The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 801: , the door-to-door son-in-law

Chapter 801, Son-in-law who comes to your door

 The Fang family is well off, and Mrs. Fang is beautiful. There are many people who want to be the Fang family's son-in-law.

However, those who come to the election either have evil intentions, have a messy home, or have an improper appearance.

The old man of the Fang family asked Fang Niang to hide in the attic to look at those candidates. Fang Niang didn't like them and didn't feel anything, so she shook her head.

 Since his daughter doesn't like it, Mr. Fang naturally gives up.

 If this group of people is not good, then choose another group.

 If the other batch is not good, replace it with another batch.

Fang Niang looked at those crooked melons and jujubes with evil intentions, and she lost interest and had lost the motivation to recruit a son-in-law.

Just when she had lost her mood to choose a husband, Fang Zheng happened to appear.

He has an upright appearance and is not very handsome, but he has a decent face and a straight body. He is particularly conspicuous among a group of crooked melons and cracked dates.

Especially because he has a very upright temperament and looks like a good honest person.

 Not only Fang Niang, but also the master of the Fang family discovered Fang Zheng's existence. He quickly went to invite Fang Zheng to come over.

  But Fang Zheng said that he was not here to be a door-to-door son-in-law. He was just passing by and was accidentally squeezed in by the crowd.

There was a large crowd at that time, and Mr. Fang believed his words.

Mr. Fang thinks this is God’s will.

Out of so many people who were supposed to be chosen, he didn't like him. Only Fang Zheng caught his eye.

Especially since he was not here to be elected, he even said righteously that he had no intention of becoming a son-in-law, turned around and left, which won Master Fang's heart even more.

From the very beginning, Mr. Fang knew that the men who came to apply for the election had selfish motives, but these were normal.

But after watching for several months, it turned out that those people were not only selfish, but also had evil intentions. They were calculating the Fang family's money without even visiting the house.

If someone with evil intentions is allowed to come to the Fang family, the Fang family will be ruined within two years.

It happened that an upright and upright Fang Zheng came at this time, and Mr. Fang was naturally moved.

He sent someone to check on Fang Zheng and found that his family was also quite poor. There was only a leaky ancestral house and an old woman.

His mother is not in good health and takes medicine every month, which costs a lot of money.

 Fang Zheng is six years older than Fang’s mother. Children of poor people have already been in charge. Fang Zheng has been studying for ten years. Later, when his father died, he dropped out of school to work.

 He worked as a cashier and washed dishes. He was a good boy who could endure hardships and stand hard work.

In particular, his wife has a good temper and is a gentle woman.

 After Mr. Fang inquired about this, the more he looked at Fang Zheng, the more satisfied he became.

He went to see Fang Zheng twice, and both times he politely wanted Fang Zheng to be his son-in-law. He also said that as long as he was good to Fang's mother, he could handle all the Fang family's business in the future.

 But they were all rejected by Fang Zhengzheng.

Master Fang knows that a normal man would easily become a son-in-law because he is afraid of being laughed at.

 But he did not give up, and even used some small tricks to finally get Fangzheng to be the son-in-law of the Fang family.

 Because his surname was also Fang, externally he said that Fang Niang married him. Anyway, the child he gave birth to was also surnamed Fang, so it was easier to change his name.

Mr. Fang was particularly satisfied with this. He slowly handed over the business at hand to him and took him to do the business himself.

 Fang Zheng is very smart and quickly learned the tricks of doing business.

Mr. Fang wanted to test him and let him manage the warehouse to see if he would commit corruption.

But after several trials, Fang Zheng did not take any money, nor did he enrich his own pockets, nor did he engage in any cheating.

Mr. Fang was very satisfied and felt that he had found the right son-in-law.

Fang Niang was naturally satisfied with the candidate chosen by her father, especially Fang Zheng, who treated her well, and she gradually fell in love with Fang Zheng.

Fang Zheng was not particularly gentle to her at first, but as the couple got along, he gradually softened, making Fang Niang feel that it was useful to treat him with care, so Fang Zheng became better and better.

 Including Fang Zheng’s mother, Fang Niang took care of everyone personally. Fang Zheng remembered her contribution to taking care of his mother, and gradually became gentle to Fang's mother.

Later on, the relationship between the couple became better and better. Fang Zheng would chat with Fang Niang every time he went home, and would take her to the lake when he had time.

They have been married for three years, and they are like honey mixed with oil, and they are not tired at all.

Just when he came here, his temperament suddenly changed, and the reason could not be found out.

After listening to the process, Sister Ying and her son asked in a low voice, "What method did your father use to get Fang Zheng to agree to come to the door?"

Fang Niang thought for a while and said, "Actually, there is nothing I can do, just go and persuade my mother-in-law."

Originally, Mr. Fang wanted to use unscrupulous methods, but if he thought about it carefully, he was recruiting a son-in-law, and the son-in-law was half a son. If he used unscrupulous methods, he would inevitably become an enemy in the future.

 So Mr. Fang didn't use any unscrupulous method, which was to let other women lobby Fang Zheng's mother.

 Tell the old lady, "You take medicine every month and eat all the money in the house. How can such a good child get a wife in the future if he has nothing on his hands and still owes so much money?"

These words struck Old Mrs. Fang's mind, and she was worried that her son would not be able to find a wife. When she left, she would not have anyone to accompany her son.

So the old lady wanted to go to the Fang family.

She knew that the Fang family was rich, and her son could live a good life in the past, and he would also have a wife and children in the future. With such great benefits, it would be no big deal to marry into the family.

 So the old lady was tempted and went to persuade her son.

With the lobbying of my mother, this matter will naturally be done with twice the result with half the effort.

Especially because Fang Niang is gentle and beautiful. Fang Zheng thought about it and agreed.

Sister Ying was suspicious, "Since he agreed voluntarily, how could his temperament change drastically?"

You have to say that Fang was forced by Mr. Fang’s bad means. He might resent the Fang family and Fang Rou.

 But he volunteered to be the son-in-law, so he naturally had no such resentment.

Especially, Mr. Fang also let him do all the family business, which shows that he really wants to raise him as a son.

 In this case, how to get him to his current state?

 Fang Niang just didn’t understand this and was very distressed.

“I don’t know what’s going on at home now. I sent a letter to my family when I was pregnant, but I haven’t received it yet.”

 If possible, she would really like to go back and have a look.

Sister Ying asked her, "Is your home far from Jiangnan?"

Fang Niang shook her head, "It shouldn't be too far. We should be there in three days of hard work."

 As long as it’s not far.

Sister Ying told her, "I will send a message to my parents when I get back and ask them to help you find out about your parents."

Fang Niang looked grateful, "Sister Ying, thank you."

Sister Ying touched her head and said, "It's okay. If you don't like staying at home, you can stay at our house."

The yard that Murong Yun bought was big enough for Fang Niang to live in.

Fang Niang really wanted to go, "Okay, let's go with you tonight."

Although the yard was large, she and Xiaocui lived alone. The house was empty, and she lived alone.

Sister Ying held her hand and said, "Okay, let's go."

The four of them took the carriage back together. After arriving home, Fang Niang talked to them for a while before she felt sleepy.

Xiao Cui was waiting for Fang Niang to go to bed and came over to thank her.

“Madam, you don’t know that my lady hasn’t had a good night’s sleep for several months.”

If it weren't for Sister Ying and the others accompanying her today, her young lady would definitely not be able to sleep again.

 (End of this chapter)

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