The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 803: , take Fang Niang to know the truth

Chapter 803: Let Fang Niang know the truth

As soon as these words came out, Sister Ying and Jing Han were stunned.

 “It’s very possible.”

 Although they don’t want to think of people so badly, sometimes people’s hearts are more vicious than what is written in the book.

Fang Zheng came here suddenly. He may have emptied the Fang family's money, and Mr. Fang couldn't find him even if he waited for the incident to happen.

If something happens to Mr. Fang, everything in the Fang family will belong to him in the future.

Or maybe Mr. Fang still kept Lao Di, and Fang Zheng wanted to bring Ms. Fang and let her die in childbirth when she gave birth. By then, his child would be the only bloodline of the Fang family.

Having a child in hand, I don’t believe that Master Fang will not give him the family property.

Whenever Sister Ying thinks of these two possibilities, the hairs on her body stand up.

I have to say, if a man really wants to plot against you, ordinary women are no match for him.

Even though Fang Niang was so simple and kind-hearted, she didn’t even know she was being killed.

She is pregnant now. Fang Zheng can use the child to some extent, so naturally Fang Niang will be kept for a while.

 When it comes to production, if you don’t believe in Fangzheng, you won’t do it.

 If Fang Niang had not met them, she might have died.

Jinghan and Sister Yang were even more silent.

"It seems that not everyone can find a good husband. We have to handle this matter well."

Jinghan said, "Fang Niang is now more than nine months old and almost ten months old. She is older than us. Otherwise, why don't we let her give birth at our house?"

With them watching, Fang Zheng couldn't get in, so naturally he couldn't hurt Fang Niang.

Sister Yang asked, "Should I tell Fang Niang about this? If I don't tell her, she will think that Fang is a good person. What will happen if she is deceived again?"

 This is indeed a problem.

 But I can tell you now that my wife is not in good health and I can only wait until she has given birth.

 But Fang Niang was physically weak after giving birth. It was really hard to let her know that it would also be a blow to her spirit.

Sister Ying thought for a while, "otherwise, we let Xiaocui know first?"

 She is Fang Niang's personal maid, and if she knows Fang Zheng's true identity, she will definitely be vigilant.

Sister Yang nodded to Jinghan, "This is a good idea, let's do it."

Jinghan asked, "How can we let Xiaocui know Fang Zheng's true identity?"

Sister Ying raised her eyebrows and said, "Let her go see the scene."

Hearing is false and seeing is believing. Let her see with her own eyes and hear with her own ears, which is more effective than anything else.

 “That’s a good idea.”

Once the three of them got together, they asked the secret guard to take Xiao Cui to hide in Mrs. Ping's inn. When Fang Zheng and Ping Niang were conspiring together, Xiao Cui knew everything.

Xiao Cui never expected that her uncle, who usually looked serious, would be such a person!

That day, she hid under the bed with the secret guard and heard clearly what Fang Zheng and Ping Niang were saying. She also saw the two of them having **** with her own eyes. She almost jumped up and beat the couple to death.

 Fortunately, she restrained herself and poured some laxative into the square bowl before leaving.

If there was no poison on her body, she would have poisoned Fang Zheng to death.

Sister Ying didn't expect her to be so hot-tempered, so she asked her to calm down.

"Fang Zheng and Ping Niang are colluding with each other. The other party's family is very dangerous to your lady. Please be careful during this period and don't give Fang Zheng a chance."

Xiao Cui nodded cautiously, "Thank you, madam. This servant will take good care of my young lady. Thanks to madam for your help, I am really grateful."

Sister Ying waved her hand and said it was okay, "For now, let Fang Niang give birth to the child safely, and then let her know if she needs to know. Otherwise, it won't work to trust Fang Zheng all the time."

Xiao Cui understood her young lady’s character and said, “With my young lady’s character, she will definitely not easily believe my uncle’s conspiracy. I need to let my young lady know about it little by little.”

 She has an idea, and Sister Ying is relieved.

 “How do you want to let Madam Fang know?”

Xiao Cui thought for a while and said, "Take the lady to the area of ​​the inn first. You have to see it with your own eyes before the lady will doubt it."

 Fang Niang would not believe it at first, and would only wonder why Fang Zheng was with Ping Niang.

 But if you do it too often, the seeds of doubt will fall in your heart. Only by making her suspicious little by little can she slowly accept the fact and not collapse when she suddenly learns the truth.

Xiao Cui did as she said, and took Fang Niang on a small road the next day, specifically going around Ping Niang's inn.

The secret guard inquired in advance and knew that Fang Zheng would have a tryst with Ping Niang in an alley today, so Xiao Cui took Fang Niang to take a detour.

Fang Niang came out happily at first, but she didn’t expect that she would run into Fang Zheng, whom she hadn’t seen for a long time, in the alley.


She was very happy to see Fang Zheng and was about to walk over, but Xiao Cui stopped him and said "Shhh".

"Miss, look, is that person Ping Niang? Why is she holding hands with my uncle?"

Fang Niang took a quick look and saw that it was true.

At this time, Ping Niang was hanging on Fang Zheng, and the two looked very close.

Fang Niang was so angry that she was about to step forward but was held back by Xiao Cui.

"Miss, don't go. Maybe we have misunderstood."

Fang Niang rubbed her eyes and looked at the couple, "Is it really a misunderstanding?"

 But the figures from the backs of those two people were so familiar. Could it be that she had seen it wrong?

Seeing that she was beginning to doubt, Xiaocui pulled her back, "Mrs. Liang and the others are still waiting for us, let's go back first."

Fang Niang nodded and could only go back with her first.

 But this doubtful thought kept lingering in Fang Niang's mind, keeping her awake at night.

 She got up in the middle of the night and called Xiaocui, "I want to go to the inn to see my husband."

Xiao Cui was embarrassed, "It's so late at night, my uncle may have fallen asleep."

 “No, I’m going to take a look.”

 Although Fang Niang is soft and weak, she is very stubborn.

 She wants to go, Xiaocui can only take her there.

The two of them still walked along the path and went to the second floor of another inn. They opened the window and secretly looked at Pingniang's inn.

As expected, Fang Zheng was still in the inn opposite, and he and Ping Niang entered the wing on the second floor hand in hand.

Although I didn’t see the front face, the side face was confirmed to be square.

Fang Niang was stunned at the scene, always feeling that it was not real.

She asked Xiao Cui, "Am I wrong? Why is my husband and Fang Niang together?"

Xiao Cui said slowly, "Perhaps we saw it wrong, and we can't see clearly even in the dark. How about we go back first and ask tomorrow?"

Fang Niang shook her head. She was kind, but not a fool.

Even if she asked Fang Zheng, how could he admit it?

Even if he admits it, what will she do then?

Fang Niang stood in front of the window and had a short chat, looking at the reflection in the inn room opposite and counting the time the man and woman had been in the room.

 She waited for a long time, but the men and women in the room had not yet come out.

Xiao Cui saw her face turning pale and was a little worried, "Miss, let's go back first?"

Fang Niang shook her head, "No, I want to wait."

 If Fang Zheng comes out in the middle of the night, it means that he may just be confused for a moment.

If he stays until the second day, it can only mean that he likes Ping Niang very much.

 She just wants the truth.

Xiao Cui saw this and wanted to persuade him, but thinking of Fang Zheng's sinister face, he stopped.

 At the third watch, before Fang Zheng came out of the wing, Fang Niang's face began to turn pale.

Xiao Cui was even more worried, and suddenly regretted bringing Fang Niang out too early to see the truth.

 (End of this chapter)

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