The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 799: , met another pregnant woman

Chapter 799: Encountering another pregnant woman


He didn’t want to sell his wife and daughter, but he had already lost all his family property and how could he get any money.

He lifted his feet to leave, but the woman held on to his legs and refused to let him go. "Go and collect some money, please."

"Get off!"

Seeing more and more passers-by, the man became impatient and kicked her away.

“Go to the other side, I’m so unlucky just because I married you. I lose every day, and it’s all your fault!”

 After saying that, he kicked the woman again, turned around and left, not even thinking of collecting money to help save his daughter.

The woman was kicked to the ground by him, and her heart was broken into pieces.

She never thought that she would marry such a man in her lifetime, and she would not even care about her daughter's life or death.

 Looking at the scattered copper coins in his hand, he couldn't save his daughter at all.

With a look of despair on her face, the woman stumbled back to the brothel, held her daughter in her arms and looked at her for a while, then suddenly grabbed her daughter by the neck and wanted to take her to death with her.

Sister Ying's eyes widened when she heard this, and she asked quickly, "What happened next?"

The cook sighed, "It was later said that the mother and daughter were rescued. They accepted their fate and stayed in the brothel obediently."

The three of them looked at each other and said, "Are you accepting your fate? So soon?"

The cook sighed and said, "What else can we do? The man is unreliable and the child is still young. If she doesn't accept her fate, she might lead her child to death again."

Jinghan asked, "Then will she accept her fate and let her daughter be the flower girl?"

The cook frowned and said, "What else can we do? She is a woman, and her mother's family is also poor. How can I help her?"

Having already died once, I will definitely not be able to do it again if I die again.

Since there is no other way, we can only accept our fate.

The three of them sighed for a while, feeling the sadness of meeting someone who is not kind.

I originally thought that the matter would be settled here, but I didn’t expect to hear that the man died after a while?

The cook heard about this when she went out to buy vegetables. When she came back, she came to tell Sister Ying and the others.

Sister Ying and Jing Han were also surprised, "Dead?" So soon?

 “Tell me what’s going on?”

The cook was more cheerful than them and told them, "I heard that he was drunk in the middle of the night and accidentally fell into the river and drowned while walking by the river."

After all, it was a festival, and it was not unheard of for me to drink some wine and fall into the river. After hearing this, everyone dispersed.

Sister Ying and her son nodded, feeling very relieved.

 “The way of heaven is reincarnation, and those who are unconscionable will definitely be punished!”

A few days later, the weather got a little warmer, and Sister Ying and Jing Han's bellies became a little bigger. Their clothes couldn't fit anymore, so they had to buy new ones.

Both pregnant women love beauty, so they immediately packed up and went out.

Sister Yang and Xiao Zi went out with them and went to the last market to buy.

 Because there are many shops in this market, all kinds of clothes and fabrics are available, so there is a lot of choice.

The group of people arrived at their destination together, got out of the car slowly and went to the store to browse.

As they were looking at the cloth, they saw a woman with an equally big belly picking out materials.

Sister Ying and the other party saw a piece of soft apricot-yellow material at the same time.

The color of the material is light, goose yellow with a touch of white, and the color is particularly gentle.

Sister Ying reached out to take it, and the pregnant woman also reached out to take it.

Two pregnant women took the same piece of fabric at the same time, and they were both stunned for a moment.

Sister Ying smiled at the other party and asked her, "Do you like this piece?"

The other party also smiled at her, with a soft voice, "Do you want it? Let me give it to you, then?" It was the first time that Sister Ying saw such a gentle woman, and she hurriedly said, "No, no, no, I'll give it to you. , I would choose others as well.”

The woman touched the material curiously, obviously liking it, "Then I will reject it. Thank you."

Sister Ying smiled and waved her hand, "It's okay, as long as you like it."

 The two big-bellied women had a good impression of each other and asked each other, "May I ask, what do you call me?"

The other party smiled and said, "My surname is Fang. You can just call me Fang Niang."

“Fang Niang? Are you not a local?”

Fang Niang smiled and shook her head, "No, I came here with my husband to do business."

 “I am originally from the south, and my family is in the fan business.”

Sister Ying asked, "Then why are you here?"

Fang Niang hadn’t talked to anyone for a long time, so she said, “How about we go to the teahouse and sit and talk?”

Sister Ying nodded, "Okay, I'm the host today, let's have a good chat."

Fang Niang smiled shyly, her eyes full of tenderness.

"Okay, I know there is a very quiet teahouse, I will take you there."

Jinghan is also with them.

So the group moved their position and went to the teahouse.

Sister Ying saw that Fang Niang was familiar with the way and brought them to a teahouse with a beautiful environment, and asked her, "Do you come here often?"

 Fang Niang nodded, "This teahouse is opened by a close friend of mine. I come here often."

Sister Ying was surprised, "Did your husband-in-law's friend drive it?"

 “Are you two families coming here to do business together?”

Fang Niang smiled and said, "Yes, Ping Niang's family is here too. They have a good relationship with my husband."

  Obviously she said it with a smile, but Sister Ying felt that she was very tired.

"Fang Niang, are you tired? If you are, go back. We can talk another day."

Fang Niang shook her head and sighed deeply, "I'm not tired, I still want to talk to you." After saying this, her eyes became red and tears fell down.

Sister Ying was startled and quickly wiped her tears with a handkerchief, "Why are you crying? Did someone bully you?"

Fang Niang kept crying and cried for a while before she woke up and blew her nose.

The maid hurriedly went to bring her water to wash herself, with a worried look on her face.

"Madam, you don't know that since my uncle came here, he has been cold to my young lady. He doesn't go home every day without saying a word, and the young lady comes to see him, and he is still angry."

“Even when the young lady is pregnant, he has a cold expression on his face. He doesn’t care about the young lady or the child in her belly. He doesn’t even know what’s wrong with my uncle.”

When Sister Ying heard this, she felt a little distressed and confused, "Ms. Fang, do you have any conflicts or misunderstandings with your husband?"

Fang Niang shook her head, "I don't know either. We were fine before we came here, but when we got here, he left me to do business and didn't care about me anymore."

Even when the news of her pregnancy was handed over to him, he was indifferent, as if he was not surprised at all by the arrival of the child.

"I was also puzzled. I didn't know what made him angry. I tried to communicate with him, but he refused indifferently. He also said that I thought too much and that he was busy with business. He told me not to make too much noise and let me live in peace. Give birth to the baby at home, don’t go looking for him every now and then.”

The affectionate couple suddenly became indifferent, and she would naturally be puzzled when she was a wife. Of course, she wanted to ask.

 But her husband-in-law said that she was too preoccupied and said that he was busy with business and asked her not to bother him. He simply didn’t want to talk to her.

Fang Niang was already suffering from pregnancy and was treated coldly by her husband, making her whole person depressed.

Had it not been for the fact that she still had a child in her belly, she would have been even more troubled.

Sister Ying felt a little distressed when she saw her face was tired and her whole body was wilting.

 (End of this chapter)

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