The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 809: , Sister Ying has contractions

 Chapter 809, Sister Ying has contractions

 “Congratulations, madam, you are a young daughter.”

Jinghan's forehead was covered with sweat. He was very happy when he heard this, "Really? Come over and show me."

This is the first time she has given birth to a daughter.

The midwife hurriedly wrapped the baby and showed it to her, "Take a look, the third lady is really kind. It's up to you."

Jinghan saw her fair and plump daughter, and she was really happy. She was very happy, "Thank you! Everyone in the courtyard will give you a reward today!"

Murong Yun was happy when he heard the midwife announcing the good news outside, and hurriedly agreed, "Madam is right, everyone will be rewarded today."

 “Thank you, sir~”

 The servants in the courtyard were very happy and were celebrating the new life in the family.

 Because the birth went smoothly, Jinghan was in good spirits.

After the delivery room was packed up, Sister Ying and others hurriedly went in to see her.

At this time, Jinghan was lying on his side looking at the child. When he saw Sister Ying and the others coming in, he was in a good mood and asked them to come and see, "Come and see my fat girl."

"Look at this little chubby face. The midwife said it weighs six pounds and six taels."

Sister Ying leaned over and saw that the little cutie was a fleshy ball with a very white and tender face. She closed her eyes, held her chubby fists, and moved her little mouth as if she was eating meat.

Sister Yang looked at it very strangely, "It's so cute, round, like a glutinous rice dumpling." I really want to rua.

Sister Ying thought the same thing. She smiled lovingly, stretched out her finger, and lightly tapped the little girl's chubby face.

The little girl seems to have a good temper. She didn't get angry when her aunt nodded her face, and she even yawned lazily.

The more Sister Ying looked at it, the more curious she became, "It makes me want to have a baby."

As soon as I finished speaking, my stomach suddenly felt painful, "Hiss~"

Sister Ying touched her belly, thinking that the pain would be relieved. Unexpectedly, just as she was about to sit down, her stomach continued to hurt again. She frowned and asked doubtfully, "Am I having a contraction?"

 This is my first time giving birth and I am very unfamiliar with everything.

Upon seeing this, Jinghan hurriedly asked his servants to find the midwife.

 The midwife felt Sister Ying's belly to confirm that there was no doubt that there were contractions.

"Don't worry, madam, you are your first child, so it is expected to be a little slower than Mrs. Murong. There are still several hours before the birth. You can sit down and rest for a while, or walk around to make the birth easier."

Sister Ying didn’t expect the contractions to come at a moment’s notice, so she felt a little nervous.

She asked Sister Yang, "Go and ask your brother-in-law to come back. I want him to accompany me."

Sister Yang sighed and hurriedly rode her horse to call.

Jing Shirong was about to come back. He met Sister Yang on the road. Hearing that Sister Ying had started the car, he hurried back.

 He ran in with a worried look on his face and shouted, "Sister Ying?"

 But when I got to the house, I saw no one.

Xiao Zi said, "Uncle, the lady is in the delivery room."

 The family has specially prepared two delivery rooms, and Sister Ying is in them at the moment.

Jing Shirong ran over in a hurry, but didn’t hear any screams along the way. He was still surprised, “Sister Ying?”

Sister Ying came out slowly, holding her belly, "I'm here."

The contractions just made her throbbing with pain, but when the contractions passed, the pain disappeared, so she closed her eyes and rested for a while.

Jing Shirong saw her walking out like a normal person and looked puzzled, "Didn't you start it?"

 He heard that Jinghan was pregnant on the way here and thought that Sister Ying might be giving birth too. Who would have thought that she would actually be sitting on a recliner and eating melon seeds.

 “Madam? Aren’t you about to give birth?”

Sister Ying shook her head, "Not yet. I was in pain for a while, but it will be better soon. The midwife said it will probably be in the evening."

Jing Shirong has never been exposed to women giving birth and doesn’t know much about it. “Does it take so long?”

Sister Ying sat down holding her belly and nodded, "Yes, the first birth will be a little slower, let's wait." Jing Shirong breathed a sigh of relief and sat next to her, "It's okay, I'll wait with you. "

 He moved a chair and sat next to Sister Ying to stay with her.

Sister Ying ate melon seeds and relaxed her mood, not wanting to get too nervous.

 But after eating two melon seeds, contractions came again, "Ah! Hiss~"

Oh my God, it hurts!

This has just begun, and it hurts so much.

When the fingers are fully spread out at the back, it may hurt.

Sister Ying held her stomach and gritted her teeth, enduring the pain.

Jing Shirong saw her face in pain and sweat on her forehead. She felt heartbroken and said, "Does it hurt? I'll go find the midwife."

The midwife was having lunch, so he pulled her over. After taking a look at Sister Ying, she asked him to calm down.

“Madam, I just opened my two fingers, it’s still early.”

Jing Shirong frowned and asked her, "But how can she relieve her pain?"

Seeing that he cared so much for his wife, the midwife had a good impression of him and said, "Don't worry, women have to suffer from these pains during childbirth. The pain will go away after a while. Please help me count the hours and look at my wife." The pattern of contractions.”

“If she starts to feel pain after a few seconds, it means she is about to give birth, and she is still waiting for a while.”

Jing Shirong vaguely understood what the midwife meant, "According to you, if she continues to be in pain so slowly, it will take a whole day?"

Midwife, "This is not certain. Some women give birth to their first child for three days and three nights. The pain is so painful that people would faint. However, there are also women who give birth very quickly, but this is not certain."

Jing Shirong was startled, "It hurts for three days and three nights?" How could his sister Ying endure it?

 “Is there any way to give birth faster?”

The sooner you give birth, the sooner you can get relief. If the pain lasts for three days and three nights, not to mention Sister Ying, he will have a psychological shadow.

The midwife smiled and said, "Why don't you accompany my wife for a walk and exercise, maybe she can start it faster."

 “Okay, I’ll try.”

Jing Shirong went back to the house to look for Sister Ying. When he saw that she was in pain, he would grab the sheets or bite dried sweet potatoes until they made a crunching sound, with a painful expression on his face.

But she didn't scream, obviously she was enduring it.

Jing Shirong looked distressed and came over to support her, "Let's go for a walk and see if we can give birth quickly."

Sister Ying almost cried, "It hurts like this after just opening two fingers. If I open all ten fingers, I will die from the pain."

Suddenly she envied Jing Han for giving birth so quickly, and she wanted to give birth as soon as possible.

 “To walk, to exercise.”

Jinghan had taught her so much before, so before the labor pain came, she should move quickly so that she could be born faster.

Jing Shirong supported her and accompanied her up the stairs, walking back and forth several times.

 When she had a contraction, she let out a painful "hiss", and then she stopped for a while.

Jing Shirong felt distressed, "Can you still hold on? Why don't you go back and lie down?"

Sister Ying looked pale and shook her head, "If you hold on for a while longer, maybe we can start it faster."

 But as the contractions became more and more intense, Sister Ying could no longer bear it. She screamed "Ah!" It was really painful.

Jing Shirong’s heart tightened upon hearing this, “Madam?”

He was about to carry her down, but Sister Ying gritted her teeth and told him not to, "I'll crawl a little longer."

 Otherwise it would be so painful to lie down again, so she wanted to distract herself.

Jing Shirong frowned. Seeing her insistence, he could only let her go, "Then I will help you and walk slowly?"

Sister Ying endured the pain and said, "Okay."

 (End of this chapter)

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