Chapter 794: Energetic

Seeing the whip coming, Jing Shirong calmly asked Sister Ying and Jing Han to go downstairs first, and he followed behind.

 Batur didn’t take it too seriously to watch the excitement, and reminded him, “They are leaving!”

Upon seeing this, Qiao Lifan immediately chased after her, "Don't leave!"

If these three people were allowed to leave, gossip might spread.

The woman is the most arrogant, especially the two big-bellied women. It’s unclear how she will be arranged when they go back, so she won’t let them go.

She refused to give in, but Aituli gave in. "You three, leave quickly! Don't block the princess's way here."

 She just wants these three people to leave so that there will be more fun in the future.

Qiao Lifan was furious, "What do you mean? Are you deliberately going against me?"

Aituli pretended, "No, I just want to go back early and tell them not to block my way."

 Qiao Lifan didn't believe it. How could this woman be so kind?

She walked over angrily and tried to hold the three people back, but Sister Ying and Jing Han had already gone downstairs easily.

Qiao Lifan wanted to chase her, but was blocked by Aituli, "I'm telling you, do you understand that it's first come, first served? I walked up the stairs first."

Qiao Lifan was so angry that she said, "You are looking for death!"

 The two of them didn't know how to deal with each other in the first place, so it would be even more powerful if they knew how to do it.

The waiter looked on with fear and said, "Sir, please be objective. If you smash the tables and chairs, you will have to pay for it."

But the two princesses couldn't hear it and they beat them badly.

After Sister Ying and the others arrived on the first floor, they could hear the ping-ping-pong-pong-pong-pong sound upstairs.

She complained to Jing Shirong, "The princesses here are so impulsive. They always whip their whips. It's too rough."

The capital city is better. Although there are many rules, etiquette and royal laws are important, and you will be punished if you hit anyone or not.

"Are the rules in neighboring countries so lax? Can the princess just beat people at will?"

Jing Shirong told her, "At least it's more relaxed than the capital city, but it's wrong to hit people at every turn. Those two are probably princesses from a small country next to a neighboring country. They are used to showing off their power at home, so they think they can be beaten and scolded outside."

   Even if someone is killed, even the princess will be punished.

Sister Ying was puzzled, "Are there other small countries neighboring here?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "There are many small countries here. The third princess is afraid that those small countries will unite together, so she needs to patrol the border areas every day."

Sister Ying understood, "Actually, it would be best if there was no war. If there is a war, the people will be in dire straits and life will be devastated, so it is best to live in friendship."

This is also the reason why she didn't want to conflict with the two princesses just now.

  It is not a big deal in the first place, but it is really annoying to have to fight and kill people.

However, the princes and nobles of the small neighboring countries here seem to be very aggressive and competitive. It is no wonder that they like to fight.

 Fortunately, their army was strong and their food and grass were abundant. When the kings of neighboring countries saw this, they naturally did not dare to start a war randomly.

Jing Shirong gently touched her head with his big hand, telling her not to worry too much.

“It’s okay. We have strong supplies of food, grass, soldiers and horses. We can live a good life for at least ten years. Don’t worry too much.”

Sister Ying believes in their strength, "Thanks to the fattening of food and grass this time, you can eat enough."

 As long as the population increases, the number of people in the military camp will also expand.

 Coupled with their good training, the soldiers' food rations are also guaranteed, so they are not afraid of attacks from neighboring countries.

 The kings of neighboring countries naturally did not dare to act impulsively when they saw that their military camp was getting stronger.

 So they also wanted to get some food and grass to strengthen the military camp.

It's a pity that the land in their country is not very good, and the food they grow grows slowly, which is not enough for the soldiers to eat.

 Even if you want to do some business to buy grain and grass, business is not that easy.

Jing Shirong said this, and Sister Ying felt relieved. "Let's go and see Brother Zheng and the others."


Jing Shirong took them to find Brother Zheng and the others. Murong Yun heard what they said about what happened upstairs and went over to ask Jing Han, "Are you scared?"

Jinghan chuckled, "They're just two little girls, there's nothing to be afraid of."

From her point of view, the two princesses just now were fighting between children, just like her two sons, and Jinghan didn't feel at ease at all.

Murong Yun saw that her face was calm and teased her, "As expected of a person with two sons, she has such great courage."

Jinghan laughed and said, "I am angry with your two sons every day, but my temper has been cured."

  She had a hot temper before, but after having a child, her anger became more and more casual. She didn't care about it anymore, and her temper naturally increased.

Murong Yun raised his head and smiled, she was so happy.

Since there was a fight in the inn, they stopped going and found another theater.

 The theaters here are different from those in the capital. There are fewer opera singers and more storytellers.

Murong Yun walked upstairs and took them to the private room.

Jinghan saw that he knew everything about him, so he pinched him and said, "How come you are so familiar with every place? You don't know him well at brothels, right?"

Murong Yun coughed, she was right.

 When he went out to do business, he went everywhere, especially brothels.

 Many wealthy businessmen or officials did not like to be discovered, so they would discuss business in brothels.

 After going back and forth, Murong Yun was naturally familiar with all the major brothels.

But he is not a person obsessed with beauty, he only talks about business.

Jinghan didn't believe it and glanced at him up and down, "Back then you told me that you weren't getting along with other girls. Who knows if you were no longer a boy long ago."

Murong Yun blushed, "Don't talk nonsense outside."

There is nothing wrong with him. He just does business outside all year round. He looks very sophisticated in temperament and gives people the impression of impurity, but he is really!

Jinghan didn't believe it. He snorted and pushed him away, "Don't stop me from listening to the book."

Murong Yun was ashamed and lowered his head to her ear, "Ajing and the others are still here, please save some face for me."

Jinghan chuckled and said, "I even scratched your face in front of them. Why do you want to lose face?"

Murong Yun thought of the past quarrels between husband and wife, when Jing Han got so angry that he scratched his face, and it was in front of Jing Shirong and the others. Thinking about it, it was really shameless, so it didn't matter.

 On the other hand, Sister Ying heard their conversation and immediately glanced at Jing Shirong.

“I remember that you were in business with your cousin-in-law, right?”

Since we are doing business together, we should go to brothels frequently, right?

 Jing Shi Rong.

Hold the teacup in his hand, and suddenly he didn’t know how to drink it.

"Madam, don't tell me by hearsay that Murong is Murong and I am me."

They were doing business together, but it was Murong Yun who did the most, and he just took advantage of it.

Sister Ying rolled her eyes at him, "A man's mouth is a liar."

“Tell me, have you been to many brothels with him?”

Jing Shirong’s eyes flickered, how dare he admit it.

Sister Ying looked at him up and down, then looked down.

 “That’s yours.”

Before she finished speaking, Jing Shirong hurriedly handed the teacup to her mouth and said, "Drink tea."

They're still outside. Didn't you notice that Jing Han and Murong Yun were peeking at them? They were obviously eavesdropping.

 (End of this chapter)

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