Chapter 795, go listen to the book

Sister Ying smiled and asked, "Cousin, they are our own people, tell me what's wrong."

Jing Shirong, however, pursed his lips and said nothing, with a depressed look on his face.

 He doesn’t want to talk about this outside. It undermines his majesty.

Seeing his expression, Sister Ying found it amusing, and she was not jealous anymore. She leaned over and whispered to him, "Tell me secretly, were you deceived by any flower girl when you were young and frivolous?"

Jing Shirong was speechless, "How could I!"

 When he was young, he worked for the emperor and had no time to go to the brothel to meet the bride.

Even if you go to a brothel, you are still working on a case, there are no such things.

Sister Ying raised her eyebrows, "Really? You didn't lie to me?"

Jing Shirong said seriously, "Naturally."

He was not yet enlightened at that time and was a late bloomer. He only focused on investigating cases and doing things, and there was no such thing as being a flower girl.

 Let alone the flower girl, he didn't even notice the little girl.

Sister Ying chuckled and said, "What? It's rare to go to a brothel, but it's so boring."

If it were her, she would definitely marry a few beautiful ladies. I have wine, and she has stories. Just think about it, it will be a good story.

Jing Shirong’s mouth twitched.

 “How come you can think better than men?”

I have never seen a girl who wants to get acquainted with a flower girl and spread a good story with others?

 He seriously doubted that his wife was indifferent between men and women, or that she had a man's heart that was ready to move.

Sister Ying laughed and said, "Why, you men are allowed to be frivolous, but women can't?"

 If the world does not allow it, women would appreciate women more, especially beautiful and outstanding women.

Jinghan agreed very much, "I also like beautiful girls, they are so pleasing to the eye."

But this kind of love is filled with envy and admiration, and there is no messy thoughts.

Sister Ying nodded in agreement and chatted with Jing Han.

“On the road just now, I saw many beautiful merchant girls with big eyes and thicker eyelashes than us.”

“And those legs, even though they are wearing long skirts, but the wind blows, the shape of those legs is really straight and thin.”

And that waist, those shoulders, everything is beautiful.

Jinghan also had an expression of yearning on his face, "I saw that girl too, she's so pretty. I really want to marry her home and raise her at home. It's so pleasing to the eye."

 The two women both had smiley expressions on their faces and looked lustful.

 Jing Shirong and Murong Yun.

 Why other people’s wives are so cute. Their wives are very strange.

On the other hand, Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan imitated their mother-in-law, "Dad, we also like pretty ladies, hehehehe."

Murong Yun.

God, come and save him.

In the future, your sons must not become perverts and only look at pretty girls every day.

 Jing Shi Rong.

 He lowered his head and looked at Sister Ying's big belly, and suddenly began to have a headache about the future education of his child.

If this is a son, he can accept it if he likes pretty girls.

If it were a daughter, like her own mother, chasing after a pretty girl every day, he wouldn't know whether to cry or laugh.

“Madam, would you like to eat something?”

Before they are completely trapped, it is better to find them some food to prevent them from developing randomly.

  Speaking of food, Sister Ying was really hungry, "Let's see what food this store has."

Jinghan also said, "Let me order something to drink first, I'm thirsty."

They wanted to eat, so the two men were naturally happy and hurriedly asked the waiter to buy some delicious food. The waiter got the reward and was very quick. He quickly bought them a lot of snacks and served them scented tea.

Sister Ying and Jing Han smelled the tea and thought it tasted good. After two sips, their lips and teeth were left fragrant.

At this time, the storyteller on the stage was talking about some romantic anecdotes from ancient times. He said that there was a brothel at the end of this street. The girls in it were good-looking, but none of them were as beautiful as the madam.

When everyone heard this, they were surprised, "The old bustard is actually more beautiful than the flower girl?" This was the first time they heard about it.

In the eyes of everyone, the Madam is an old Madam Xu, otherwise she would not be able to achieve the position of the Madam.

 But the proprietress of that brothel is young and beautiful.

But she doesn’t accept guests, and even if she does, she only accepts the most handsome guests, otherwise she won’t care how much money other people pay.

 When there are guests who come to make trouble, she will ask for a martial arts competition. Anyone who wins her can become her vassal.

 If you lose, you are not allowed to make trouble again in the future.

Everyone was very surprised when they heard this, "This is interesting. I will go to the brothel tonight to see if the proprietress is as good-looking as the legend says."

The storyteller cheered, "You don't even have to go to the brothel to see that the proprietress goes out to buy things on the street every now and then. She doesn't shy away from worldly views at all and is very aboveboard."

When the men present heard this, their eyes lit up, "Then which store does she go to buy things?"

The storyteller stroked his goatee and smiled, "There are all of them, such as the rouge shop, the ready-to-wear shop, and she goes to all kinds of vegetables, fruits and meats, even our store."

When other men heard this, they thought he was bragging.

When the storyteller heard that they didn't believe it, he clicked his tongue, "Why don't you believe it? Could it be that I would lie to you?"

It turned out that the beautiful madam had really been here, and what he said was true.

Everyone didn’t believe it and still thought he was exaggerating.

Mr. Storyteller frowned and was about to retort when he saw a beautiful figure coming from outside the door. His eyes suddenly lit up, "Look, that's the most beautiful madam in the brothel."

When everyone heard this, they immediately looked outside the door.

Even Sister Ying and Jing Han stood up and looked at the door downstairs.

I saw a red and light figure walking in from the door. She was graceful and beautiful, and her every move was eye-catching, beautiful and alluring.

The men in the store were so stunned that they even forgot to react.

Only Jing Shirong and Murong Yun glanced at the madam suspiciously.

The two of them were looking at something different from the others. They were watching the madam's footsteps and assessing whether she knew martial arts.

Perhaps their assessment was rather subtle, but the beautiful madam seemed to sense it and immediately raised her head to look at them.

Jing Shirong narrowed his eyes slightly after seeing her appearance, secretly thinking that the madam's eyes were a bit sharp and she didn't feel like an ordinary person.

Murong Yun also saw it.

 The two brothers looked at each other, a little suspicious in their hearts, but said nothing on their faces.

On the other hand, Sister Ying, Jing Han, Sister Yang, and Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan were all looking at the beautiful madam.

Jinghan looked infatuated, "Oh my God, she is so beautiful."

Those eyes are more attractive than those of a vixen, and the makeup is also beautiful. They are red with a little pink, and the eyes are very attractive. Even women feel beautiful after seeing them.

Not to mention Sister Ying, she looked at her facial features, then her figure, and then looked down at her big belly, and her belly suddenly fell off.

 “She has a good figure!”

Jing Shirong almost fell over after hearing this sentence after looking at her for a long time.

 (End of this chapter)

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