Chapter 806: Self-Growth

As long as that woman doesn't die, she will definitely return to the Fang family.

 At that time, people will look around Fang's house. I don't believe they can't find the woman.

"No, I want to go back to Fang's house."

Fang Zheng was worried after all. He was afraid that Fang Niang would know about his ambition and want to go back.

 Otherwise, if Fang Niang goes back to find those stewards, it will be difficult for him to obtain the Fang family's property.

 He had to go back quickly and find the woman before he could control her.

When Ping Niang saw that he was going back, she wanted to follow him.

 “I’m with you.”

  She was a widow, and she had finally hooked up with Zheng Zheng. How could she let him go?

 When the other little vixens lure Fang Zheng away later, she will suffer a big loss.

Fangzheng told her, "You are looking for an inn and a fan shop here. I can only trust you at the moment."

This statement is naturally a lie.

Fang Zheng never paid much attention to Ping Niang. She was a widow, but she still wanted to be his wife, and he didn't care whether she was worthy or not.

 He and she are just in love with each other, taking advantage of each other.

As for his wife, she must be the daughter of a wealthy family, no matter how poor she is, she must be a serious eldest daughter, and she must never be a coquettish widow.

But Fangzheng would not say this, lest he offend others.

 He has transferred a lot of the Fang family's property here, and he still needs someone to watch over it.

 Pingniang was the best candidate at this time, but he did not completely trust her, and secretly sent people to keep an eye on Pingniang.

"You help me here first, and I will go and settle the matters of the Fang family, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

Ping Niang refused and still wanted to follow.

Fangzheng didn’t want to talk too much with her, so just let her follow.

There is this woman around. If the plot is exposed, he will blame it on this woman.

Ping Niang didn’t know what he was thinking, she thought he doted on her and was willing to let her follow him wherever he went, which showed that he had endless charm.

The two of them set off back together, and Sister Ying and her son soon found out about it.

Sister Yang was very worried, "If Fang Zheng arrives at Fang's house earlier than Sister Fang, what will Sister Fang do?"

Sister Ying calmly took a sip of tea and said, "Then it depends on Fang Niang's intelligence."

They have done all they can to help. They cannot take full responsibility and can only rely on Fang Niang herself.

 The Fang family only has one child, Fang Niang, and now they have grandchildren.

If Fang Niang wants to grow up, she must stand up.

 She can no longer hide under the wings of her parents. She needs to take on the responsibility of the eldest lady of the Fang family and run the Fang family well.

Sister Ying believes she can do it. After all, being a mother means being strong, and she will definitely be strong for her children.

The three of them looked at each other and sighed.

When Jing Shirong came back, he saw the three of them sighing and looking confused, "What's wrong?"

 He walked over, hugged Sister Ying, touched her belly, and asked her, "Why are you sighing?"

Sister Ying leaned in his arms and told him about Fang Niang.

Jing Shirong looked calm after hearing this, "Since she dares to go back, her future development will be good. Just wait for the news at home and don't worry too much."

Sister Ying lay in his arms and chatted with him, "I've seen a lot of bad things in the past few days, and I'm in a bad mood."

  Not every woman can meet her beloved. If she marries the wrong person, her mother's family will be in bad luck if she doesn't care about herself.

Jing Shirong lowered his head to kiss her and rubbed her head, "Don't think too much, bad mood is contagious. Look at them, if you are in a bad mood, they will also be in a bad mood."

"Looking at the servants outside, I saw that the master was in a bad mood, so he also acted cautiously. Everyone in the room was languid."

Sister Ying lay in his arms and glanced around. Indeed, everyone in the room was gloomy. It was obvious that everyone was affected first. Jing Shirong looked at her dumbfounded face, inexplicably a little cute. He lowered his head and kissed her again, "Okay, stop being so depressed. Can I take you for a walk in the evening?"

Sister Ying was happy, "Okay, I want you to hug me."

Now in the third trimester of pregnancy, she started to pant when she walked a lot, and she wanted to be hugged.

Jing Shirong looked at her round belly and three lines on her forehead, "Are you sure you want a hug?"

Sister Ying reached out and asked, "Hug it~" like a princess hug.

Jing Shirong had no choice but to hug her sideways.

Sister Ying hugged his neck and happily asked him to spin in circles.

Jing Shirong doted on her and spun her around twice, making Jing Han and Sister Yang's eyes dazzle.

Sister Yang, "Why do I feel like my big belly is like a mountain in my arms?"

Jinghan nodded in acquiescence, "It's not like that, that's it."

From their perspective, Jing Shirong looked like he was hugging a mountain and spinning around happily.

Sister Ying.

 “Suddenly unhappy.”

Jing Shirong put her down and said, "Aren't you going to hug her?"

Sister Ying shook her head and said, "I won't hug you anymore. Take me back to sleep."

Jing Shirong hummed and led her back to her room to rest.

Jinghan also took his two sons back to rest.

Seeing that they were all gone, Sister Yang missed Qi Yuanming a little, so she just rode to find him.

She is now good at riding horses and knows the way to find Qi Yuanming. She left with a "drive~" sound.

After arriving at the patrol area, I saw Qi Yuanming taking the lead in patrolling from a distance.

Sister Yang happily waved to him, big guy~~"

Qi Yuanming heard the sound and saw that she was coming. He grinned with big white teeth and said, "Sister Yang?"

 His men saw it and asked, "General, who is that?"

Qi Yuanming chuckled, "Your future sister-in-law."

 When the other soldiers heard this, they were very envious and said, "Sister-in-law is so beautiful."

Qi Yuanming was particularly proud, "That's right."

 His sister Yang is the most beautiful!

Those soldiers who had seen Sister Ying said, "But General Jing's wife seems to be more beautiful."

Qi Yuanming glared at him, "Fart! My sister Yang is obviously the most beautiful." The most beautiful!

 When the other soldiers heard this, they laughed and secretly thought that he was too partial, but did not say it out loud. They secretly thought that their general was also a lover.

Qi Yuanming snorted and asked them to patrol, while he came over to talk to Sister Yang.

“Sister Yang, why are you here?”

Sister Yang stretched out her hand toward him, "I miss you."

I haven’t seen him for so many days, and I have missed him for a long time. Especially when I saw the loving scene of my sister and brother-in-law hugging each other, I missed him even more.

Qi Yuanming scratched his head and smiled shyly, "Oh, it's outside." Although he also wanted to hug her, his future mother-in-law said that he should be more affectionate than polite, and abide by the rules. He didn't dare not listen, and he didn't dare to reach out and hug her.

Sister Yang was bolder than him. She grabbed his clothes, jumped on his horse, and happily threw herself into his arms, "Hehe, I can hug you."

She is so sweet that it even makes Qi Yuanming sweet, "You~"

 His Sister Yang is so cute, super super cute~

Qi Yuanming couldn't help it anymore, so he lowered his head and kissed her on the head.

He looked at her pretty face, but he didn't dare to be presumptuous, so he could only hold her head, kiss her furry hair, and kiss her.

 Sister Yang.

This guy's taste seems a bit strong. She hasn't washed her hair for two days, and he can't kiss her.

 (End of this chapter)

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