The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 800: , the husband suddenly changed his mind

Chapter 800: The husband suddenly changed his mind

“Did you notice anything unusual about him on the way here?”

 It is impossible for people to be indifferent to someone without any reason, especially a husband and wife.

 Seeing how gentle Fang Niang is, Sister Ying cannot think of anything wrong with her.

 But Fang Niang’s husband is very suspicious.

 A man would not hate his wife for no reason, especially when he learned from the maid that Fang Niang was very affectionate before they got married, but it was only here that they suddenly changed.

Then what was the reason that made her husband change his mind?

Fang Niang held up the handkerchief and shed her tears, and said in a weak voice, "I don't know either. I've been thinking about it for a long time and I can't figure out the reason. He didn't tell me, so I can't even guess it."

Sister Ying, "Then please recall carefully. On the way here to do business, what was unusual about your husband? It was something different from usual. Please recall carefully."

Fang Niang wiped away her tears and thought back carefully, "I remember one time, when we were almost here, he started to leave early and come back late. He even got here before me."

“By the time I got there, he had already gone out and stayed there for several months before coming back.”

“When I asked him where he was going, his attitude became cold.”

Sister Ying was puzzled and looked at the maid.

The maid knew what she wanted to ask, so she told her, "We also suspected that there was someone outside, and we followed him secretly to check, but we didn't find anything unusual."

“Even if my uncle doesn’t go home for most of the month, he always comes to stay at this inn. I don’t even see him looking for women outside.”

 If it weren’t for this reason, Fang Niang wouldn’t be able to survive.

 She was afraid that her husband was being cold to her because he was in love with other women outside.

 But he was staying in the inn well and would not go home, so he thought he was busy with business and did not want to go back.

Sister Ying felt strange, "You said he has always lived here?"

Is it possible that there is someone in this inn that Fang Niang misses? Is that why he never went back?

But the maid said, "No, the owner of this inn and his wife know each other. They said that my uncle lives here alone and has never seen other women come."

 This is strange.

Since no other woman has been here, how could Fang Niang’s man change his temperament so much?

Or are the owner and the wife of this inn lying?

Not only Sister Ying found it strange, but Sister Yang and Jing Han also found it strange.

 The three of them together said, "How about we help Fang Niang check it out?"


Sister Ying ordered the secret guard, "Go and see what Fang Niang's man has done recently, so that he doesn't get discovered."

 The secret guard nodded and went to one.

Fang Niang didn’t know their abilities and thought they were just ordinary women like herself.

She has been here for almost a year and has not made many friends. Today is the first time she met a close friend who sympathizes with each other. She was very moved and pulled Sister Ying away, reluctant to let her go.

Sister Ying knows that pregnant women lack a sense of security, especially those who have many worries at home.

“Why don’t we go to your house and sit there?”

Seeing that Fang Niang was so reluctant to leave them, Sister Ying was too embarrassed to leave just because she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to bear it and would cry.

When Fang Niang heard that they were going home to accompany her, she was really happy. She took Sister Ying's hand to lead the way, "Let's go. What do you like to eat? I'll buy it back later on the way." Sister Ying smiled and said, " Please recommend it, see what you usually like to eat, and buy some for us.”

Fang Niang was very happy that she didn’t see anyone else. “Okay, okay, I’ve been eating some plums recently. If you don’t mind it, you can try it too.”

“I also have some homemade dried fruits, which I will give you to try later.”

Fang Niang was on the thin side due to worries and depression after her pregnancy. If her belly hadn’t been holding up, she would have been as pitifully thin as the Paper Man.

 As both pregnant women, Sister Ying sympathizes with her.

Especially because Fang Niang has a gentle temper and her eyes are full of innocence and kindness. I really can’t imagine how her husband-in-law could treat her like this.

 A group of people took a carriage to Fang's house, only to find that the two homes were so close?

It turns out that Fang Niang also lives in a wealthy area, and it is right behind Jinghan's house, with only five yards in between.

Normally, Jinghan and the others take the road in front when they go out, while Fang Niang takes the road in the back, so the three of them never run into each other.

Fang Niang didn’t expect them to live here, so she was very happy, “It turns out that everything is fate. It’s also my fault that I don’t go out very often, so I bumped into you.”

 Had she met them earlier, maybe she wouldn't have been depressed for so long.

 Seeing that Fang Niang was so happy, Fang Niang's maid wanted to thank Sister Ying and her three sons.

“It’s really thanks to the ladies coming over and having you chatting with me that our young lady has a smile on her face.”

  Previously, Fang Niang was crying silently in the room. She had been in a bad mood for several months, which made the maid worried to death.

Today I can meet some of Sister Ying's children, and Fang Niang's maids are happier than Fang Niang herself.

Sister Ying and her sons admired her very much when they saw her protecting their master, "What's your name?"

“My servant Xiaocui has been with my young lady since she was a child.”

 When a wealthy family provides a maid for a young lady, they will always find a few who are the same age as the young lady to grow up with her, so that they can cultivate the master-servant relationship behind them and understand her personality and preferences.

Xiao Cui has followed Fang Niang since she was a child. Fang Niang is also kind to her, and the relationship between master and servant is very deep. That's why Xiao Cui is so worried about Fang Niang's health.

Sister Ying took Fang Niang’s hand and asked her, “Since you came here, have you been staying in the yard and not going out much?”

Fang Niang nodded, "I got pregnant not long after I arrived here. I had a severe ecstasy and rested in bed for two or three months. When I got better, I wanted to go to my husband-in-law, but he scolded me."

 How can Mrs. Fang be in a good mood when she is scolded for a happy event?

 In addition, before coming here, her husband-in-law was very considerate to her, even more considerate than her biological parents, which made her very dependent on him.

Who would have thought that after coming here, his temperament changed drastically. Not only was he not gentle and considerate, he was even indifferent. When he saw her, he was like an enemy, with a disgusted expression of not wanting to see her.

Thinking of these things, Fang Niang felt sad, "Originally, I wanted to write to my parents and ask them to help me ask, but my parents never replied. I don't know if the letter was not received? It made me worry for a long time."

"I went to ask my husband. He also said that I was suspicious. He said that the family was fine and told me not to disturb my parents."

“But those are my biological parents. Why am I disturbing them when I write to them?”

Sister Ying was puzzled by what she said, "How did you meet my husband?"

 If you want to understand what happened to them before, I’m afraid you have to understand it from the beginning.

Fang Niang sniffed and recalled, "I'm not afraid of your jokes. In fact, my husband-in-law married into our family."

“My parents were only thirty years old when I was born, and since then I have had nothing to do, and I am the only daughter in the family. My parents were afraid that I would suffer if I got married, so they wanted to find a son-in-law.”

 The Fang family was originally in the fan business. The business was not big, but it was not bad.

 (End of this chapter)

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