The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 804: , Fang Niang suddenly started

Chapter 804, Fang Niang suddenly launched

Xiaocui was worried about Fang Niang's health and advised her, "Miss, go and rest first. For the sake of the child in your belly, you can't do this to yourself."

 Fang Niang looked at her deeply for a while, and was surprisingly strong, "You are right, I should have a good rest."

 After saying that, he actually went to bed to sleep.

 She slept until almost dawn when she suddenly woke up.

 After waking up, she looked at Xiao Cui and saw her standing beside the bed, feeling warm in her heart.

 But when he raised his head and touched the inn room next door, his heart became cold again.

 She stood up and shook Xiao Cui.

Xiao Cui was half asleep and asked, "Miss? Why are you up?" She looked outside. The sky was slightly bright and the street was still quiet.

Fang Niang put on her clothes and said, "I want to go to the other side."

Xiaocui knew that she wanted to see it with her own eyes, so she deliberately tried to persuade her, "Miss, men are capable of cheating, otherwise we should just pretend we didn't see this happen? If things get serious, my uncle might take Mrs. Ping home." Wouldn’t that make it more difficult for you?”

 She thought that if she said this, Fang Niang would stop.

 After all, the outside room is outside, so out of sight is out of mind.

 If you take it home and see it every day, you won’t feel better.

Fang Niang didn’t stop, she kept thinking.

She wanted to go down, but Xiaocui could only help her go.

They have the key to the back door of Pingniang Inn, which Fang Zheng left at home before. They didn't expect it to come in handy now.

Since it was still dark and everyone was sleeping, no one noticed when Fang Niang and Xiao Cui went upstairs.

 The master and servant deliberately walked lightly and slowly approached the second floor.

Xiao Cui was also familiar with this place and took Fang Niang up another small staircase.

 That small staircase was usually not used by anyone, but she only discovered it that day when the secret guard brought her there.

The two of them went up the small staircase. Xiaocui took Fang Niang to the next room to hide.

 At this time, the sky was slightly bright and the rooster was already crowing.

 “Oh oh oh~~”

The rooster crowed so loudly that it woke up Fang Zheng on the bed.

After the two woke up, they hugged each other for a while and then asked, "How is the situation at the Fang family? Did old Fangtou fall into the water?"

 Fangzheng shook his head, "There is no news yet."

 Their previous plan was to come here first, and then plan to have Father Fang die in a storm at sea.

 When the yamen went to investigate, they could only find out that it was a natural disaster and had nothing to do with him at all.

 Coupled with the absence of others at the scene, there is naturally no evidence of killing the father-in-law.

However, there has been no news about Father Fang from his hometown, so we have to wait for the specific situation.

Fang Niang was dumbfounded when she heard this in the next room. She never imagined that Fang Zheng would be so vicious.

She covered her mouth and did not dare to scream for fear of being discovered.

Xiao Cui held her tightly, fearing that she would fall if she couldn't stand.

The person in the next room didn't know there was anyone outside, so he continued, "What are you going to do with Ms. Fang?"

"If old Fangtou dies, the Fang family's property will naturally fall on you. Will you still need Mrs. Fang then?"

Fang Zheng shook his head, "She can't die for the time being. She can't die until old Fangtou dies."

Otherwise Old Fangtou was not dead and his daughter died, Old Fangtou would definitely investigate.

 If something is found out by then, there is no guarantee that the old guy will come to avenge Fang Niang.

 “Just wait, don’t be in a hurry.”

After so many years, it’s not less than this moment and a half.

Ping Niang nodded, hugged him and kissed him, "When the three members of the Fang family die, you have to marry me, and I will give you some fat boys."

Fang Zheng was disdainful in his heart, but smiled on his face, "Of course, the benefits will come to you when the time comes."

The two people in the room started kissing while talking, and the lady next door felt like the world was collapsing, and five thunders struck her.

 She never dreamed that the person she loved on her pillow in the past would have a face like this. He not only plotted against the Fang family and deceived her, but also wanted to destroy the Fang family, which was extremely vicious.

 She couldn't bear the blow and felt a pain in her stomach.

  But she held it in with all her strength, biting her lower lip tightly, not daring to let herself cry.

Xiao Cui was startled when she saw that her skirt was wet, but she stopped her voice in time.

The master and the servant walked downstairs carefully, and hurried back before the crowd came out.

"Miss, what should I do? Your amniotic water has broken. What should I do?"

Fang Niang was also panicked at first, but now she calmed down and said, "Go find Sister Ying first."

 I believe they will help her.

Xiao Cui hurriedly took her back.

After arriving home, Xiao Cui hurriedly shouted, "Mrs. Liang, it's not good, my lady is going to give birth."

At this time, Fang Niang was sitting on the ground holding her belly, feeling very painful.

The veins on her forehead were bulging, but she gritted her teeth to keep from screaming.

Sister Ying did not expect that she would have a sudden attack and quickly got up and told the maid, "Go and wake up the midwife."

Since there were two midwives at home, Murong Yun called the midwife to the house early.

When Fang Niang comes here, the servants at home cannot monitor her, so naturally they don’t know that she is about to give birth suddenly.

 The midwife quickly helped Fang Niang to the delivery room prepared in advance and began to deliver her baby.

The delivery room was extremely quiet throughout the whole process, and only occasionally I would make a muffled noise if I couldn't help it.

Sister Ying was frightened when she saw it, and shouted outside the house, "Ms. Fang, if it hurts, just scream out. Don't hold it back."

After hearing her words, Fang Niang seemed to find a sense of security, and then she dared to scream loudly.


Although she was thin, her birth went smoothly. She gave birth to a boy within an hour.


“Congratulations, madam, you are a young master, weighing five pounds and very healthy.”

 The baby, who is almost full term, cries loudly and looks really healthy.

 Fang Niang looked at the child in the midwife's hands and her tears could no longer stop flowing down.

 After the delivery room was packed up, Sister Ying and Jing Han went in to see her.

 “How is it? Does it hurt anywhere else?”

Fang Niang covered her heart and said, "It hurts here."

After learning Fang Zheng’s true face, Fang Niang felt that the sky was falling, but she felt relieved because she got the real reason.

 In the past ten months, she has been puzzled why Fang Zheng was suddenly so indifferent to her and didn't even go home to see her.

It turns out that the fundamental reason is that he doesn't like her at all. He only treats her as a **** or a stepping stone for him to obtain the Fang family's property.

 After she figured this out, although she was sad, her mood was very smooth.

  Perhaps the problem is solved and the sadness becomes less.

Sister Ying was afraid that she would not be able to think clearly, so she advised her, "Now that you have a child, you must take good care of yourself. The child cannot live without you."

Fang Niang knew that she was afraid that she would not be able to think clearly, so she told her, "Sister Ying, don't worry, I won't do anything wrong to you."

Since Fang Zheng is ruthless, she will give up.

“I’m mainly worried about my parents now. I want to go back and see them.”

 If something happens to her parents, she will really fall into hell.

Sister Ying told her, "I have asked my father to check on your parents. If anything happens, I will help."

If it was a murder, Liang Jin would investigate it, and then he would be able to help Mr. Fang.

Fang Niang was so grateful to her that she almost knelt down.

“Thank you for meeting you this time, otherwise I really don’t know what to do.”

  Where did you go for New Year’s Eve? (▽`)



 (End of this chapter)

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