Chapter 811, Sister Ying gave birth!

 Seng Geer nodded in admiration, "I learned it."

Your mother is still your mother, and the old and the hot are still the same.

 No wonder everyone in the family listens to my advice, because I have this ability.

 Mother and son worked hard, first taking the mountain road, then turning to the waterway, and taking a boat directly to the sea.

 The screen switches back.

Sister Ying began to exert force one after another in the delivery room.

Although she was in pain, she still tried to calm herself down.

 The midwife asked her to exert force, so she pushed down.

 The midwife asked her to relax, so she relaxed.

She repeated this process several times, and she felt like she was about to collapse. She was covered in sweat, and in the end she couldn't even scream.

Jing Shirong listened with her ears outside the window, but she only heard her voice getting smaller and smaller, and she was worried and wanted to rush in.

Sister Yang stopped him and said, "Brother-in-law, calm down. Sister is at a critical moment now. Don't go in and cause trouble. She's about to give birth. Just be patient and wait outside."

Jing Shirong scratched his heart and lungs anxiously, feeling very tormented.

Sister Ying could hear their voices while lying on the bed. Knowing that they were with her outside gave her the courage.

 As the baby felt like it was about to come out, she started to exert force, "Ah!"

 The force used this time was just right, and the child came out in one go.

 The midwife said happily, "I've seen the head, I've seen the head."

"Ma'am, please stop for a moment and wait until the old lady tells you to do it before you push harder."

The two midwives were experienced and knew when to exert the best force, so they asked Sister Ying to stop for a while.

Sister Ying could feel that the baby was coming out, so she slowly relaxed and felt a little happy.

As the fetus slowly slid out, the midwife carefully held the baby in place to prevent it from slipping off the bed.

Sister Ying only felt that something had been pulled out, and it suddenly became smooth as if she had been constipated for ten thousand years. She felt that her whole body was relaxed and energetic.

The midwife held the baby in her arms and said "Pop!" twice. The child was reluctant and held his mouth shut, but would not cry.

The midwife was happy when she saw her little expression, "Little one, why don't you scream?"

It seems that patting the soles of the feet is useless, so let’s pat the buttocks.

As the **** was slapped, the little guy was not happy at all, and then he cried out "Wow~Wow~".

She was very unhappy, and cried loudly. She held her fists and pursed her lips, and hummed for a while, feeling very aggrieved, as if she was crying to the midwife to slap her butt.

Sister Ying's heart melted when she heard the child's cry, "A boy or a girl? Give it to me."

The midwife smiled and told her the good news, "Congratulations, madam, you are a little daughter of a daughter."

Sister Ying was very happy, "Really?"

 “Hurry up and show me.”

 I don’t know who the child looks more like.

The midwife first cleaned the baby, then dried it and wrapped it, and then she carried it to Sister Ying. "Five pounds and six taels, the baby is neither too big nor too small, so you can give birth so smoothly."

Sister Ying also thanked the little girl for not letting her suffer too much, and kissed her little face lovingly.

 “She is so white, as white as her cousin.”

 The little girl Jing Han gave birth to was very white this morning. Unexpectedly, hers was also very white.

The midwife smiled and said, "With your snow-white skin, it's normal for the lady to do as you please."

Sister Ying took a closer look at the child's little face. It was round, white and tender, and the little mouth was pouted, as if she wanted to eat it. Especially when she clenched her little fists tightly, Sister Ying looked so cute.

“So cute~~” She especially liked Jing Han’s daughter when she saw her in the morning. She didn’t expect that she would also give birth to a daughter. Her happiness came so quickly.

Jing Shirong outside the door heard the cry of the baby inside, and her heart softened. She knocked on the door and asked, "Madam? Are you okay?"

Sister Ying drank the red date soup handed over by the midwife, and then she had the strength to answer him, "I'm fine."

Her voice was not loud, but Jing Shirong heard it and saw that she was safe, and his anxious heart dropped.

The midwife cleaned up the delivery room and then went out with a smile to announce the good news.

“Congratulations, sir, you are a little girl, weighing five pounds and six taels, and she is fair and white.”

Jing Shirong heard that she was a little girl. She was stunned on the spot, her mouth cracked, and she smiled stupidly for the first time.

He walked into the room, walked to Sister Ying's bedside with a smile on his face, lowered his head to kiss her first, and then checked to see if there were any other injuries on her body.

Sister Ying shyly pressed his hand and said, "Don't lift the quilt randomly. Sister Yang will give me medicine. You take care of the child first."

Jing Shirong listened to her words and took back his hand obediently. He sat down like a silly father and looked at the little baby on the bed with his big eyes open.

 The washed little baby was white and waxy, like millet dumplings, round and soft, and even Jing Shirong didn’t know how to communicate with her.

Xiao Zi also looked at it curiously for a while, and even hugged her sweetheart a few times.

Jing Shirong looked envious and wanted to hug her but didn't dare.

 Xiao Zi saw envy on his face and couldn't laugh or cry, "You want to give me a hug too?"

Jing Shirong wiped the sweat from his hands and said, "I'm not very good at it."

 He had never held a newborn child before. He didn't know how to reach out for such a big baby.

 Xiao Zi asked him, "You reach out your hand first, and I will hold the child in your hand."

Jing Shirong stretched out his hands stiffly like a robot. Xiao Zi carefully put the child in his hands and asked him, "Hold the little lady's head first, and her **** too. Make sure you hold her well."

Both of them were very nervous and did not dare to move their bodies.

Especially when Xiao Zi put the baby in Jing Shirong's hands, Jing Shirong was stunned.

That soft baby touch made him dare not move, for fear that any movement would wake his daughter from sleeping.

Xiao Zi was also frightened and took her hand back, staring at Jing Shirong's hand, fearing that he would not pick up the child and throw it away.

Sister Ying also watched nervously, her little heart was frightened to death.

“Brother Rong, please hold the child and sit on the bed.”

Otherwise he was so tall and his posture when holding the child was so unfamiliar, Sister Ying would be frightened to see him.

Jing Shirong himself was also very scared.

He had a stern look on his face, and he didn't know whether to tighten or relax his hand movements. If it is too tight, it will strangle the little girl; if it is too loose, it will cause the baby to fall out.

 Finally, after much thought, he quickly moved the child into his arms, made a hook fence with his hands, tightly surrounding the child, and then carefully walked to the head of the bed.

He walked very slowly, and Sister Ying and Xiao Zi stared at him closely with their eyes open.

 It wasn’t until Jing Shirong sat on the bedside with the child in his arms that Sister Ying and Xiao Zi breathed a sigh of relief.

Sitting on the bed, Jing Shirong felt safe and looked down at the child.

 The little guy has a round face, but his head seems a bit long, as if it was squeezed by the door.

Jing Shirong didn’t quite understand and thought it was a pity that the child’s head had grown long.

But my biological father doesn’t think his son is ugly, so he can have a longer head. If he doesn’t look good in the future, he will have to raise his daughter for the rest of his life.

Sister Ying didn't know what he was thinking. She only knew that he looked at his daughter's forehead with a sad look on his face, and she knew that he must have gone astray.

 (End of this chapter)

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