Chapter 797, preparing for the festival

The veiled woman nodded, "We're almost done, we're just missing a key person."

“As long as the woman can be bribed, it will be done.”

Mrs. Yuan nodded, "This should be done in a more secretive way, so as not to make any mistakes."

 The veiled girl said, "Okay, I'll go back first."

 “Okay, be careful yourself.”

 Because the theater was so noisy, their conversation could not be heard outside.

The veiled girl stood up and left carrying a basket of veils. Everyone thought she was here to discuss business with Mrs. Yuan and didn't notice anything.

Sister Ying and the others are also tired from sitting and are ready to go back.

They went downstairs together, and Mrs. Yuan happened to come out.

She came towards her, looked at Sister Ying's belly, and actually gave her a friendly smile on her cold face.

Sister Ying thought her smile was kind and smiled back.

When she arrived at Jing Shirong's place, Mrs. Yuan's face turned cold, as if she had seen something dirty, and she didn't have a good look towards him or Murong Yun.

 Jing Shirong and Murong Yun.

 Provoke whomever you provoke.

 Is it possible that being a madam can discriminate against men?

Sister Ying nodded, "It's really okay."

People are used to seeing ruthless men in brothels, so they can naturally despise them.

Jing Shirong and Murong Yun looked ashamed, but they did not retort, "Let's go back."

 The three of them took the carriage back together and bought a lot of things on the way.

 After arriving home, the three pregnant women were already exhausted and lay down to sleep.

Jing Shirong went to change Sister Ying into comfortable pajamas, wiped her face and hands, washed her swollen feet, gave her a loving kiss, then covered her with a quilt and prepared to return to the military camp.

 The child in the belly seemed to be awake, stretching and kicking its legs.

Jing Shirong saw the little bump protruding from his belly, lowered his head and kissed it, "My dear, I'm going to leave now because I'm a father. I'll come back to see you next time."

 The little guy in his belly kicked twice, as if he was playing with his biological father.

Jing Shirong kissed the little guy lovingly across his belly, and then left reluctantly.

 On the second day, Sister Ying slept until the sun was shining three rays before she got up. When he woke up and there was no one around him, he knew that Jing Shirong was gone.

She was used to him being busy, so she stretched herself and got up to wash up.

The cook took a leave of absence today, so Jinghan personally cooked Dongpo pork and sweet and sour pork loin.

 They are all home-cooked dishes, but the children love them.

Murong Yun also went out for something, and they were the only ones left at home, but it was still very lively during the meal.

 After another half month, the letter from Jiangnan arrived.

This time the pigeon flew very fast and found the way accurately.

Sister Ying and Sister Yang went to open the letter with excitement on their faces, both wanting to see what their mother wrote in the letter.

In the letter, Mrs. Wu asked Sister Yang to help her grow herbs, and also told her not to do anything inappropriate, and asked her to come back after Sister Ying gave birth.

 The other page of the letter is concerned about Sister Ying's late pregnancy situation, and asked Sister Ying whether she should come to accompany her during the birth?

Sister Ying knew that Mrs. Wu was worried about her, but she didn't want her to travel far away. She replied that she didn't need to, and that if she had time, she would take the child back to Jiangnan to see them.

In the letter, Mrs. Wu urged Sister Yang to go back on time and not to stay here too long before getting married.

As for the capital, Mrs. Qi had received a letter from her son. She was so happy that she quickly prepared a betrothal gift and planned to go to Jiangnan to propose marriage to the Wu family.

The Jing family went to Jiangnan to propose marriage in person, so her family could not lag behind. They immediately packed up their things and prepared a large force to go to Jiangnan to propose marriage.

Qi Yuanming was very happy when he found out and asked his parents to be gentle and not to scare his father-in-law and mother-in-law. This is not Mrs. Qi's first time marrying a daughter-in-law, so she naturally knows what to do.

Qi Yuanming was very happy when he received the letter and asked them to arrange the marriage well and he would go back to get married next year.

But he hasn’t told Sister Yang about this yet. He should have a chance to talk to Sister Yang.

Sister Yang was surprised when she learned that Mrs. Qi was going to Jiangnan to propose marriage, and secretly thought that Qi Yuanming must have told her about this.

She was ashamed and angry, but she also knew that he really wanted to marry her.

It's just that she felt that she was still young and didn't want to marry so early, so she complained a few words to him, but she just didn't object to marrying him in her heart.

Qi Yuanming was not satisfied with this answer and came over to ask her for an explanation in the middle of the night.

"When girls who are about to get married find out that their sweetheart comes to propose marriage, they are all very happy and looking forward to their wedding. Why do you act so natural and take things lightly? Don't you want to marry me?"

Sister Yang rolled her eyes at him and said, "If I don't want to marry you, what do you have to do with me?"

 She is just calmer than ordinary girls, not so excited on her face, but she is still happy in her heart.

Qi Yuanming felt that she was unhappy, "Then show me if you are happy."

Sister Yang. "Aren't I very happy? How else can I be happy?"

Is it possible to jump up or skip around?

Qi Yuanming looked childish and serious, "Yes, you have to jump into my arms happily and look very excited. This is the correct way to open up."

 Sister Yang.

 “Don’t keep learning weird words from my sister.”

Qi Yuanming said seriously, "I think your sister is right. Your opening method is wrong. Try again."

Sister Yang's mouth twitched, "You're almost done, if you say anything else, get out of here."

Qi Yuanming murmured, aggrieved, "I haven't married you yet, and you've been cruel to me. How can you handle it now that I'm yours?"

If you bully him like this before you even get through, you may not be sure how to deal with him in the future.

Sister Yang chuckled and said, "You know I'm cruel and you still mess with me? Don't mess with me in the future."

Qi Yuanming laughed and said, "I know."

The two of them were laughing and joking, and Qi Yuanming quickly wrote back a letter to his father-in-law and mother-in-law. Every line of the letter was full of honorifics and caution.

Seeing how serious he was, Sister Yang raised the corners of her mouth and felt sweet in her heart.

Sister Ying also received letters from her parents-in-law in Beijing. They were all concerned about her physical condition.

Sister Ying wrote back and told them that everything was fine, and sent some local products back. She also said that she would draw pictures and send them back after the child was born.

 After doing this, it was already dark.

 Let everyone go and have a rest. Early the next morning, there was a local market day.

I heard from my neighbors that there is a big festival going on locally, like New Year’s Eve in the capital, and people are all going out to buy new year’s goods.

Sister Ying and Jing Han wanted to take advantage of the situation, so they took the children out to the market.

 The carriage with two people in it walked slowly along the street, avoiding collision with the crowd.

They went to the previous market and bought a lot of new year goods, preparing to celebrate the festival with the locals.

 Encountered a quarrel on the road.

  A woman grabbed a man's hand and refused to let him go. She cried, "This is the only money in the family. You can't take it away. The child will have nothing to eat. Please."

The man didn't listen to this and kicked her away, "Get out of here! Don't block my way to make a fortune!"

“If I lose today, I will beat you to death when I get back!”

The woman's face was covered with bruises, which showed that she had been beaten badly at home, but she still refused to let go. "Please, give me the money. The children at home are starving to death. Stop gambling."

 (End of this chapter)

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