Chapter 808, Jing Han was born

Sister Ying turned ruthless and said, "That won't work. Since you are a pauper, just get out."

 Speaking, he was about to get off him.

Jing Shirong smiled evilly and said, "That won't work. If the madam touches my body, then I will be the madam's."

 Speaking, he turned from defense to offense and scratched her body.

Sister Ying kept laughing "hahaha", "Oh, no, I was wrong, don't scratch me~"

Jing Shirong didn’t dare to go too far and gave up after just a few scratches, fearing that her stomach would feel uncomfortable.

 The little thing in his belly felt his parents' play and kicked him angrily.

Sister Ying ouched and quickly put her hands on her belly to calm the child down, "Okay, okay, stop kicking, mother is not laughing anymore."

 My stomach is tight now, and it feels uncomfortable when the child kicks me.

Jing Shirong hurriedly helped comfort her, lowering her head and talking to her belly, "Okay, let's stop making trouble. Daddy is coaxing your mother to play."

 But the child in my belly didn't listen and kept kicking its calves.

Jing Shirong looked puzzled and looked at Sister Ying, "What's wrong with it?"

Sister Ying shook her head and said, "Maybe it's almost time to get pregnant, so I need to give it a try."

Jing Shirong had read books about women giving birth and knew what it meant to enter the pot. Suddenly, he felt like he wanted to be a father.

“It looks like we will soon be a family of three.”

  It wasn’t that strong a feeling before, but as my belly got older and the baby was about to be born, the feeling of becoming a parent became stronger.

“The midwife has calculated the date for me. It will be launched around the tenth day of the next month. I don’t know if it can be so punctual.”

Jing Shirong hugged her to give her a sense of security, "Don't be afraid, I will come back early to accompany you when the time comes."

Sister Ying relies on him, and she is naturally not afraid of him.

“When the time comes, you, Sister Yang, and the others will be here, and I will feel relieved.”

 A woman is most vulnerable when she is giving birth. With her relatives by her side, she is much less afraid.

Mr. Wu, who is far away in the south of the Yangtze River, is also counting the days. She is very worried about this place and wishes she could fly here with her wings to take care of her daughter's delivery.

 But there was still Mrs. Liang at home, and there were shops and farms to manage, so she also left.

 Coupled with the long journey, it was too late to come over at short notice, so I could only wait for news at home.

 The capital is also counting the days.

Jing counted the days and said to Jing's father, "Sister Ying is almost full term and will be born next month. I wonder if A Jing and the others will panic?"

  After all, it is the first time to be a parent. It is inevitable that new parents do not understand many things.

Jing's father thought very openly, "It's okay. They have made it through so many winds and waves. I believe they can do it this time."

Jing was still worried, "Have you trained the little flying eagle that I asked you to train before? The carrier pigeon is not as fast as the eagle. You should do your best."

Jingfu stroked his goatee and said, "The flying eagle has a big target and can be seen as soon as it raises its head. It needs to be trained better before it dares to let it send letters."

 Otherwise, the little guy would fly very low and be discovered by someone who was interested, and then he would be shot and killed.

 Fortunately, this female flying eagle is quite smart. She flies so high every time that she can't even be hit by a bow and arrow, so she is still very safe.

 With the flying eagle around, it would be convenient for Jing to send letters.

When Sister Ying was almost full term, she received a letter from Fei Ying. It was a letter sent by Mrs. Jing and Mrs. Qi.

Sister Ying first looked at Jing's letter. It was full of words of concern and her experience in giving birth.

 Including what kind of nanny is looking for, Jing teaches her how to choose, down to the smallest detail.

Sister Ying also learned from Jinghan’s experience during childbirth and has been practicing these days.

Jinghan taught her how to place her legs, how to breathe and exert force, and she studied them carefully, hoping that they would come in handy when the time comes. As the day drew closer, her stomach hurt from time to time, and Sister Ying began to become nervous.

They say that giving birth to a child is like the pain of breaking a bone. She is also afraid of pain. Her mood gradually becomes weak and she no longer has the confidence she had before.

Jinghan saw that her condition was exactly the same as when he gave birth to his first child, so he patted her hand to comfort her.

"It's okay. Look, I've already given birth to two babies. This is the third one. It'll be okay. It'll just hurt a bit."

Sister Ying looked at Jinghan's belly, which was much bigger than hers, "Aren't you afraid?"

Jinghan shook his head, "Don't be afraid, I'm used to it."

Sister Ying.

I couldn't help but give a thumbs up, "Cousin Niubi."

Jinghan laughed and said, "We are just a few days apart, so I don't know who is the husband, or maybe we were born in the same age."

In order to divert Sister Ying's panic, Jing Han started chatting with her.

“Sister Ying, tell me, if we have a boy and a girl, should we arrange a baby marriage?”

 Jing Han and Murong Yun are related by blood, and the two children are also close relatives, so naturally it is not easy for them to be relatives.

 But when she told Jinghan this, she might not understand, so she could only refuse politely.

"The children are still young. Who knows whether they will like others in the future. When the time comes, we will mess up the relationship, and it will be bad if the two children resent us. It is better to wait until they are older and make their own decisions."

These words were true. Jinghan heard it and didn't mention it again. Instead, he thought of the scene of the two children growing up together in the future. He felt cute just thinking about it.

“I bought a lot of girls’ clothes, hoping to give them to my daughter.”

  She was already sure that her baby was a girl, so all she bought were girl’s supplies, and everything was pink and tender.

Including Murong Yun also thought that the baby would be a daughter and had already made several names.

Jing Shirong and Sister Ying haven’t found a name yet and want to wait until the child is born before deciding.

The Jing family sent a lot of names, waiting for them to choose.

The Liang family also wrote two large pieces of paper, filled with expectations and blessings for their children.

 A few days later, Jinghan was considered to have completed ten months of fighting. On the ninth day of the lunar month, she took the lead.

 Because of the experience of the first two babies, she is already very calm.

 But the pain was still so painful that she grimaced in pain and even scratched her clothes.

Murong Yun hurried back that day. As soon as he got home, he saw her beating the bed in pain, so he hurried over to accompany her, "Madam, I'm back."

Jinghan became angry when he saw him and started to curse.

“It’s you who told me that giving birth to a baby is painful, yet you still let me give birth!!”

 She is a temperamental person, and she will yell a few times when she is angry.

Murong Yun has been with her for many years and has known her for a long time. He can shout whatever she wants and quickly apologize from the sidelines.

"Yes, yes, it's my fault. I won't give birth to this baby after this one. Three are enough."

 He is not like other men who want their wives to have ten or eight children, which would cause them to die of pain. In fact, two or three are enough.

Jinghan actually likes children, but giving birth is a bit painful, which makes her very unhappy at the moment. Otherwise, she would be very happy after giving birth.

She started quickly and knew how to use force. She said "Ah!" loudly, and the child was born.

 “Wow, wow~”

As the child cried loudly, Murong Yun breathed a sigh of relief, and Sister Ying also breathed a sigh of relief outside the door.

It was as if after Jinghan gave birth, she also finished giving birth.

 (End of this chapter)

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