Chapter 787, Jing Shirong is back

Liang Jin guessed, "Is it possible that he is acting out his feelings?"

  Wu was speechless, "No way?"

  Previously, I saw that Sister Yang hated Qi Yuanming, and she didn't look like she was interested in him.

I didn’t expect that a trip to the border would make me fall in love?

Liang Jin was also confused. "Those two kids."

 Actually, when I think about it, it seems quite right.

 Brother Ming has an honest personality, loves to eat, has a lot of strength, and is a person who listens when he speaks, which is quite suitable for Sister Yang.

 If you find someone strong, Sister Yang probably won't like it.

 She doesn't like others to hold her head and order her, and she doesn't like to be controlled by others.

 On the contrary, someone like Qi Yuanming who is willing to listen to her is more suitable for her.

 Wu calmed down and felt that this was okay.

 But Qi Yuanming is a little older after all.

Liang Jin said, "What's this? It's not like seventy or eighty years old."

“Besides, Brother Ming and Brother Rong are good friends. They have been friends for so many years, so they must have good moral character.”

Furthermore, Qi Yuanming has come to their home several times. He is a very down-to-earth boy and is quite suitable for life.

Mrs. Wu sighed, "Before, I was worried that the girl would not be willing to get married and that she would run away from home."

I didn’t expect that now she would be willing to have contact with others and even want to get married. It’s really incredible.

Liang Jin stroked his goatee and laughed, "Children will always have their own ideas when they grow up. We don't have to worry too much. Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings."

Mr. Wu gradually understood this truth, but his temper was habitual and worrying.

"It's okay for Sister Yang. Even if she marries Brother Ming, she can still be neighbors with Sister Ying. I'm not afraid that no one will take care of her."

 “But Seng Geer gave me a big headache.”

 This child has had a strange personality since he was a child.

He either doesn't go out to play with others, stays at home all day long, and doesn't even bother to eat.

  When she got older, she would go out every day. She would not be at home for a few days throughout the year, but she would not look for her. She would be busy solving crimes every day, and she would not go back home, but she was worried to death.

Seeing that she was worrying again, Liang Jin sat down with her in his arms and pressed her shoulders, "You, don't worry. As I said, children and grandchildren will have their own blessings, so don't worry about the children." ”

 Wu Shi smiled bitterly, "I want to, but my personality is like this, I like to worry, so there's nothing I can do about it."

Liang Jin knew her temper, so he stopped talking about her. "Okay, let's rest now. I'll reply to the children when I get up tomorrow."

Wu Shi hummed and went to have a rest with him.

 This head.

Sister Ying and Sister Yang don’t know the situation at home, but they have some idea.

Sister Yang was afraid that her family would not agree, so she was worried for a few days.

But she was used to being careless, so she forgot about her worries for a few days and continued to read herbal medicines happily.

Qi Yuanming has been on patrol for the past few days and has no time to come over.

Jing Shirong, on the other hand, had time to come back after handing over to him.

He didn't come back for several days, so he rushed back to see Sister Ying as soon as possible.

 “Sister Ying?”

Jing Shirong didn't know whether to be angry or smile bitterly after learning that she hadn't been home for a long time and was staying at the medicine shed.

 But considering that the girl just likes to go out and play, forget it.

  Anyway, there are secret guards protecting us, so I think it will be fine.

Especially since it is heavily guarded here, there is no need to worry about safety. I am just worried that the environment here is average and I don’t know if she will be comfortable living there.

Sister Ying heard his voice in the house and hurriedly came out.

"Ms. sir?" As soon as I came out, I saw a man in a general's uniform on horseback, and I instantly became a little girl.

 “Mr. Gong~~”

Jing Shirong hurriedly dismounted, ran over with a smile on his face, and hugged her gently, avoiding her belly to avoid touching her.

Sister Ying put her hand around his neck very enthusiastically and kissed him several times, "I miss you so much."

Jing Shirong let her kiss him, and after she finished kissing him, he would do it instead.

He held her little face lovingly, kissed her eyes first, then her nose, and finally held her mouth and kissed her affectionately for a long time.

Sister Ying hugged him and responded to him.

The two of them smacked their lips and kissed for a long time, until Sister Ying's legs became weak and she fell into his arms.

Jing Shirong picked her up and weighed her.

 “Why is it still so light?”

  It’s already eight months old, but why is it still so light?

Sister Ying gave him a cute look, "It's because you are so strong. Why are you so light? I've obviously gained weight."

 She is not someone who would starve herself, let alone lose weight during pregnancy, so she eats very nutritious food.

 She has gained weight visibly this month.

 The little face is obviously a little fleshier, and the face is full of collagen. The skin is whiter and more supple than before.

Jing Shirong also noticed it and took a closer look at her face.

 “Madam, you smell so good and your face looks so white.”

It was also white before, but now it seems to be whiter and tenderer, like a peeled lychee, juicy, white and tender, and very delicious at first sight.

Sister Ying also knew that her skin condition was getting better and better, and she smiled proudly, "Except for a bit of a double chin, my skin is indeed better."

Jinghan's skin has improved a lot recently. The two of them are diligent in skin care and apply fragrance to each other every day. There is no trace of dryness or cracking on their bodies, and they are all supple and supple.

Jing Shirong gave her a rare kiss, then lowered his head and sniffed her neck, "It smells so good~"

Sister Ying patted him shyly and said, "Have you eaten yet? There's bone soup stewed in the pot. I'll serve you some."

Jing Shirong hummed and went with her.

The couple went to the kitchen hand in hand. Sister Ying asked him to sit down while she served soup and rice.

Jing Shirong saw that she was still looking neat despite her big belly, so he asked her, "Isn't your belly heavy?"

He could feel that her belly was a little bigger. Her waist was so thin, and he didn't know if it would be sore from the pressure of her belly.

Sister Ying touched her belly and told him with a smile, "It's a little heavy, but I always wear a belly band. Sister Yang made it for me. It's quite comfortable."

However, your back will be sore when you are tired from walking. After all, your belly is heavy, and if you lean forward, your back will definitely be sore.

Jing Shirong came over and rubbed her waist, "Shall I give you massage tonight?"

Sister Ying nodded and asked him. "You don't have to leave tonight?"

Jing Shirong hummed, "I've taken two days off to stay with you at home."

Sister Ying was overjoyed. She hugged him and kissed him, "That's great. I've been watching Sister Yang and Brother Qi show off their affection every day for the past few days. I miss you so much."

Jing Shirong was stunned, "What? Qi Yuanming and Sister Yang?"

Sister Ying forgot to tell him, "Yes, you sit down and eat first, and I will tell you."

Jing Shirong hummed and sat down to eat and listen to her talk.

Sister Ying told him about Qi Yuanming and Sister Yang. Jing Shirong finished his last sip of soup before saying, "I never expected that Qi Yuanming and I would have such a fate?"

  Even if they are brothers, they are actually brothers-in-law.

Sister Ying asked him, "What do you think of Sister Yang and Brother Qi?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "Qi Yuanming is honest and reliable, but has a childish temperament. Sister Yang is a good match for him."

Although the two of them are not the same age, they are about the same level of childishness, and there is no generation gap at all when they play.

 (End of this chapter)

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