Chapter 793, two big-bellied women

 Aituri was naturally angry too.

In the past, whenever she revealed her identity, people on the roadside would stay away, fearing her whip.

Who would have expected that today I would meet a tough opponent, a beautiful woman.

Her eyes widened in anger, and she was about to take the whip and continue to swing it, but saw the woman suddenly lift her cloak, Feng Qingyun said calmly, "It's better for the princess to be careful with the whip, don't scare the civilian women." "

“If a civilian woman is accidentally frightened and the child in her belly has any minor problems, the civilian woman will not let you go.”

These words were so sinister that Princess Aituli did not dare to move.


Seeing Princess Aituli stop, the maid came over and said, "Princess, there are so many people watching. If you are humiliated by a woman today, how will you be able to maintain your dignity in front of the people in the future?"

Of course Aituri knows, "But how can I beat her when she has a big belly?"

With one dead body and two lives later, things will get serious.

The maid looked at Sister Ying's belly and saw that it was indeed troublesome.

 But if the matter is settled like this, if other princesses see it in the future, they will not be laughed at to death.

The master and the servant looked distressed and distressed when another princess came downstairs.

Before anyone came up, the sound came first.

"Princess, my servant seems to have heard the voice of Princess Aituli."

As soon as the princess heard this, she ran upstairs and saw Aituri's figure as soon as she reached the third floor.

 “Aituli, is it really you?”

The two families are from rival families, with different positions and different interests. The children are also on opposite sides when they get along, and they compete with each other every day.

As soon as Princess Qiao Lifan came up, she saw Aituli standing there with a whip, as if she wanted to hit someone.

She looked around suspiciously, but didn't see anything unusual.

It turns out that Sister Ying and Jing Han have sat back down again, obviously they are tired from standing.

Aituri didn't expect that the two big-bellied women would sit back as if nothing happened, and they didn't take her majesty into consideration at all.

But now is not the time to talk about this. The two big-bellied women sat back and saved her trouble.

 If they were still in a stalemate, Qiao Lifan would probably laugh at her when she found out.

 “Qiao Lifan, what are you doing here?”

She was afraid that Qiao Li would ask more questions, so she quickly struck first.

Qiao Lifan looked at the person upstairs suspiciously and asked her, "What were you doing just now?"

Aituri snorted coldly, "What else can you do to eat?"

Qiao Lifan didn't believe it, "You clearly took the whip just now. Who were you going to hit?"

 Aituri snorted, "It's none of your business."

They are both princesses, so they have to listen to her in everything they do.

Seeing her being so arrogant, Qiao Lifan said angrily, "Don't you allow me to care about you?"

Aituli didn’t believe her kindness, “I have something else to do, so I’ll leave first.”

 If you stay any longer, you may be tricked by Qiao Lifan again.

Batur saw her intention, and it was not a big deal to watch the excitement, and muttered, "Aituli, your accounts haven't been settled yet, why are you leaving?"

  Aituri glared at him and secretly cursed this fat man for being so talkative!

 Batur still holds a grudge against her for calling him a fat man just now, so he naturally wants to take revenge.

"Didn't you just want to punish the three people who were disrespectful to you? Why did you leave? The princess did not want to do it anymore?"

Jing Shirong's face turned cold when he saw the fat man bringing fire to them, and his black eyes shot towards them like sharp swords.

Batur felt a little embarrassed when he saw him looking at him coldly, but with so many people on the third floor, he didn't believe that the unruly man dared to attack him. Seeing the heated interaction in their eyes, Qiao Lipan immediately smelled the gossip.

She looked at Jing Shirong's table and blushed immediately when she saw a handsome face when he suddenly looked over.

 At the age of sixteen or seventeen, it was the time when love was just beginning to develop. Suddenly she saw a good-looking man's face. Qiao Lifan's heart beat faster and she quickly fell in love.

She walked over boldly, looked down at Jing Shirong, and asked him, "What's your name?"

Jing Shirong looked at her coldly, "No comment."

Qiao Lifan was stunned, not expecting that he would answer her like this.

 But instead of being angry, she felt that this man was really a man. He actually dared to look her in the face and reject her. This had never happened before.

 There were young princes who pursued her before, but she didn't like them because she thought those people were too boring.

 But the one in front of her pleased her very much.

“My name is Qiao Lifan. The weather is very good today. Can I invite you to see the horses in the suburbs?”

Jing Shirong took a sip of hot tea without raising his eyes, "It's inconvenient."

Qiao Li was puzzled, "What inconvenience is it for you? It's rare for my princess to invite someone, so don't waste my time and effort."

 She originally wanted to say, "Don't you know how to flatter me," but she was afraid of scaring the other person, so she changed her tune.

 She thinks that she has gone down enough etiquette and steps, so this man should agree, right?

Unfortunately, Jing Shirong pointed to Sister Ying next to her, "My wife and children are here, otherwise our whole family will go with the princess?"

Qiao Lifan was so busy looking at the handsome man just now that she actually forgot to look around him.

She looked at the beautiful Sister Ying, a trace of jealousy flashed in her eyes, and secretly wondered how this woman could look like such a vixen? She doesn't blame her man for rejecting her.

Sister Ying saw her looking at her and raised her hand to touch her belly.

Qiao Lifan was stunned. She didn't expect her belly to be so big under the cloak.

Jinghan was also naughty. He lifted up his cloak and touched his belly.

Now Qiao Lifan was not calm anymore, "You actually have two wives? And they are both pregnant?"

Jing Shirong’s face remained unchanged as he pointed at Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan who were watching acrobatics downstairs, “There are two other boys downstairs.”

ˆ˜Qiao Lifan.

 Feeling the pain from being hit on the face, "What is it!"

She glared at Jing Shirong angrily, then glanced at Aituli and Batur, warning them not to talk nonsense.

However, Aituli thought this scene was very good, and said in a strange tone, "Oh, if people knew about Princess Qiao Lifan chatting up two men with big bellies, it would make people laugh out loud. It would be really interesting. ”

With that said, he was about to leave, "I'm going back first, I have a gathering with my sisters later."

  She said this deliberately, just to make Qiao Li look bad.

Sure enough, when Qiao Lifan heard that she was going to have a gathering with her sisters, she felt that she would tell her what happened today and immediately refused to let her go.


 Aituli didn’t listen to her, “Get out of the way!”

   Since we are both princesses, no one will give in to the other.

“Aituli, if you dare to tell me what happened today, I’ll see if I skin you.”

“Oh, what a joke. I can say whatever I want with my princess’ mouth. Do you have any control over it?”

Both of them had fire in their eyes. One wanted to leave, but the other violently stopped him, and finally took action directly.

 “I think you just deserve a beating.”

 As he spoke, the whip was swung.

Aituli was furious, "You still dare to hit me?"

 Having said that, he also waved his whip and passed by.

 (End of this chapter)

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