The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 802: , the conspiracy of the visiting son-in-law

Chapter 802: The conspiracy of the visiting son-in-law

Sister Ying took this opportunity to ask Xiao Cui, "You serve your young lady and uncle closely, but you don't notice anything unusual about your uncle?"

“For example, does he have the scent of another woman? Or is it the scent of a man?”

Xiao Cui was puzzled, "A man's scent?"

She understands the scent of a woman, but what on earth is a man?

Sister Ying coughed and said, "It's okay. Just recall it carefully and I'll see if I can find some logic."

Xiao Cui sighed and thought about it slowly.

“My slave once suspected that my uncle was raising a wife outside, and even followed him secretly, but she didn’t find out.”

“Including the men you mentioned, I also observed carefully, but I didn’t see any men getting close to my uncle.”

“The only people who are close relatives and good friends with my uncle are Pingniang and his wife.”

Sister Ying has heard the word Pingniang couple several times, and she is becoming more and more curious, "What is the relationship between this couple and your uncle, and why is your uncle's relationship with them so good?"

Xiaocui told her, "As for Pingniang and his wife, they were actually introduced by my uncle."

When Fang Zheng came to marry Fang's family, he was a bit cold-tempered, but as Mr. Fang gave him the business, he gradually relaxed.

Master Fang was once afraid that he would be swayed by interests, and even observed him secretly.

 Fang Zheng did not disappoint Mr. Fang. He managed the Fang family's business for more than a year but failed to train his own people.

It wasn't until Pingniang and his wife came the next year that Fang Zheng introduced them to Mr. Fang, saying that they were his good friends and both had good abilities.

Mr. Fang had observed him for more than two years and found that Fang Zheng was indeed upright and capable, so he asked him to make arrangements himself.

With Master Fang’s permission, Fang Zheng took Ping Niang and his wife with him and began to train them.

Pingniang and his wife are indeed very capable and have managed their business in an orderly manner in more than a year.

Sister Ying asked, "So, Pingniang and his wife are not only your uncle's friends, but also your uncle's subordinates?"

From this incident, it is not difficult to see that Fang Zheng is interested in cultivating his subordinates, not just because of his friendship. He may want to gradually rise in the Fang family and cultivate his own talents.

Xiaocui nodded, "Pingniang and his wife are also my uncle's capable stewards. I have entrusted my business to them these years." This shows Fangzheng's trust in Pingniang and his wife.

Since Pingniang and his wife are Fang Zheng's right-hand men, there is a high possibility that they will lie for Fang Zheng.

Sister Ying thinks we can start with Pingniang and his wife.

 At night, Mrs. Fang happily ate with them and chatted for a long time before falling asleep.

Sister Ying is very energetic. In addition to her late pregnancy, she can't breathe even if she lies down all the time. So she just gets up and sits for a while.

 At midnight, the secret guard came back to report, "Madam, I found that Fang Zheng was in Ping Niang's room at this time, and the two of them..."

Perhaps unable to continue speaking, the secret guard raised his head and looked at Sister Ying shyly for a while, then coughed.

Sister Ying was surprised, "You mean, Fang Zheng has an affair with Ping Niang?"

The secret guard shook his head, "It's not just a personal affair, they both took off their clothes."

Sister Ying was surprised, "Isn't it?"

 Fuck, this is a big surprise.

Unexpectedly, Fang Zheng didn't look for a woman outside, but instead looked for his own men? ? ?

 No wonder Xiao Cui stared at the woman outside for so long without noticing it.

   The co-authors are just eating grass from the edges of their nests.

Sister Ying asked the secret guard, "Go and listen to the corner again to see what they say."

The secret guard said "yes" and left.

 At midnight, Sister Ying was really curious, so she stayed up and waited for the secret guard to come back.

The secret guard came back soon and reported to her, "Madam, there is indeed a conspiracy between Fang Zheng and Ping Niang."

It turns out that Fang Zheng and Ping Niang had known each other for a long time, and the two of them worked together to create a big drama. The purpose is for the Fang family’s property.

Fang Zheng was originally the son of a businessman family, but his father was caught by the government after he was found guilty of embezzlement and murder.

His biological father was arrested and his family's fortune was sealed. Naturally, he was unwilling to do so. So he went out to inquire about any opportunities to make a fortune.

It happened that the Fang family wanted to recruit a son-in-law, so he and Ping Niang devised such a play.

 Ping Niang was originally the widow of a pig butcher, but she was not willing to be a widow for a man, so she followed Fang Zheng's plan.

When she heard that Fang Zheng wanted to live in the Fang family, she conspired with him and asked him to confuse Mr. Fang first and deceive Mr. Fang that he was not here to choose a son-in-law.

Then he would do all kinds of upright behaviors in front of Mr. Fang, so that Mr. Fang would appreciate him.

Finally, find a "mother" and let Mr. Fang lobby his mother, so that he can enter the Fang family in a legitimate manner.

After arriving at Fang's house, he acted honestly, neither greedy nor arrogant, which made Mr. Fang trust him more and more.

 After the business was taught to him, Fang Zheng began to train his own staff.

Since there were many things that were inconvenient for him to do, he left them to Ping Niang.

 Including Pingniang's husband, they are all fake, and he is also Fang Zheng's subordinate.

 The three of them worked together to deceive the Fang family.

"No wonder his temperament changed drastically as soon as he came here. If he came here together and didn't have the Fang family's spy, there was no need to pretend."

Sister Ying suddenly thought of something, "No, Fang family!"

Since Fang Zheng dared to deal with Fang Niang like this without fear of being discovered by the Fang family, it is very likely that something happened to the Fang family.

I just hope that Fei Ying can send the letter back to Jiangnan as soon as possible tomorrow, so that my parents can go to Fang's house to see if anything happens.

Sister Ying hurriedly wrote a letter, telling her father everything about Fang Zheng, and asking him to check if anyone in the Fang family had been harmed.

Poor Fang Niang doesn’t know anything about this.

She would probably not be able to bear it if she knew that the person next to her was someone who plotted against the Fang family.

 Now we can only hide it from her until she gives birth to the child safely.

The next day, Fang Niang woke up and was in a good mood. She smiled and talked to Sister Ying, "Sister, I brought a lot of materials before I came here. Unfortunately, I can't even wear them because my belly is so big. If you don't mind, bring the materials with you." How many clothes should I make? The colors of my materials are very delicate and suitable for you."

Sister Ying thought something might have happened to her family, and she felt sympathy in her heart, but she still pretended to be fine.

“Okay, let Xiaojiu bring the fabric, and we can make clothes together.”

 Fang Niang was very happy, "Okay."

 In the evening, Sister Ying told Sister Yang and Jing Han about this matter. After hearing this, they all secretly cursed Fang Zheng for not being a human being.

 It seems that there are bad people everywhere in this world.

 It’s also because the bad guy is so good at disguise that he deceived an old father who was eager to find a husband for his daughter.

In addition, Fang Niang was raised innocently by her family. She didn't know how to distinguish a man's disguise, so she was naturally deceived.

Sister Yang was very angry, "Why are these men so scheming when I meet them recently?"

 Everyone has evil intentions! He would deal with his wife and children, which is really too much.

Jinghan also sighed, "How should we deal with this matter?"

 Fang Zheng brought Fang Niang here, not knowing what he wanted to do.

Sister Yang's imagination was wide open, "He doesn't want to kill Fang Niang when she gives birth, does he?"

  2022Happy babies ()



 (End of this chapter)

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