Chapter 790: Husband and wife get together

Jing Shirong felt that what he said made sense. He looked down at Sister Ying's belly and asked, "I wonder if your son or daughter will run away with someone in the future."

Sister Ying chuckled. "Then who knows."

When the children grow up and find someone they like, don’t they just run away? This is normal.

Jing Shirong began to worry, "It's okay for boys. They won't suffer much loss outside. If my daughter runs away with someone, I don't know how much spit she will drown in."

 He decided that when he gave birth to a daughter in the future, he must give her a good education and not be abducted by some brat outside.

Sister Ying smiled softly, "What if my son runs away with someone?"

 Everyone is accustomed to think of their daughters running away with others. In fact, it is possible for sons to run away with others too.

Jing Shirong was stunned, obviously he had never thought about this.

 Perhaps it’s a stereotype. Everyone thinks that it’s only the daughters who are deceived, and the son will not suffer.

 But sometimes when a son likes someone for the first time, wouldn’t he be deceived if he likes a scheming villain?

Jing Shirong thought it made sense and frowned, "Then both the son and the daughter should be optimistic about it, and no one can try to cheat him!"

Sister Ying chuckled and said, "Okay, okay, then I will trouble you in the future, the father of the child."

Jing Shirong’s eyebrows raised when he called the child’s father so sweetly.

 “Well, I’ll keep an eye on it.”

 The corners of his mouth were raised, obviously he was in a good mood.

Sister Ying was very happy to see it. For the first time, she felt that her man was so cute. She hugged him and kissed him fiercely several times.

 The child in her belly felt her mother's happiness and kicked her several times, feeling very happy.

 The couple lay on the bed at night and talked for a long time before falling asleep in the dead of night.

 On the second day.

Jing Shirong was still there. Sister Ying woke up early in the morning and saw him. She happily walked over to him and nuzzled her little head in his arms, like a cat.

Jing Shirong pushed her head away, his eyes unclear, "Don't flirt with me, or you'll have to bear the consequences."

 Early in the morning, he is not Liu Xiahui.

Sister Ying raised her eyebrows and teased him, "You are quite naughty~"

Jing Shirong licked his lips and said, "I can be worse. Madam, do you want to try?"

Sister Ying blinked and told him, "No, no, I am a decent woman, and I cannot go behind my husband's back to look for my little brother."

Jing Shirong was very happy, "Oh? So, the young lady has a family?"

Sister Ying blinked and said, "That's natural. I'm already married. I can't let my husband be sorry. My little brother should find someone else."

Seeing how realistic her acting was, Jing Shirong immediately took the bait and said, "I have fallen in love with you. If you don't tell me about this and I don't tell you, how will your husband know? What do you think, little beauty?"

Sister Ying shyly acted with him, "Then how can the slave family treat the husband~~"

 While saying sorry, I circled my little hand on the person’s chest.

Jing Shirong narrowed his eyes slightly and showed his wolf teeth, "Then I can only apologize to your husband first."

 Speaking, he picked up the little rabbit and went to the wolf's den.

Sister Ying was still acting, "Oh, I'm so embarrassed. My husband is so sorry~~"

Jing Shirong smiled helplessly, lowered his head and blocked her mouth, not allowing her to speak.

 If he kept listening, he wouldn't know whether he was her husband or her lover.

The two of them slept for a long time before getting up. Fortunately, Jinghan took Murong Yun and the children to the medicine shed to watch the growth of herbs, otherwise Sister Ying would have been ashamed.

Jing Shirong acted like a normal person and even helped her wash up and put some moisturizing oil on her belly.

But his technique was unfamiliar, and the little guy in the belly was very dissatisfied and kicked around, as if protesting that his own father was too strong.

When Sister Ying saw this, she said to Jing Shirong, "Don't be strong, the baby in your belly is dissatisfied." She didn't have much living space, and she was pushed around by her own father. It was strange that she could be happy.

Jing Shirong felt guilty and quickly lowered his strength, gently and gently applying oil to her.

"how about this?"

Sister Ying felt that the little guy in her belly was kicking less hard, so she hummed, "Take it a little gentler."

Jing Shirong said calmly, "What about this?"

The little guy in his belly finally stopped kicking. Sister Ying nodded with satisfaction, "Okay."

Jing Shirong followed the pressure and gently applied oil on her, and massaged her shoulders to relax her.

Sister Ying closed her eyes in comfort, enjoying herself very much.

“Brother Qi is good at cutting meat, and your massage skills are also good. It’s good that you can still make a living when you get old in the future.”

Jing Shirong smiled and said, "I'll let you take care of me when I get old, and why should I learn any crafts?"

Sister Ying's eyes widened, "Brother Qi said he wanted to raise Sister Yang, but you let me raise her?"

How can the gap between people be so big?

Jing Shirong blinked at her, "All my belongings are with you, so naturally I have to rely on my lady to provide me with food."

Who is like Qi Yuanming? He doesn’t have much property, and even Sister Yang doesn’t have much property either. Why can’t he go out to make money to support his family?

Sister Ying gave him a cute look and said, "Don't be too proud. Maybe they will make a lot of money in the future."

 Aren’t they also investing? You may get rich one day.

Jing Shirong shook his head calmly, "It's hard to say."

Those two are not good at doing business. It would be good if they don’t lose money and they still make money.

As they were talking, Murong Yun came over and asked them if they wanted to go out for a walk on the street.

Jing Shirong looked at Sister Ying, "Are you going?"

Sister Ying naturally wanted to go, "Let's go, I haven't been on the street for a long time."

They have been coming to the medicine shed for several days and have not gone shopping for a long time.

Jing Shirong saw that she was walking so fast even though she had a big belly, so she hurriedly followed her and said, "Be careful." Even with such a big belly, she was still acting recklessly.

Sister Ying retorted, "I don't have any."

Whoever said that a pregnant woman should be as bulky as an ox would not allow her to move quickly and easily.

Jing Shirong looked at her belly and asked, "Isn't your belly heavy?"

He saw that Jinghan was walking very clumsily, as if he had a big watermelon in his belly, and he was out of breath even after taking a few steps.

Sister Ying feels fine, "Maybe it's my first pregnancy, so I feel okay and my physical strength is still there."

Jinghan told her before that the first child should be easier, but the more children she has, the more tiring she will be.

Like Jinghan, her first pregnancy was bouncing around, her second pregnancy was able to slowly drop, and her third pregnancy was even more tiring.

Hearing this, Jing Shirong glanced at Sister Ying, feeling a little distressed for some reason, and told her, "Just buy whatever you like. Don't save me any money. You can just buy it for fun."

Sister Ying knew that he wanted to compensate herself, so she smiled and said, "Just buy it, I won't be polite to you."

 Pregnancy was hard, but she was willing to do it, so she never complained.

Even if I got tired occasionally, I just wanted to hug him and never cried or complained.

The more she behaves like this, the more Jing Shirong feels distressed.

“They say sensible children don’t have candy, but you act so sensible in front of me.”

He has seen other people's eldest children being very sensible and having to let their younger brothers and sisters do everything. The grievances made him suffer.

 (End of this chapter)

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