Chapter 810, pain of childbirth

Jing Shirong supported her until she no longer felt any pain, and then continued to climb up.

 When her contractions come, let her lean into his arms, and bite him when it hurts.

Sister Ying was reluctant to bite her, so she picked up the dried sweet potatoes she had prepared in advance and bit into them with her teeth.

 “Hiss~~” It hurts so much.

 When I watched other people’s lives before, I didn’t feel any pain, only horror.

 Now that you have truly experienced the pain of childbirth, you can understand where people’s screams come from.

 First, my stomach started to feel paroxysmal pain, which also caused pain in my pubic bone, lower back, and buttocks. Finally, I even started to feel pain in my head.

 She felt pain all over her body. The pain made her want to arch up and grab the wall.

Jing Shirong saw that she was feeling uncomfortable and hugged her to prevent her from falling due to weakness.

 “Madam, don’t leave, go back to your room and rest.”

 Looking at her face turning pale in pain, the contractions were obviously more painful.

Sister Ying's voice became softer in pain, "Take me back."

Jing Shirong's eyes were filled with distress and he hurriedly carried her back.

 After lying down in the room, I felt better.

 But after a while it started to hurt again.

Sister Ying remembered that hot water can relieve pain, so she asked Xiao Zi to boil a bucket of hot water and she wanted to soak it.

The midwife had never heard of a mother submerging herself in water, so she tried to stop her, "Madam, isn't this bad? The baby will be born in the water soon."

Sister Ying waved her hands weakly, "It's okay, it will be faster if you take a dip."

She had heard before that some people gave birth in hot water, which was said to relieve pain. There were no painkillers here, so the only option was to soak in hot water.

Xiao Zi quickly filled the hot water bucket. Jing Shirong helped her take off her coat and carried her into the water to lie down for a while.

 With the relief of hot water, the pain is indeed much better.

After a while, as the contractions became faster and faster, Sister Ying felt that something was falling down. She quickly asked the midwife to show her how many fingers were open.

The midwife told her not to be impatient, "Maybe it's only three fingers, it's still early."

 But after she showed it to Sister Ying, she was startled, "Oh my god, it's already seven fingers, so fast?"

Looking at Sister Ying's thin arms and legs, she didn't even scream in pain. She thought she only had three fingers open, but she didn't expect that she would almost have ten.

"Hurry up, get out first, I'm going to give birth soon."

Jing Shirong didn't expect it to happen so soon, but he didn't want to go out, "I'll stay with her here, you can do your business."

 The midwife had never seen a woman giving birth with a man accompanying her in the delivery room, so she quickly pushed him out.

“Master, please don’t cause trouble here. You will only get in the way when you get busy. You’d better get out quickly.”

Jing Shirong found a seat at the end of the bed, "I won't disturb you if I sit here."

 Otherwise, he would be afraid of leaving Sister Ying alone in the delivery room.

The midwife still disagreed, "You'd better go out. I can't safely deliver the baby to my wife while you are here."

 Speaking, he continued to push him out.

Sister Ying regained her composure and asked him to go out, "It's okay. You go to the door and wait. I'll call you if anything happens."

If she was in pain, she wouldn't care about him and just let him wait outside.

Jing Shirong was also afraid of causing trouble to them, so he could only retreat out the door with a worried look on his face.

He wanted to go to the window and watch, but the midwife closed the window with a bang, leaving no crack for him.

“Sister Ying? If anything happens, call me.”

Sister Ying had no strength to respond to him, so she lay down and took a deep breath.

Sister Yang wanted to stay with her, but the midwife found out that she was unmarried and not pregnant, so she was kicked away.

 Another midwife also came to help. Although the birth had not started yet, everything had to be prepared. The two midwives received a lot of benefits from Murong Yun, and they also knew that this family was a good person, so they naturally tried their best.

They reassured Sister Ying, "Madam, don't be afraid. My sister-in-law and I have been delivering babies for fifteen years, and we will definitely be able to help you give birth to your child safely."

 The person Murong Yun was looking for was naturally trustworthy by Sister Ying.

 She continued to take deep breaths, trying to make herself less painful.

After a while, the cervix is ​​fully opened, and the midwife is ready to start pushing.

Sister Ying felt like something was falling, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

 The midwife asked her, "Madam, push harder!"

Sister Ying gritted her teeth, grabbed the quilt with her hands, closed her eyes and began to exert force.


  She pushed down hard, feeling that her entire lower body was in pain, but she still persisted.

 Until the midwife told her, "Okay, please take a breath first and come back later."

Sister Ying obediently relaxed her strength and lay panting, her forehead covered with sweat.

At this moment, she suddenly wanted to cry. She felt that being a mother was not easy. The hardship of ten months of pregnancy and the severe pain of childbirth made her miss Wu very much.

From the moment she was born, Mrs. Wu treated her like a sore eye. She never suffered any injustice from childhood to adulthood. She has always been a good mother.

Now that she has grown up, started a family, and is about to give birth to a child, she misses her parents especially when she is at her most vulnerable.

“Ah!! Mom!!

Sister Ying shouted in pain, Jing Shirong clenched her fists and her eyes were red.

 He hurriedly wrote to his mother-in-law's house, hoping that they could come.

On the other side of the Yangtze River, Mrs. Wu was also uneasy at home, always feeling that something was about to happen.

She was counting the days, thinking that Sister Ying's son would be born in a few months, and her heart was filled with panic.

 “No, I still have to go and take a look.”

At the end of the day, I can't rest assured. If someone else's daughter gives birth, her maternal family will definitely come over to see her. Her sister Ying will definitely be scared when her daughter gives birth for the first time. She has to go and accompany her.

  Wu left as soon as she said she wanted to. She simply took a few bags and asked the guards to **** her there.

When Liang Jin learned about this, he didn't stop her and let her go for a while.

“Let’s go, I’ll give you a ride. There’s a conspiracy on the other side of the Fang family, and I just want to go there to investigate.”

"Brother Sen's affairs have been settled. Fang Zheng's assets at the border also need to be checked. It's time to let Brother Sen pass. You can go with him. Then we can go see Sister Ying together. ”

Mrs. Wu didn’t expect that he had thought everything through. She was moved and hugged him, “Thank you, sir.”

Liang Jin sighed, "Actually, I want to go, but I have something to do and I can't leave."

He had to investigate the Fang family's case, but Brother Sen was done with his work, so he simply asked him to send his mother to the border to check on Fang Zheng's assets, killing two birds with one stone.

Mrs. Wu was naturally happy to be able to go with her son to find Sister Ying.

This time she didn't take a carriage either, she just rode fast.

 Sen Ge'er didn't expect that his mother could ride a horse, and he looked surprised.

“When did you learn to ride a horse?”

Seeing her son's disbelief, Ms. Wu smiled proudly and said, "I learned it from your sister when I bought the farm."

At that time, Sister Ying was running an inn, and she was running a farm to grow vegetables and raise pigs, and by the way, she also raised some good horses.

Sister Ying likes to gallop on horses, and she also learns how to do it. Both mother and daughter learn very well.

 Sen Ge'er feels that his mother is really good. She can cook, take care of the house, and ride a horse to do business. There is nothing she can't do.

Wushi reined in the horse's rope and smiled proudly, "This is why I want you to learn more talents. One more skill will bring more convenience."

 “Have you learned?”

 (End of this chapter)

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