The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 785: , the sweetness after reconciliation

 Chapter 785, the sweetness after reconciliation

Seeing that he really yawned, Sister Yang was dubious and asked, "Are you really sleepy?"

Qi Yuanming nodded sincerely, "Yeah, I'm really sleepy."

After hearing this, Sister Yang didn't twist his ears and told him, "Okay, then you go back to sleep first and come over to have dinner together tomorrow."

Qi Yuanming sighed, lowered his head and kissed her forehead, "Then I'll go back first, see you tomorrow."

Sister Yang blushed and said, "Go."

Qi Yuanming was anxious to go back and write a letter to his family, so he moved his feet lightly and ran away with a "whoosh" sound, at a very fast speed.

 Leaving Sister Yang messy in the wind

That guy, are you that sleepy?

 Should you use Qinggong if you are sleepy?

 But he usually doesn’t have any bad intentions, maybe he is really sleepy.

Sister Yang yawned and felt sleepy, so she closed the window and fell asleep.

 On the second day.

 Sister Yang woke up comfortably, and her physical condition had obviously recovered.

Seeing that she was in such good spirits, Sister Ying couldn't help but praise, "Brother Qi, can he still have this effect?" Can he make patients lively?

Sister Yang pursed her lips and smiled, "No way, I must have taken the medicine."

Sister Ying pinched her nose and said, "It's obvious that you guys have taken good care of you."

Sister Yang smiled and said, "Yes, yes, sisters, you have worked hard. I will treat you to a big dinner tonight."

Sister Ying asked, "Oh? What kind of dinner are you having?"

She and Jinghan ate almost all the delicacies here, and they didn’t know what big meals there were.

Sister Yang smiled and said, "I've eaten all the local delicacies, so let's eat our delicacies."

Sister Ying asked Jinghan, "What kind of food?"

Sister Yang showed a pot and smiled proudly. "Let's eat it in a copper pot~"

Sister Ying and Jing Han’s eyes lit up, “This is good.”

 Maybe they haven’t eaten in a copper pot for a long time.

Sister Ying said greedily, "Then I'll pick some side dishes and get some ingredients."

Jinghan also went, "Let's go together and let the children do some work."

They don’t have a bunch of slaves here. They do whatever they want to eat by themselves, and the children also help. Although they are a little tired after a few days, they are in good spirits.

Seeing that they were in good spirits, Sister Yang didn't stop them, "Okay, let's go."

Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan both went to pick fresh vegetables with their mother.

 In the evening, Qi Yuanming came as promised and even tidied up everything.

He found a nice-looking robe from the bottom of the box. It was navy blue and long. Not only did he not look old-fashioned when he wore it, it made him look elegant and majestic.

Sister Yang had never thought he was handsome in the past, but when she took a quick look tonight, she actually thought he was a bit good-looking.

Especially his eyes, which are particularly dark and bright, and his eyelashes are like fans, much thicker than hers. Even the square face that he used to dislike seemed particularly attractive tonight.

 “Sister Yang, I’m here.”

He stood in front of Sister Yang, tall and graceful, looking at her with bright eyes.

Sister Yang had never found his eyes attractive in the past, but when she looked at them today, his eyes were actually darker and brighter than those of ordinary people, and they were filled with her reflection.

Her face suddenly turned red, she lowered her head and said, "You're here."

Qi Yuanming's face was also red, and he looked at her shyly, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Sister Yang also peeked at him shyly, and then stood face to face with him. She was speechless for a while, but her heart was full of sweetness.

Sister Ying and Jing Han came in holding their bellies, and saw their faces red and shy.

She coughed and asked, "What are you two doing standing there?"

Sister Yang made an ooh and hurriedly sat down.

Qi Yuanming also sat down.

The two of them sat opposite each other, raising their heads and looking at each other from time to time, as if their eyebrows were conveying affection. Sister Ying could see it clearly, but she didn’t say anything.

 After the stove caught fire, Sister Ying began to put vegetables, meat, and some mushrooms into the pot.

 After a while, the charcoal fire was burning brightly, and the soup in the pot began to gurgling.

 The vegetables and meat slices on top of the soup are rolling and slurping, looking very tempting.

Sister Yang and Qi Yuanming looked at each other shyly. They didn't say anything, but they both felt it was as sweet as honey.

Qi Yuanming spoke first, "What do you want to eat? I'll get it for you."

Sister Yang pointed to the beef slices in the soup, "I want to eat meat~"

Qi Yuanming sighed and hurriedly gave her the meat. With a doting look on his face, "Eat it, it's still warm."

Sister Yang gave a sweet hum and added, "But I haven't made the dipping sauce yet."

Qi Yuanming immediately took a plate and mixed the dipping sauce for her, "Do you want spicy or vinegar?"

Sister Yang looked at her with watery eyes, "I want it all, and I'll have a share of the dishes too."

Qi Yuanming sighed, "Take a sip of the soup first, and I'll prepare it for you right away."

As he said that, he immediately mixed the dipping sauce for her and put it in front of her, "Now, this dish is made of dried chili noodles and cumin, you can try it."

Sister Yang said "Hmm", picked up a few pieces of meat, dipped it in the chili noodles, and put a bite into her mouth, "Hmm~~It's delicious~~"

 Close your eyes happily, it’s really delicious.

Qi Yuanming saw how delicious she was eating, and the corners of his mouth raised in happiness.

Sister Yang picked up the meat, dipped it in chili powder, and gave him a taste, "Here, open your mouth."

Qi Yuanming immediately said "Ah~" and opened his mouth.

 The spicy beef slices were chewed in his mouth, and he closed his eyes happily, "Yeah, it's delicious."

Seeing that he liked it, Sister Yang smiled happily and said, "Hey, I like to eat more." She hurriedly gave him more.

Qi Yuanming also gave her a few more pieces of meat.

“You should also eat more. I see you have lost weight after being sick for a few days.” He felt distressed.

Sister Yang pursed her lips and acted coquettishly, "She seems to have lost a little weight."

Qi Yuanming felt distressed, "Eat more and raise the meat back, but I will get you some more meat tomorrow."

 “Don’t worry about not having enough food, I’m here and I’ll feed you.”

Sister Yang felt sweet in her heart, "Really?"

This is the first time a man has offered to support her.

 In the past, some men said they wanted to marry her, but it was as if they were giving her a favor. He felt that it was a shame for her to show up outside to treat people. She looked down on her but still wanted to marry her.

Unlike the big guy, when he said he would support her, he definitely meant it.

If you don’t believe it, let’s see tomorrow. He will definitely bring her vegetables and meat.

Sister Ying and Jing Han watched from the sidelines as they sandwiched meat between each other, dumbfounded.

In the end, Brother Zheng came out and said, "Uncle Qi, you have almost finished the meat in the pot. We don't have anything to eat."

Qi Yuanming coughed and quickly looked at the meat in the pot. He had indeed picked up the meat and put it on Sister Yang's plate.

“Then what, you eat vegetables tonight, and uncle will get you some meat tomorrow.”

Sister Ying smiled and said, "No, there's still some in the kitchen, I'll get it."

Qi Yuanming looked at her big belly and said quickly, "No, no, no, I'll get it. You just sit down."

 If A Jing knew later that he asked Sister Ying to go out to get meat in the middle of winter, he would probably be beaten to death.

He got up in a hurry, went out to the kitchen to get the meat, cut it into thin slices and brought it back.

 (End of this chapter)

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