The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 812: , gave birth to a little cutie!

 Chapter 812, a little cutie was born!

 “What are you looking at?”

He doesn't think that his daughter's long forehead, like a small eggplant, is natural, right?

Looking at the regretful look on his face, Sister Ying knew that he must have thought so.

“Newborn babies are like this. They will be fine in the future. Don’t let me think about it.”

 Besides, it’s not that long, right?

Jing Shirong felt that she had a motherly attitude and secretly thought that the child just had a long head. However, in the eyes of a loving mother, ugly children are also cute, so he did not argue with Sister Ying.

 Anyway, he doesn’t dislike his daughter no matter what she looks like. She can be ugly, she likes her anyway.

Sister Ying.

 It seems that this guy doesn’t believe that the child’s head will be rounded back.

  Forget it, let him do whatever he wants. Anyway, the child's head will be round again in a short time. Let's see what he says then.

Jing Shirong lovingly held the child and looked at it for a while. Seeing that the little guy had been sleeping with his eyes closed and not getting up, he smiled lovingly and said, "Little lazy pig, you just slept like this in your belly, and you still sleep when you come out?"

Sister Ying also laughed, "Babies are like this. They need to sleep more to grow taller."

Jing Shirong hummed lovingly, "I want to hold her for a little longer."

Sister Ying, “Aren’t your hands sore?”

Jing Shirong shook his head, "It's not sour."

 In fact, it was sore, especially the way he held her was too stiff, which was much more sore than usual during sword practice, but he felt happy and was happy to hold her.

Sister Ying, let him be. As long as he is happy being a father, let him be.

She gradually yawned and felt sleepy, "I'll take a nap for a while."

Jing Shirong hummed, held the child and sat next to her to watch her sleep.

 After a while, when the child felt that his father's arms were too tight, he began to twist his body, curled his lips and was about to cry.

Jing Shirong was startled and hugged her to comfort her, "Oh~oh~, don't cry."

 But the little guy held up his pacifier and started crying, "Wow, wow, wow, wow~" with a loud cry.

Such a loud voice woke up Sister Ying.

"What's wrong?"

 She opened her eyes drowsily, obviously sleepy.

Jing Shirong didn’t know what happened to the child, so he looked nervous.

Sister Ying felt her chest swell, and her mother's consciousness awakened, "Give me a hug, she's hungry."

Jing Shirong handed the child to her. As expected, the child calmed down for a while when it was in Sister Ying's arms. Then he curled his lips and prepared to howl again.

Sister Ying opened her clothes and could feed her.

 When the little guy got something in his mouth, he wolfed it down.

Sister Ying said "hiss!" and grimaced in pain.

I didn’t expect that giving birth to a baby would be painful, but feeding the baby would also be painful!

It really hurts!

Jing Shirong was also startled, "Madam, what's wrong with you?"

 He thought she was injured somewhere, so he was so frightened that he called Sister Yang.

Although Sister Yang had delivered babies to women, she had never given birth herself, so she didn't quite understand it, so she went to ask Jinghan.

Jinghan was born quickly and was in good spirits.

She was able to sit up now and asked her servants to carry her in. She came to teach Sister Ying herself.

 “You go out first.”

Jing Shirong knew that she had experience in giving birth to three children, so he went out and waited outside.

Jinghan used a hot towel to apply it on Sister Ying, and then allowed her to continue feeding her until the pain stopped.

Sister Ying grimaced in pain and said with emotion, "No wonder rich families hire wet nurses. It turns out that feeding children is so painful!"

Jing Han smiled and said, "No, if you don't have money to feed it yourself, it will be really painful and tiring."

Sister Ying asked her, "Has my cousin fed her herself? Otherwise, why would she be so experienced?"

Jing Han hummed, "When I was pregnant with my eldest son, Mrs. Murong wanted to take her to raise her. At that time, I couldn't let go of the child, so I just went to my parents' home when the baby was about to be born. In the end, she gave birth to her at my parents' home." After telling her mother about the matter, her mother simply asked her to feed the child herself.

 Once the child is well fed and cannot be separated from her, it will be difficult for the old lady to take the child back.

Jinghan didn’t want to give the child to Mrs. Murong to raise. She was afraid that her son would not be close to her in the future, so she naturally fed her son herself.

 The advantage of breast-feeding is that the child is close to you, and the relationship between mother and child is deeper.

But it’s really hard work.

 The eldest child has been fed by himself, and the second child cannot be partial, so he feeds him again.

"But don't worry, we can feed it ourselves during the day and feed it to the wet nurse at night, so it won't be too hard."

"The wet nurse has been found. Let's have a good confinement period. Let the wet nurse take care of the baby when it's time to take care of it. The most important thing is that we take good care of our bodies."

 Only when your health is well, you can talk about other things.

Otherwise, if the confinement period is not done well, the body will be damaged, and you will be ill in the future and will not be able to do anything energetically, which is a big loss.

Sister Ying knew what she said was right and wanted to take good care of her health.

Jinghan asked her, "We will complete the confinement for two months this time, and we will have to continue to take supplements for a year before the body can recover. You are right to listen to me."

 She has been through it and knows how to do confinement to recover her body.

Sister Ying listened to her. After feeding the child for a while, she put the child on the bed so that she could sleep well.

The little girl who has had her fill of milk is smacking her little mouth, and her little mouth is still making sucking movements, which is so cute.

 She holds her little fists and her little mouth is full of anger. She is so cute that Jinghan is overflowing with motherly love.

“I thought my daughter was very cute when I saw her. I didn’t expect your daughter to be even cuter. She’s so cute. I want to kiss her.”

But just as she lowered her head and was about to kiss the little girl, she started crying, "Wow~Wow~", as if she was angry with her aunt for disturbing her to sleep.

Jinghan didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, “Oh, that little girl has quite a bad temper.”

Sister Ying also laughed, "Will your little girl cry?"

Jinghan nodded, "I cried too, with a loud voice, which is comparable to yours. I think these two will probably have hot tempers in the future."

Sister Ying’s eyes widened, “No way?”

“Brother Rong and I both have good tempers. Logically speaking, his daughter shouldn’t have a hot temper, right?”

Jinghan laughed and said, "Who knows? Children already have a lot of personality when they are babies. If not, just wait and see."

Sister Ying lowered her head and looked at her daughter who was sleeping with her little fists clenched in her hands. She felt very strange and said, "No matter what, I think she is still so cute."

  It is said that a newborn baby is wrinkled and looks like an old man.

 But she and Jing Han's daughter were both white and tender when they were born, clean and not wrinkled, so they were still very cute.

The two of them looked at the little guy on the bed with maternal expressions and smiled lovingly.

Jing Shirong waited for a long time before they were let in.

Jinghan went back to Sister Ying's room after chatting with her, while Jing Shirong came in to look after the child.

Sister Yang also came in.

Just now she made some soup to replenish Qi and blood for Sister Ying, and she will bring it to Sister Ying to drink now.

"what is this?"

"It's a qi and blood replenisher, drink it while it's hot, and I'll take a look at my niece."

Sister Yang lowered her head and glanced at the little guy who was sleeping with his eyes closed, feeling extremely curious.

 “My God, she is so small and cute~~”

 “But why is the back of her head so long?”

He has a round face, but why is he so long on the back of his head?

Jing Shirong glared at her with a pained look on his face, not allowing her to speak out.

 (End of this chapter)

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