Chapter 789: Fighting for a wife

Jing Shirong touched her belly and said, "The baby will be born in two months. Then the third princess and I will take a long vacation to stay with you."

Sister Ying also wanted to be with him and lay in his arms, "Isn't your military camp very busy? Can you take a long leave?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "I'm busy this year mainly with training the new recruits. Now that the training is more stable, I can free up some time."

In a few days, the group of spies will be sent out for practice, and then he will have time to go home to spend time with his wife and children.

 Sister Ying will naturally be happy if he can ask for leave.

Hold his neck with your little hands, the more you look at him, the more curious you become.

Jing Shirong lowered his head and looked at her. The two of them looked at each other with affectionate expressions. They looked at each other and then put their mouths together again.

When Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan came in, they saw a scene that was not suitable for children.

 Brother Zheng is older than Brother Yuan. He covered his younger brother's eyes and pulled him out.

 Brother Yuan was young and asked his elder brother with a confused look, "Brother, what are my cousin and aunt doing?"

 Brother Zheng replied seriously, "They are cultivating the relationship between husband and wife."

 This is what his father told him when he saw his father kissing his mother before.

Brother Yuan nodded in confusion, "Then we also want to marry a wife in the future?"

 He also wanted to kiss his wife, which seemed like a lot of fun.

Brother Zheng nodded seriously, "We are men and we will definitely marry a wife in the future, but I want to marry a wife who is as good-looking as my cousin. I don't want an ugly one."

Brother Yuan nodded like the trend, "How about we marry my cousin's daughter? If my cousin is good-looking, her daughter must be good-looking too."

 Brother Zheng’s eyes lit up, and for the first time he felt that his younger brother wasn’t stupid either.

"You have a good idea. When my cousin's child is born, we will have a wife."

 But I only have one daughter-in-law, how will I divide it up?

Brother Zheng said seriously to Brother Yuan, "If my cousin gives birth to a daughter, let me get married. I am the eldest son, and my cousin is just right for me. Just wait for my cousin's second child."

Brother Yuan was unwilling, "I don't want it. It's fine if my brother is born first. My wife still wants to marry first, but I don't agree. I want to be the first one this time."

Seeing that he still dared to talk back, Brother Zheng put his hands on his hips and scolded him like a brat. "Young and old should be in order. Anyway, I have to get married first. You are my younger brother, so you have to let me."

Brother Yuan pursed his lips and said unconvinced, "I am your younger brother. If you want to love your children, you must let me!"

 “I don’t, I am the elder brother, you have to let me!”

 “Why, I’m younger than you.”

 “I’m older than you.”

The two of them started arguing with each other.

Jing Han and Murong Yun heard the commotion and came out to see what was going on. They saw the two brothers pushing each other, looking like they were about to fight.

Jinghan couldn't stand it anymore and slapped the table, "Stop! Why are you arguing?"

 The mother went crazy, and the two brothers immediately stopped and looked at Murong Yun fearfully.


Murong Yun sat down, and the old **** was looking at them, "What are you two arguing about?"

 Brother Zheng sighed and explained to his parents, "We are arguing about marriage."

Murong Yun and Jing Han looked at each other, and the couple said together, "Marriage?"

"How old are you two? Why are you arguing about marriage?"

Brother Zheng replied like a young adult, "Brother Yuan and I are both men, and we will definitely get married in the future. My cousin is so good-looking, so we thought it would be better if we could get closer to our cousin in the future. "

Jinghan's mouth twitched, "So you two are fighting over the child in your cousin's aunt's belly?"

Brother Zheng corrected her, "She is my cousin's aunt's wife. My son's future wife!"

Brother Yuan muttered, "She's my wife, not yours." Brother Zheng didn't want to let it go, "What's yours is clearly mine."

Seeing that the two brothers were about to be beaten again, Jing Han gave them a speechless look, "Okay! What kind of wife is not a wife? Your cousin's baby is a boy, don't even think about it."

 Still a daughter-in-law.

 “A big fat boy will be born soon, and you two will cry.”

Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan looked surprised, "Big fat boy? Brother?"

This, this, this, they really forgot about this.

Jinghan saw their stunned faces and couldn't help but laugh.

"Your cousin's belly is round and pointed. He looks like a son at first glance. What do you two grown men want to do with a little brother? Do you want to kiss him?"

Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan looked at each other, "Can't we kiss each other more, little brother?"

Jinghan gave them an example, "Little brother, if we can kiss each other, then let you and Brother Yuan kiss and hold each other high. Are you willing?"

 Brother Zheng glanced at Brother Yuan, who was licking his lips with snot flowing from his nose, and almost felt sick.

"I do not want to!"

 What kind of little brother do you want? It’s not cute at all, it’s disgusting.

  Brother Yuan is not willing, "Who wants a stinky brother? I want a beautiful young lady."

 Brother Zheng also said, "Who doesn't like little sister? Let me put it in your words."

Pretty ladies all smell good, who doesn’t like them.

Jinghan was amused by them, "Okay, you two, go practice calligraphy if you have nothing to do. When you are older, you will be thinking about getting a wife. Why be anxious? There will be a long time ahead."

 Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan rarely saw their father at home, so naturally they didn't want to write, so they pulled Murong Yun along to act coquettishly.

“Dad, when will you take us to play?”

Murong Yun took a look at the weather. The weather has been pretty good recently. It hasn't snowed anymore, so he can take the children out for a walk.

“Okay, I’ll take you out to buy toys in two days.”

When Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan heard that they could go out to buy toys, they jumped up happily, "Okay, thank you, Daddy~"

Jing Han smiled and said, "We will invite Sister Shangyang and the others to join us then. We haven't gone out to play in a long time."

Murong Yun nodded, "Okay, we will get an extra carriage then and we can all go together."

At night.

 The whole family goes out to eat together.

 Qi Yuanming did not come in the evening, but Jing Han and Sister Ying came out in pairs.

Sister Yang felt sour when she saw the two loving couples feeding each other vegetables and meat.

 She secretly complained that Qi Yuanming was not here at this time, so she had to eat a big mouthful of dog food.

She looked at the brother-in-law. They were feeding each other, but their little hands were holding each other under the table and they were so sticky.

 Looking at Jing Han's couple again, they both looked at each other very affectionately, and they were very affectionate. She was the only one who suddenly wanted to get married.

 At night, when the two couples went to sleep in the guest rooms, Sister Yang missed Qi Yuanming even more, so she simply got up and wrote him a letter, flying pigeons to pass the letter.

Jing Shirong heard the sound of pigeons flapping their wings outside the window, and joked to Sister Ying, "You can't stay in a female university."

I hated Qi Yuanming so much before, but now I like him, and I can't wait to go out to find him every day.

Sister Ying also laughed, "Don't say that female undergraduates don't get admitted, and male undergraduates don't get admitted either. They might run faster than girls."

As long as there is someone you like outside, it goes without saying that he will run away on his own, and there will be no distinction between men and women.

 (End of this chapter)

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