The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 788: , the couple mixed honey with oil

 Chapter 788, the couple mix sweet things with oil

Sister Ying chuckled and said, "You said Brother Qi was childish?"

Jing Shirong did not hesitate to expose his brother's shortcomings, "It's not just childish, it's simply childish."

That guy looks fierce and intimidating based on his appearance.

 But if you really get along with him, you will know how childish he is.

Sister Ying covered her mouth and smiled, "Actually, I think he and Sister Yang are a good match."

 Two interesting souls collided together, and the days were lively.

Jing Shirong hugged her and smiled when he heard the words.

“Yes, it’s good that they can make it work.”

 They are both good children. It is so beautiful that lovers finally get married.

While we were chatting, the child in my belly suddenly kicked a few times.

Perhaps it had been a long time since she heard the voice of a strange man. After hearing Jing Shirong's voice, the child in her belly seemed to listen curiously for a while, and then kicked Sister Ying, as if she was writing, "Who is this person?" ?

Jing Shirong saw the bulge of Sister Ying’s little feet on her belly and smiled lovingly.

 He lowered his head and kissed Sister Ying on her belly, "I am your father."

It's a pity that the child in her belly has long forgotten about him. Her little feet are kicking and kicking, and it seems that she doesn't like strange men approaching her mother.

Jing Shirong saw that it kicked so hard that Sister Ying even hissed, obviously it was in pain.

 He immediately changed his face, lowered his head close to his round belly, and told the little guy in his belly, "Don't kick your mother, or I'll spank you when you come out!"

 The child in his belly didn't seem to be afraid of him at all, and kept kicking and kicking happily.

He was still pretending to be a strict father, but Sister Ying said, "No, no, no, please stop being aggressive to it. The more aggressive it is, the more excited it will be."

 This is an active month. If your biological father interacts with it, the little one in your belly will not sleep.

After hearing this, Jing Shirong smiled helplessly and touched his belly with his big hand, trying to calm the little guy down.

However, people were very excited, just kicking and kicking.

Jing Shirong was relieved when he saw that there was no pain on Sister Ying's face.

He asked Sister Ying, "We haven't seen each other for a few days. Why doesn't the little one kiss me?"

Sister Ying pinched his earlobe and smiled, "Children have short memories. It will be better when they grow up."

Jing Shirong was a little sad, "When I was patrolling over there in the desert, I thought about it every day. It's good that it forgot about me in the blink of an eye."

 As he spoke, he felt aggrieved.

Sister Ying naturally felt distressed when she saw his handsome face feeling wronged, so she held his face and kissed him.

“Don’t worry, it will be familiar after you play with it for two days. You are its daddy.”

Jing Shirong's soft words of comfort instantly improved her mood, and he kissed her neck like a baby, "My wife, it's better to be nice to me."

Sister Ying's neck was tickled by his kisses. She giggled and pushed his head away with her little hands, "Okay, don't kiss my neck. It's very itchy."

Jing Shirong raised his lips and smiled, "Where's the kiss?"

 He lowered his head and looked down, "Here?"

Sister Ying pinched his nose with her fingers and said, "You stinking scoundrel."

Jing Shirong laughed, "That's the gangster you like too."

Sister Ying snorted angrily and bit his handsome face, "Nonsense, I don't like gangsters. I only like good-looking handsome men."

Jing Shirong smiled, took off his general uniform, and took off half of his clothes with one hand. His chest muscles hidden in the clothes were looming, and his voice was evil, "Am I not pretty?"

Sister Ying almost drooled when she saw his seductive look.

“It’s just a little bit of exposure, it’s not enough to see.”

“Not as good as the men on the prairie. They are still shirtless in the middle of winter, their muscles are so hard, and the sweat they shed is crystal clear.”

Hearing this, Jing Shirong raised his eyebrows slightly and narrowed his eyes slightly. “Have you ever seen someone shirtless?”

 This is a danger signal.

Sister Ying didn't notice it at first, and she kept talking, "Yes, once we went to see the sheep, and when we passed by the grassland, we saw a group of herdsmen working."

At that time, the group of herdsmen took off their clothes when they were tired from their work, and drank wine with their arms and heads raised, looking very masculine.

 Don't talk about him at that time, even Jing Han and Sister Yang's eyes lit up.

 Who doesn’t like handsome guys? They are so eye-catching.

 She chuckled after saying that.

Jing Shirong raised his eyebrows and asked, "Oh?" as he slowly approached like an old fox. It wasn't until Sister Ying was surrounded by two hands that Sister Ying reacted.

 “What do you want to do if you are so close?” Before she could finish her sentence, she realized what she was doing.

 “What about that, Brother Rong, me, me, me, I was joking just now.”

Jing Shirong hugged her waist, lowered his head and blew into her ear, "Really? It wasn't as vividly as described just now, as if it was really seen. Could it be that those breast muscles were all imagined by you?"

 Still sweating and still crystal clear?

What a bad girl, she peeked at other men while he was away? Still hard muscles?

Sister Ying smiled guiltily, "I accidentally glanced at it. It wasn't intentional."

 But the truth is that she, Jing Han and Sister Yang all watched it with great joy.

They not only looked at the little brother, but also looked at the little sister, which was very exciting.

Of course, you can't tell Jing Shirong this, lest he become jealous and punish her.

When Jing Shirong heard the tone of her words, he didn't understand her at all. He immediately pinched her earlobe and said, "Bad lady, you still dare to lie to me?"

“Do you want me to deal with you, huh?”

He just said it and blew hot air in her ear.

Sister Ying's ears itched and she pushed him away with a smile, "Okay, I don't dare anymore. I won't read it anymore. Don't bully me."

Jing Shirong disliked her acting coquettishly the most. When she acted coquettishly, all the anger in his stomach disappeared.

He held her little face in his big hands, lowered his head and kissed her, "You are not allowed to look at other men in the future, and neither are other women, or I will bully you."

Sister Ying smiled coyly and said, "Okay, if you don't want to look at it, don't look at it." At worst, wait until he is gone and then look at it secretly.

Jing Shirong still doesn't know her, shakes his head and smiles, how can he really care about her.

 He lowered his head and kissed her, then kissed her belly, and talked to her for a while.

“Have you written to your father-in-law and mother-in-law to inform them?”

Sister Ying nodded, "I sent it, but their letter hasn't arrived yet. I'll tell you later."

While chatting, Murong Yun also came back.

Jinghan was so happy that she grabbed him and chatted for a long time.

 Even though she has three children, she is very affectionate.

Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan were also chasing after Murong Yun, and the whole family was very lively.

Sister Ying and Jing Shirong listened to the bustle outside the door and looked at Sister Ying's belly at the same time.

“The little one will be born in two months, so I’m a little nervous thinking about it.”

Sister Ying couldn't laugh or cry, "I'm not nervous about giving birth, why are you nervous?"

Jing Shirong sighed, "We've always been just a couple in our family, but suddenly we have a child. How can we not be nervous?"

 He has never raised a child before, so he will suddenly become a father, so he will naturally be nervous.

Sister Ying didn't feel this way. Maybe she was eight months pregnant and had become familiar with the little one in her belly, so she didn't feel nervous about being alone.

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 (End of this chapter)

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