Chapter 807: The man-eating goblin

The two chatted for a while. Qi Yuanming had to go back to patrol, so Sister Yang went back first.

Sister Yang raised her head and kissed the side of his face, "Yeah, remember to miss me."

Qi Yuanming blushed and said, "Yes."

 Except for being busy, he thinks about her all the time.

Sister Yang waved to him and went back happily.

On the road, I met Kawuli, whom I hadn’t seen for a long time, and greeted Kawuli warmly.

 Kawuli came back from doing business. He didn't expect to meet her on the way home. He was very happy. "Sister Yang, are you going out?"

Sister Yang nodded, "Yes, let's go find my sweetheart."

She knew that Kawuli liked her, so she could only refuse him politely.

Kawuli was stunned for a moment, thinking he had misheard, "Your sweetheart?"

 “You have a sweetheart? Who is it?”

Sister Yang told him frankly, "You've seen him before, he's a big guy."

Kawuli knows the big guy, isn’t that the man in the military camp?

 He once sent someone to check on Qi Yuanming, who was said to be a new general sent by the imperial court.

Although he had never heard of this person in the Taoist community, he was a general and his status was much higher than him.

 He didn't care about this, he was just a little sorry that Sister Yang fell in love with someone else.

 “Do I really have no chance?”

Sister Yang shook her head, "Our two families are already discussing marriage."

 It means to make him give up completely.

Kawuli lowered his head and sighed, he really gave up, "Then bless you."

 Having said that, the lost one left.

 After he left, Sister Yang also went back.

Jing Shirong, on the other hand, took a few days off and went to stay with Sister Ying at home.

 Before he came, he asked the third princess what she should pay attention to in the later stages of pregnancy. Be on guard.

The third princess only said that she needed someone to accompany her in the late stages of pregnancy, and left the rest to the midwife. He came back as soon as she had time off.

"I will stay with you these days. When you are full moon next month, I will take leave and come back to accompany you for the birth."

Sister Ying is now nine months pregnant and will give birth next month when she is ten months old.

Jing Shirong wanted to accompany her to give birth at home to prevent her from being afraid, so he applied to the third princess early.

 The third princess had given birth herself, so she understood his difficulty, so she agreed.

Especially now that the military camp is not so busy, it is easier to take time off.

As soon as Sister Ying heard that he had arranged his vacation, she happily threw herself on him, held that handsome face in her hands and kissed him.

“Then I want you to hold me to sleep every day.”

Jing Shirong used his hands to comb her hair, ran his long fingers through her hair, pressed it down gently, and then used his fingertips to scratch the top of her head.

Sister Ying shrugged her shoulders comfortably. "You can help me wash my hair."

 Since the way he scratches his scalp is so comfortable, it would be best to wash his hair at this time.

Jing Shirong gave her an endearing hum, took her to wash her hair, got her a recliner, and let her lie down with her head facing the wooden basin.

Jing Shirong sat next to her and washed her hair. He first poured hot water on it, then applied some of the hair shampoo invented by Sister Yang, and then rubbed her scalp.

 Finally rinse it with hot water and wrap her hair with a towel in a clean and neat manner. Sister Ying felt particularly comfortable after being washed, and fell asleep immediately.

She fell asleep, but Jing Shirong did not. He gently dried her hair, changed her into clean clothes, and then hugged her to sleep together.

Sister Ying woke up in the middle of the night and saw the man next to her when she opened her eyes.

She hadn't looked at him quietly for a long time. Now, with the warm light in the room, she held his handsome face and took a closer look. She found that except for his tan, there were no spots on his face.

I don’t know how this man grew. Even though he has such a good figure, he still has such good skin.

If you open his inner clothes, you can find that his skin is still fair and smooth inside, and is more delicate than the skin of ordinary daughters. It makes people jealous to death.

Especially his two legs, which are straight and slender, and particularly well-proportioned, comparable to a model.

Sister Ying started drooling more and more as she looked at it, so she quickly wiped it away.

She leaned over and kissed him on the face first, then buried herself in his arms and took a deep breath of his freshly bathed fragrance.

 “Ah~this is the aroma of male sex~”

No wonder so many female fairies want to catch handsome men. It turns out that just taking a breath of the smell is so refreshing, hahaha.

 Jing Shi Rong.

He woke up for a while and saw his wife sucking him hard. He didn't know that he thought she was a man-eating spirit.

Especially when she was drooling over her breasts, Jing Shirong was afraid that his innocence would be compromised, so he hurriedly opened his eyes.


Seeing that he was awake, Sister Ying smiled and raised his chin with her index finger, "Little brother, you are lonely late at night, why don't you let me accompany you to relieve your boredom?"

This time Shi Rong changed the scene to cooperate with her, "It's impossible, it's not possible. I already have a family background. How can I betray my wife? Madam, I'd better let Xiao Sheng go."

Sister Ying sat on him as if she were in a play, like a female overlord, "No, since we have met, it is fate destined by God. You must obey me tonight to comply with God's will."

"As for your wife, if you don't tell me, I won't tell you. Who knows."

 These words sound very familiar. Isn't that what Jing Shirong said before?

Jing Shirong chuckled and continued to say, "Madam is right, then I can only apologize to my wife first."

Sister Ying saw the proud look on his face, but she was not happy about it.

“They say all men in the world are ruthless, but I didn’t expect you to abandon your wife after just a few words from me. You are really a scumbag.”

 After saying that, he pinched someone twice and asked Jing Shirong to "hiss~", "Madam, spare your life, I know I was wrong."

Sister Ying sat on him and asked him condescendingly, "What's wrong?"

Jing Shirong blinked, "What's wrong? Shouldn't I fall in love with Madam's beauty?"

Sister Ying pinched him angrily, "That's not right! Think again."

Jing Shirong felt the flesh on her body, which was very sensual. He felt comfortable and wanted to reach out and grab a handful, but she slapped her away.

Sister Ying glared at him fiercely, "Answer my wife's words carefully, or I will kick you out."

Jing Shirong looked at her aggrievedly, "Madam is so beautiful, who can resist her? I am also an ordinary person, so naturally I am greedy for Madam's beauty."

 Following it, his big hand went over and touched her belly.

Sister Ying slapped his hand away, "If you want to touch it, just touch it elsewhere. The price here is different."

Jing Shirong blinked, "Why are the prices different here?"

Sister Ying snorted, "This is the inheritance of my beauty. If you touch it, you will have to work for it for the rest of your life. You will provide for it to eat and drink. You will also have to provide for it to read, read, and start a family. The price is naturally not cheap."

Jing Shirong chuckled and said, "Then I won't touch it. I'm a pauper and all my money is with my wife."

Sister Ying was amused by him, "Then go and give me the money and get it back. When I see your sincerity, I will allow you to help me raise my child."

Jing Shirong was very angry, "That can't be done. I gave my wife the money and I won't come back. Otherwise, will she think of something else?"

 (End of this chapter)

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