Chapter 786, secretly holding hands

Sister Yang saw that his knife skills were so good and every piece of meat was cut evenly. It was hard to praise him.

“If you learn to cook, you might be able to cook better than a professional cook.”

 Being able to cut the meat slices so thin and all the same size. With this skill, you won’t be afraid of running out of food in the future.

Qi Yuanming laughed, feeling very happy, "As long as you like it."

If he resigns in the future, he may be able to open a butcher shop. He will be responsible for cutting the meat, and Sister Yang will just collect the money.

One of them is the boss and the other is the boss's wife, which is perfect when you think about it.

Sister Yang gave him a cute look and said, "If you praise me, you will go to heaven. Hurry up and eat."

Qi Yuanming hehey and sat down obediently.

After Sister Yang was full, she started to put vegetables and meat for him. She put down her chopsticks and propped her chin up, watching him eat with watery eyes.

  Qi Yuanming always eats big meals and looks very appetizing.

Sister Yang felt happy when she saw how much he ate.

In the past, I thought this guy had a big appetite, like a pig, but now I feel that his food tastes really good.

 As long as he is healthy, she is satisfied.

Sister Ying and Jing Han looked sour on the sidelines, holding the bowls like wax, with sad eyes~

Sister Ying couldn't help but ask Qi Yuanming, "Where has brother Rong gone? He hasn't been seen for several days."

Qi Yuanming knew it and told her in a low voice, "He went to the desert area."

Because that area is a desert, few people go there, but the third princess is very vigilant, fearing that someone might come from there and sneak into the military camp, so she has people patrol it every day.

 In the past few days, Shi Rong went by in a different scene, so he didn't come back.

Sister Ying thought of the hardships in the desert and sighed, "When will he come back?"

 By the time he comes back, he will probably have lost weight.

Qi Yuanming told her, "I will take over tomorrow and he will be back. We will take turns patrolling."

When Sister Yang heard that he was going to the desert, she quickly asked, "Is it difficult there? Is it far from here?"

Qi Yuanming nodded, "It's a bit far away, and riding a horse will make it faster, but the environment there is not good and it's not suitable for you to go. You'd better wait at home and wait for me to come back."

Sister Yang didn't think anything of it, "I'll go and see you when the time comes."

Qi Yuanming felt sweet in his heart, but still told her not to go, "The road over there is not easy to walk, it is full of sand and dust, and it is sand when you open your mouth. Be obedient, and I will come to see you after my shift."

Sister Yang curled her lips, obviously she still wanted to go, but she didn't say anything on her face.

Qi Yuanming saw her thoughts and put his big hand under the table to squeeze her small hand under the table to express comfort.

Sister Yang blushed, she didn't expect him to be so bold. Everyone was still here, but he actually dared to squeeze her hand.

Qi Yuanming also had red ears, but he still held her firmly, wanting to spend a little more time with her.

The corners of Sister Yang’s mouth kept rising, which showed that she also liked it.

This was the first time she shook hands with a boy, especially because his big hand was so big that it directly wrapped her little hand, making it warm.

Qi Yuanming also held the girl's hand for the first time, and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated again, "bang bang bang bang" beating very fast.

Sister Ying and Jing Han saw it from the side. They coughed and quickly let go of their hands.

After a while, they saw Sister Ying and her children talking, and they secretly held hands again.

Sister Ying actually saw it, but she just relaxed the policy and didn't say anything more.

 After finishing the meal, Qi Yuanming reluctantly stood up and looked at Sister Yang affectionately with his big eyes, "Then I'm leaving? I'll see you again when I have time."

Sister Yang also looked at him reluctantly, "Remember to come. If you don't have time to come, send someone over to say something, or send a message via a flying pigeon."

Qi Yuanming nodded, "Okay, I will reply to you when I have time. If I am not free, I will definitely be busy and not go to other places. You can rest assured to wait for me at home. As long as you are here, I will definitely come back." "

Sister Yang nodded, "I understand."

She walked him to the door, but still couldn't bear to let him go. Qi Yuanming couldn't bear to leave either. He couldn't bear to leave even if he looked back three times.

 In the end it was his subordinates who called him, "General, it's time to go."

Qi Yuanming then responded, "Here he comes."

  Now I really have to go.

Sister Yang kept looking at his back, and when she knew he could no longer be seen, she sighed and went back into the house.

Sister Ying was happy when she saw her like this, "Aren't you angry with him?"

Sister Yang shyly said, "Don't be angry, this is just a misunderstanding."

 Once the misunderstanding is resolved, there is still energy left.

Sister Ying came over and asked her, "Do you want to tell mother about this?"

 At least let your family know, lest it’s too sudden and they won’t be able to bear it.

Sister Yang was worried, "Mother won't agree, right?"

Mrs. Wu originally wanted to keep her in Jiangnan, but she was afraid that she would be rebellious, run away from home after marriage, or do other things that would cause trouble, so she wanted her to find a home nearby.

Qi Yuanming is from the capital and is so many years older than her. I wonder if her family will agree.

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Why, are you afraid that your parents won't agree?"

Sister Yang pursed her lips and nodded, "A little."

Sister Ying asked her, "What do you want to do if your parents really disagree?"

Sister Yang has a big head, "I don't know."

Ever since she grew up, she has had good ideas and is still a little rebellious.

Sometimes she is not willing to carry out what she says to her parents, but she knows in her heart that her parents are doing her best, so she still worries about them.

 But if her parents don’t agree with this, she doesn’t know what to do.

 After all, it is a lifelong event, and the opinions of parents must be very important. You can't abandon your parents just for your own selfish desires.

Seeing that she still remembered her parents, Sister Ying touched her head and said with emotion, "You are quite sensible."

 She looked like a child who had not grown up before, but now it seems that this girl has grown a lot.

Sister Yang raised her head and puffed out her chest, "That's right, I'm an adult now, okay?"

There are many people getting married at her age, and some even have children.

However, she still feels that she is still young, so she is not in a hurry to get married.

Sister Ying suggested, “Let’s write a letter first and ask about it, and listen to my parents’ opinions.”

Based on her understanding of her parents, she probably wouldn’t object, but she would find it sudden.

After all, Sister Yang didn't want to get married in the first place, and she wasn't interested in other young men. Wouldn't it be a shock if she suddenly got married?

Sister Yang thought so too, and chuckled, "Then let's ask my family first."

  Anyway, they are still in the stage of getting along, and the situation in the future is not certain, so it would be better to inform the family in advance.

The two sisters went to get pens, ink, paper and inkstones, and told their families everything they wanted to say.

Once the letter was written, he sent it to Jiangnan on a flying pigeon, waiting for his parents to reply.

After receiving the letter, Mrs. Wu was stunned for a moment and asked Liang Jin to take a look.

“Sister Ying said above that Sister Yang and Brother Ming are getting along??”

Liang Jin’s brows twitched, “No way?”

Didn’t we look at each other before and quarreled every day? How come things are getting better?

 (End of this chapter)

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