Chapter 792, quarrel in the inn

Xiaoer's forehead was sweating and he looked at Jing Shirong, "This"

He was also helpless. The young man clearly ordered kebabs, but he suddenly asked for mutton soup on the table. How could he smooth things over?

Jing Shirong saw that the waiter was in trouble, so he looked at Sister Ying and asked her opinion.

Sister Ying looked back at the young gentleman, waved her hand and asked the waiter, "Bring it over, twenty liang for a bowl. If the young gentleman wants to drink, just give him money."

The waiter was stunned for a moment, "Twenty taels??"

This, this, this, this is too much.

Sister Ying laughed and said, "Bring it over and give it to him after asking for details. If he thinks it's expensive, just bring it back."

Seeing that her tone didn't sound like a joke, the waiter could only take the soup over and said to the grumbling young master, "Sir, the lady just said that this bowl of soup is twenty taels. If you don't mind, If it’s expensive, take it. If you think it’s expensive, you’ll have to send the smaller one back.”

The young man was angry when he heard this, "Twenty taels? Is your store a black shop?"

The waiter explained, "No, no, no, because the lady has already settled the bill, so the soup belongs to her. If you want to drink it, you naturally have to buy it for someone else, right?"

The young man knew as soon as he heard that the other party was looking for trouble for him, and he immediately walked to Sister Ying's table angrily.

“Do you know who I am, and you dare to be disrespectful to me?”

Sister Ying all looked at him at the table.

The other person looks to be only sixteen or seventeen years old, but he has a round belly and is not tall. Even his face plate is round and round. His double chin, big ears, and eyes are all squeezed out by the flesh.

But looking at his clothes, he looked particularly wealthy, and he looked like a child from a wealthy family.

Sister Ying and Jing Shirong looked at the jade pendant on the other's belt at the same time, and then looked at the other's crown, guessing that this person was probably a young man from an official family, otherwise he wouldn't be so arrogant.

The young master was also looking at them. He looked up and down at Sister Ying and saw how beautiful she was. He was a little surprised for a moment, but when he said something unpleasant, he suddenly stopped.

 Looking at the other woman next to her, she was also beautiful, so she couldn't even curse her.

Until he saw Jing Shirong, he found an outlet. Just when he was about to vent his anger on Jing Shirong, he saw Jing Shirong put the heavy sword on the table. The sound of "touch!" showed that the sword was not light.

So the swear words that came to my mouth had to be swallowed back.

He was speechless for a moment, and the girl at the next table snorted, "Batur, weren't you awesome just now? Are you scared now? You are a coward."

As soon as the young man named Batur heard that the other party called him a coward, he immediately stopped and said, "Who are you talking about?"

He walked to the girl's table and saw clearly who the other party was, "Aituri, why is it you?"

 The girl in the fiery red dress stood up, "What's wrong with me? I can't come?"

The two of them were good friends from aristocratic families, but they disliked each other and started fighting each other when they met, as if they were enemies.

The most unhappy thing about Batur was living under the same roof as Aituli. This woman didn't know how many times he had been humiliated, which made him lose all his face. He had a headache when he saw her.

 “I don’t want to tell you.” After saying that, he left.

Aituli deliberately sarcastically said to him, "You don't want the mutton soup? Weren't you so aggressive just now? I don't know how powerful you thought you were, but you turned out to be useless."


Batur was so angry that he said, "Aituli, don't be too arrogant. I'll tell your mother!"

Aituli is not afraid of him. "Go ahead and tell me, my mother won't believe you, you fat man."


Batur was so angry that he turned to leave, but was unwilling to leave. He rolled his eyes and suddenly thought, "I understand. Are you here to have a private meeting with your lover?"

Aituli blushed, "What nonsense are you talking about!"

 She did not come to have a private meeting with her lover, she was just dissatisfied with the marriage her family found for her and came out to relax. I didn't expect to meet this fat guy here, it was really off-putting. Seeing her reaction, Baltu thought he had guessed it right, and immediately sarcastically said to her, "Aituli, I heard that your family is going to get engaged for you. Your fiancé is still a good friend of mine. If Jere knows that you are secretly Come out to meet your lover and see how he treats you!"

Aituri didn't like that Jer to begin with, but when Batur, the fat guy, said this, she became even more angry.

 She took out the whip from her waist and threw it directly, "I told you to shut up!"

  Batur was startled and hurriedly avoided, "You dare to hit me?"

He is from a famous family, but Aituri is crazy and dares to beat him!

Angry, Batur asked his servant, "Take her down!"

Seeing that the two were about to fight, Sister Ying had no choice but to stand up and change places at the table.

 But Batur and Aituli were angry and refused to allow them to leave.


 “This matter today is caused by you, you are not allowed to leave until I give an explanation!”

Jing Shirong stood up and walked to Sister Ying and Jing Han, protecting them. He glanced at Aituli and Batur coldly, "What do you two want to explain?"

Batur saw how cold his face was and his eyes were so cold. He suddenly thought of his father's dead soldiers, and he immediately became afraid and took a big step back.

  But Aituli was so brave that she threw the whip directly at her, "Take my whip first and then talk!"

Unfortunately, the whip was thrown away, but Jing Shirong caught him.

  Aituri pulled hard, but she couldn't move.

 “How presumptuous! Let go of this princess!”

Jing Shirong sneered, "Princess? Which princess is so cruel and unkind? Can he just whip a whip on every passer-by?"


Aituli didn't expect that his cruel and cruel hat fell down. She choked on the spot and forgot how to refute.

However, the maid next to her reacted very quickly and said fiercely to Jing Shirong, "How dare you! The next one you commit will be a serious crime. A whip from our princess is a small punishment but a big warning. Why don't you thank me?"

Sister Ying chuckled.

This was the first time she heard such confusing words.

It was obviously the other party who hit the person first, but you still asked someone to thank you? It's really hilarious.

The maid saw her sneer, feeling that her face was offended, and pointed at her angrily, "How dare you laugh at the princess?"

Jing Shirong looked at the fingers and narrowed his eyes, obviously angry.

Sister Ying pulled him back and asked him to calm down.

"Sister, I see you are so young, why do you suffer from delusion? When have I ever laughed at your princess?"

The maid was angry, "You are still making excuses. We all heard you sneer at our princess just now."

Sister Ying looked innocent, "This inn is open to the public. Anyone can come to eat, and you can also talk and laugh here. If your princess is allowed to laugh here, won't others be allowed to laugh? Is it illegal to smile? "


The maids never expected that the princess was in front of them. This woman dared to talk back like this. She angrily asked Princess Aituli to protect her, "Princess, this woman is too presumptuous. She even dared to talk back in front of you." How dare you be so arrogant."

When the temperature drops, remember to keep warm (///▽///)



 (End of this chapter)

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