Chapter 798: Trouble on the streets

 “Get out! Don’t come here to bring bad luck to me!”

The man kicked the woman away angrily, said something and left.

The crowd pointed at him, but he ignored them and walked away, leaving the woman crying on the ground with a bruised face.

Everyone asked sympathetically, "Is your man a good gambler?"

The woman cried uncontrollably, "Not only does he like to gamble, but he also has no conscience. The children at home have no food to eat, and he still gambles and doesn't care about our lives."

He even wanted to sell the dilapidated house in his family, regardless of the fact that the children had no place to live in the cold weather and even had to live on the streets shivering. "He is not worthy of being a father at all!"

After hearing this, everyone sympathized, some sighed, and some even gave her some food and said, "Take it back and give it to the child."

The woman was busy thanking, "Thank you, thank you."

After looking at it, Sister Ying sighed and gave her all the snacks in the basket, "Take it back and eat it." He also gave her some money and said, "Remember to hide it, so as not to be discovered."

The woman was so grateful that she knelt down in front of Sister Ying and said, "Thank you, madam."

Sister Ying supported her and asked her to go back early.

The woman thought of the hungry skinny children at home, and hurriedly returned with food.

Sister Ying and Jing Han looked at it and sighed, saying, "There are a lot of heartless people in this world."

His wife and children have not had enough to eat, but they only want to gamble, and even beat people. They are worse than animals.

The other women also expressed disdain after hearing this, secretly saying that the man was really rich.

There was even a woman who knew the man and said, "I know him. My husband is the manager of a gambling house. It is said that the man is going to bet a big bet today. If he loses, he will have to pay the house to his wife."

 Everyone was surprised when they heard this, "He even blocked the mother-in-law?"

The locals are quite responsible for their families. I didn’t expect that the gambler actually gambled away his house and his wife. He was crazy.

The other women sighed when they heard this, "We can't take care of other people's affairs. I just hope that the gambler doesn't lose too badly."

Otherwise, his mother-in-law will pay for it, and the children will suffer as well.

The people here come from different small countries, and everyone knows each other, but if you really want to interfere, you can't interfere. After all, you have no reason to help with other people's family affairs.

Moreover, they are from different small countries, so it is not their turn.

After hearing this, Sister Ying and Jing Han sighed respectively, secretly thinking that women still need some capital. For example, if the woman had some small money at this time, she could just run away with the child to avoid being killed by the man.

But not everyone can make money, and this cannot be generalized.

Sister Yang suggested, "How about we go inform the eldest sister? Give her some money to run away, so that she won't be dragged away to pay off the debt."

Sister Ying nodded, "Okay."

She sent a servant to inform the eldest sister, and gave her a bag of broken silver, which should be enough to last her until she hid for a while.

As long as the other person has good hands and feet, he can live in a different place and find a job, and he can live on.

The woman's heart dropped when she heard that her man wanted to take away her gambling debts. Looking at the three and a half-year-old children at home, she was hesitant, not sure whether she could go out.

 First of all, she has never traveled far, and secondly, she is not sure whether she can survive after going out, let alone whether she can raise three children, especially there is still one in her belly.

 She hesitated, was afraid, and never dared to take the first step.

 It was her hesitation that gave her man a chance.

Her husband lost the bet that day, and was restrained by the manager of the gambling house. He immediately signed a contract to sell his wife, and also sold his ten-year-old daughter.

  When the steward went to his house to arrest him, the woman heard that he had really sold herself and even her daughter, and she burst into tears.

But the steward just went about his business and immediately took away the adults and children. The little girl cried heartbreakingly, "Mother, save me, mother~"

The woman was worried and anxious, and rushed to **** the child, "My son, please let her go, I beg you."

She knelt on the ground and begged, but the steward took them away anyway.

When the man came back, he saw the scene of the mother and daughter being taken away. For the first time, he felt guilty, but he did not save them.

The woman hurriedly begged, "Ms. sir, please save us quickly, sir!"

Seeing that the neighbors were watching, the man still felt that she was embarrassed and said angrily, "Let's go, let's go! Don't embarrass me."

The woman saw that he didn’t want the child anymore. She was heartbroken and lost all her energy. She allowed the thugs to drag her away.

It was already three days after Sister Ying learned about this.

This was what the cook at home heard when she went to buy vegetables.

 After all, if adults and children cry so loudly, neighbors will see it and naturally spread the word.

Everyone wanted to beg for mercy, but the thugs only did their job. They sold the person quickly and took the money and left. Who cares about this.

Sister Ying and Jing Han were very sad when they heard this, and asked the cook, "Where were the woman and the child sold?"

The cook, "She said she was sold to a brothel, and her daughter was also sold into it. Poor child."

Jinghan was very angry after hearing this, "Beast!"

He actually sold all his daughters. He is simply not a human being.

After hearing this, Sister Yang also said, "Didn't we give that woman money? Why didn't she leave?"

If this had happened to her, she would have taken the children and ran away overnight after getting the money, and she would not have waited for anyone to catch her.

Jinghan explained to her, "Not all women are as bold as you and dare to run away from home."

 Many girls have been constrained by rules since they were young. Except for occasionally going out to buy something, they dare not go too far at all.

 Let alone a married woman, she cannot stay too far away from home, otherwise she will be criticized.

 A woman who has been under this kind of restraint for a long time will not have the courage to run away from home.

Sister Yang sighed and asked the cook, "What happened next?"

The cook was also curious about this and went to ask the vegetable seller, "At first, the woman wanted to commit suicide, but her daughter was still in the brothel, so she went to beg the madam to let her daughter go. They were willing to stay in the brothel. I'll be a cow and a horse in a brothel for the rest of my life."

 The madam never engages in loss-making business, but it's pity that she encounters unkind people.

But the madam still gave her a chance to collect the money from her daughter's selling herself. As long as she could collect half of it, she could allow her daughter to work as a maid in a brothel.

As soon as the woman heard about this opportunity, she immediately ran out to borrow money from relatives.

 But her relatives were not rich either and could only borrow a little, but she did not give up and continued to beg on the streets.

While on the road, she saw her man and quickly went to beg her man.

"Ms. sir, please help the little girl quickly. Go and collect some money. Please, please go and collect some money."

The man didn't expect her to come out, so he was startled and said, "How did you escape? Did you escape?"

The woman hugged his trouser legs and cried, "It was the madam who asked me to come out. As long as I can get the money, the big girl doesn't have to be a flower girl. You can help me get some money. Please, she is you too." My daughter."

 (End of this chapter)

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