see each other, there’s no rush to get married.”

Qi Yuanming sighed, "You are young so there is no need to worry, but I am already old. If you don't want me anymore because you fancy other little brothers, it will be too miserable for me."

Like that Kawuli, he looks younger, more handsome, and richer. He has a sense of crisis, okay?

Sister Yang saw the aggrieved look on his face and didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I don't like Kawuli, so what are you in a hurry for?"

 Besides, “I don’t think you are too old either.”

 He is the same age as her brother-in-law, at most eight or nine years older than her, but not that much older.

Qi Yuanming still felt that being older than her was a disadvantage, "I don't know if your mother will agree."

If her family doesn't agree, he should really cry.

Sister Yang chuckled and said, "If my parents don't agree, what are you going to do?"

Qi Yuanming thought about it seriously, "If they don't agree, I will stay at your house and work as a horse for your family. One day my father-in-law and mother-in-law will definitely agree!"

As long as he is sincere, he will definitely be able to impress his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Sister Yang blushed and said, "Go, go, who are you calling your father-in-law and mother-in-law? It's shameless."

Qi Yuanming chuckled and said, "As long as I want you, what's the use of face? Whoever loves you will go."

Looking at this poor-mouthed guy made Sister Yang laugh in anger.

 “Fuck you, go back to sleep, it’s very late.”

Qi Yuanming did not leave, but held her hand, "You haven't told me yet whether you agree to marry me or not."

Sister Yang glared at him, "Didn't you just say that? Let's get along slowly first, and we'll talk about getting married later."

Qi Yuanming pursed his lips and said gloomily, "Can't we do it together?"

 You can also get along slowly after getting married. Why do we have to get along before we get married~

Sister Yang looked at his pouty lips and gave him a tap on the forehead. "Anyway, I don't like to rush things. If you think it's too slow, don't get along with me. Go wherever you fall in love with me."

As soon as Qi Yuanming heard these repulsive words, he immediately changed his face and said, "No, I love getting along with you, and I will stay with you forever."

 “You are right, there is no rush in getting married, let’s take our time.”

As for the wedding date, he first wrote to his parents in the capital, and then asked his parents to go to Jiangnan to propose marriage.

 When the time comes, he will go to Jiangnan in person to propose marriage to his father-in-law and mother-in-law, and he will definitely be able to marry Sister Yang.

As soon as Sister Yang saw his expression, she knew that he must be thinking of other ideas, so she immediately pinched his ears and said, "What other evil ideas are you thinking of?"

Qi Yuanming uttered an ouch, his ears were pinched, and he begged for mercy, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I didn't mean to change my mind, I'm just sleepy and want to go back to sleep."

Sister Yang was dubious, "Really? Aren't you holding something bad in your belly?"

Qi Yuanming hurriedly waved his hand, "No, no, I'm really sleepy. If you don't believe me, look at it." He quickly yawned and showed it to her.

Do you eat dumplings or glutinous rice **** during the Winter Solstice?



 (End of this chapter)

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