Chapter 805, Fang Niang ran away

If she hadn't discovered Fang Zheng's true purpose, she would have stayed at home waiting for him to come back.

 She didn’t even know that her parents were killed.

 When the child was born, she was also killed, and their family's death was all in vain.

 Happily she discovered Fang Zheng’s true face at this time, otherwise she would not be able to rest in peace until her death.

Fang Niang held her newborn child in her arms and said with determination, "Sister Ying, I have to go back."

Her parents have protected her all her life. She cannot stand by and watch when her parents are in trouble. She has to go back.

 “What about your body?”

It was very bad for my health to travel a long distance just after giving birth.

Fang Niang knew that her health was not good, but she did not dare to delay.

"From Fang Zheng's tone, it seems that my parents are in danger. If I don't go back, the Fang family will be in chaos."

 When Fang Zheng's men come out to cause trouble, the Fang family will really fall into Fang Zheng's hands.

“Sister Ying, please help me.”

Fang Niang held the child in her arms and was about to get up and kneel down in front of Sister Ying.

Sister Ying quickly stopped her and said, "No, no, no, no, I know, I will send someone to **** you back."

Fang Niang was grateful and said, "I want to go back now."

Sister Ying nodded and went out to talk to Murong Yun.

After Murong Yun found out about this, he didn't hesitate and asked someone to **** Fang Niang back and find a wet nurse for her.

Fang Niang left early in the morning. When Fang Zheng remembered that she was about to give birth and went back to see her, she had already gone far away.

Fang Zheng didn’t go back for several months. When he got home, he found that Fang’s mother was not at home.

 He asked his servant, “Where is the madam?”

The servant replied, "My wife went to stay at a friend's house and did not come back."

 Originally, Fang Zheng sent his servants to monitor Fang Niang at home.

But Fang Niang has always behaved herself, and when she doesn't do anything out of the ordinary, she occasionally goes out to go shopping, buy some things, or stay at Sister Ying's house for a few days.

The servants went to Sister Ying's house to observe, and knew that Sister Ying and Jing Han were also pregnant women, so they didn't worry too much.

Who would have thought that Fang Niang had not come back for a long time, and when a servant asked her, Xiao Zi told him, "Your wife and my wife went shopping. Don't bother asking her. Isn't it annoying?"

Xiao Zi has an arrogant attitude and will not ask the other person because he is embarrassed.

Fang Zheng was surprised when he heard this, "Which family is this woman from? Take me to see her."

 “The one in front is also a businessman.”

 Fang Zheng and his servants went to Sister Ying's house and knocked on the door.

 The servants came to open the door and let Fang Zheng in.

Sister Ying and Jing Han were sitting in rocking chairs eating grapes. When they saw him coming, they were too lazy to pay attention.

On the other hand, after Fang Zheng entered the door, he first looked around the house. Seeing the magnificent decoration inside, he secretly thought that this family was also a wealthy family.

Especially the two women with big bellies were wearing very good materials. I think they were much richer than the Fang family.

He came in dressed neatly and hugged Sister Ying and Jing Han, "May I ask, madam, is my wife here with you?"

Sister Ying became lazy and said, "No, she went back just now."

Fang Zheng frowned, "What? She went back?"

Then why didn’t they meet each other on the road just now?

Sister Ying said casually, "Maybe she went out to buy things for production. She said she will give birth next month and needs to prepare some things."

Fang Zheng was counting the days, and it turned out that Fang Niang would give birth at the beginning of next month, so he said goodbye and went to the street to look for her.

 But I couldn’t find it after looking around on the street, which was really strange.

He felt something was wrong. Fang Niang was a woman with a big belly. She shouldn't be able to go too far. She would have to take a carriage when going out.

 But he searched the whole street and couldn't see the Fang family's carriage, so he had no choice but to send someone to look for it.

 But he couldn't find it after searching for it. Now he was confused. “You said every store doesn’t have it?”

 It shouldn’t be.

She has a weak temperament, and even if she goes out, she returns quickly. Logically, she shouldn't have been out for so long without news.

 Could it be that he was kidnapped?

When Pingniang learned about this, she doubted, "Doesn't she know about our affairs?"

Fang Zheng doesn’t think so. “If she knew, she would definitely come and question me.”

Since he didn’t show up, I guess he didn’t know.

But if you didn’t know, why did she disappear out of thin air?

The two of them were confused and couldn't guess where Fang Niang had gone.

Fangzheng was suspicious and even sent people to the city gate to inquire.

 But Sister Ying had already told her about the city gate, so she asked someone to tell Fang Zheng that Fang Niang had not been seen leaving the city gate.

 After hearing this, Fang Zheng became more and more puzzled.

“There is no city gate, so where did she go?”

 A woman with a big belly who is about to give birth is supposed to be easy to find, so why did she disappear out of thin air?

Ping Niang asked suspiciously, "Is it possible that she went back to her hometown?"

Fang Zheng didn’t believe it, “How is that possible?”

She had no money and no courage, and she had already asked at the city gate how could she go to her hometown.

 Besides, how could she, a person who was about to give birth, travel far away? Aren't you afraid of giving birth to your child halfway?

Ping Niang, "Then where do you think she will go?"

Fang Zheng thought about it and went back to ask all the servants at home, but no one found anything unusual.

The only difference is that Fang Niang has been spending the night at the same house recently.

 But he had been to that house, and there were only two pregnant ladies in the house, and they were about to give birth, so they shouldn't do anything weird.

 “No, I’ll look for it again.”

Seeing that there is still no news from Old Man Fang, he can't cause any more chaos here.

 No matter what happens to Fang Niang, what he wants is the child in her belly.

 At least this child will allow him to legitimately control all the Fang family's property.

If Old Fangtou dies and has a child in hand, and returns to Fang's house, if he wants Old Fangtou's loyal stewards to relent, he must use the child as an excuse, so the child cannot be lost.

Ping Niang asked, "What if the child is lost?"

A trace of evil flashed in Fang Zheng's eyes, "If you lose it, find one as big as a month old and take it back."

 He can even fake it, let alone a child.

“But if Fang Niang is not here, those old guys won’t believe it, right?”

 This is also the reason why Fang Zheng is irritable.

 Old man Fang has a group of loyal stewards under him. If Fang Niang did not take the child back, those stewards would not let him manage the Fang family.

 Furthermore, the Fang family also has many relatives. As soon as old man Fang dies, there will be relatives coming to fight for the property, so Fang Niang must find them as soon as possible.

 Having said that, go and find it yourself.

Sister Ying knew that Fang Zheng would definitely find Fang Niang, so she had already told Murong Yun the whole story.

Murong Yun was a smart person. He knew that Fang Zheng would find Fang Niang, so he naturally arranged the route.

 Fang Zheng is just a small person to him, and it is more than enough to avoid the Fang Zheng Lu Xian.

 At this time, Fang Niang had already left the city and was preparing to take a boat back to Fang's house.

Fangzheng sent people to search for him for a long time, and even used the government to find no one, so he started to panic.

 In the past, he had never taken Fang Niang seriously, thinking that she was just a purdah woman with long hair and short knowledge, so she was not something to be afraid of.

Unexpectedly, this inconspicuous woman ran away with a pregnant belly right under his nose!

Fang Zheng was so angry that he simply stopped looking for her. He wrote a letter back and had someone stop him at the door of Fang's house.

 (End of this chapter)

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