The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 813: , the father does not think the son is ugly

Chapter 813: The father does not think the son is ugly

 “What’s wrong with the long back of the head?! Even if the back of the head is long, we also look beautiful!”

Jing Shirong could not help but speak up for his precious daughter, and forbade her aunt to say that his daughter had a long head.

Sister Yang saw his expression of wanting to eat people and apologized quickly, "Slip of the tongue, I meant that little Guaiguai is so cute, with a small nose, a red mouth, and lots of hair. He looks like a brother-in-law, so handsome!"

  Although this praise was meant as a remedy, Jing Shirong found it very useful and even felt that his daughter was the most beautiful baby in the world.

 He looked at his daughter's little face with pride and said, "Well, she follows me, she is really pretty." He looked proud.

Sister Yang looked touched, "Brother-in-law is indeed a good father."

Sister Ying.

You two shut up!

Whoever said her daughter's head can't be healed should just go away.

Jing Shirong didn't see her anger, and thought she was regretting that her daughter's forehead was not good-looking, so he comforted her with a serious face, "Don't be afraid, madam, even if our daughter's head is not good-looking, just give her some more hats to cover her head." "

Sister Ying...: "Get out."

Jing Shirong thought she wanted to eat and got busy, "Okay, I'll make you something delicious. Just wait for me and I'll be back soon."

 After saying that, he went out with a serious look.

Sister Yang also went to write down dietary prescriptions, preparing to replenish the bodies of Sister Ying and Jing Han.

 When they all went out, Sister Ying covered her face, looked blank, and complained to the child sleeping on the bed, "Your father and your aunt are really stupid."

 The little guy on the bed was smacking his mouth, and he was sleeping soundly, not listening to what his mother was saying.

After drinking the tonic soup, Sister Ying began to feel sleepy. She lay down, took the child to the bed, and slept with the child.

This sleep lasted until late at night.

 The child also slept with her for so long.

Sister Ying slowly woke up after she was full of sleep.

 I habitually touch my belly as soon as I wake up. It’s still a little round, but it’s still much flatter than when I was ten months old.

Sister Ying slowly came back to her senses and remembered that she had given birth.

Hurrying back, I didn't see the little guy, but I saw Jing Shirong sleeping on a small couch next to the bed, with his long legs stretched out a little.

He was sleeping with his face facing Sister Ying, and his big hand was still on her hand, as if he was afraid of her being scared.

Sister Ying raised the corners of her mouth slightly, put his hand back, and covered him with the quilt.

 After looking at the big picture, go back and look at the small picture.

Sure enough, there was a round, soft and tender baby lying in the bed. At this time, the little guy was sleeping soundly with his little fists in his hands.

Sister Ying raised her lips lovingly, picked up the little girl's little hand, and kissed it lovingly.

 The little guy wrinkled his eyebrows lightly, snorted, and looked like he was about to wake up.

 After sleeping for such a long time, she was also hungry, so she opened her little mouth and cried, "Wow~Wow~".

Sister Ying quickly opened her clothes and lay on her side to feed her.

After the little guy finished eating the milk, he stopped making noises and began to grunt and eat.

 Her cries woke up Jing Shirong.

Jing Shirong woke up in a daze and looked for the child.

 He stood up and saw Sister Ying lying on her side feeding her child, so he went over to take a look.


Sister Ying hummed and asked him, "You can sleep, I'll just come."

Jing Shirong did not go, but sat beside her and watched them.

 He quietly watched Sister Ying feeding the child, and suddenly felt very magical.

 He touched Sister Ying's head and felt very fulfilled, "This is his woman."

  He gently touched his daughter’s head again, feeling more fulfilled and said, “This is his daughter.”

Unexpectedly, in one day, his family would become a family of three, and he would also have children in the future. The responsibility of being the head of the family suddenly arises in my heart.

 He will have to work hard in the future so that he can support his family in the future.

Sister Ying turned around and glanced at him. Seeing the firm will on his face, she secretly thought that this guy didn't know what he was thinking about.

While feeding the child, she kissed the little guy’s chubby hand.

Jing Shirong looked curiously and saw that her daughter’s cheeks were bulging with meat, which looked very cute. He couldn’t help but reach out and tap her little fleshy face.

The little girl was eating happily when she was slapped on the face. She immediately became unhappy and opened her mouth and cried "Wow~Wow~".

Sister Ying immediately glared at Jing Shirong, "What are you doing?"

  They had eaten well, and they might have gone to sleep after eating, but if someone stepped in and saw this person crying, the roof would be torn down.

Jing Shirong took back his hand, knowing that he was wrong, he lowered his head and felt aggrieved.

 “ are cruel to me.”

She was not aggressive with him before, but tonight she was aggressive with him for the sake of her daughter, crying and moaning.

Sister Ying.

This guy is feeling very strange today, as if his temperament has changed drastically.

Her temperament has not changed drastically as a mother, but he has just become a father, and his whole body is full of excitement, and his temperament is like May Day, changing his face at every turn.

 Sometimes I feel nervous, sometimes I feel fatherly, sometimes I feel scared, sometimes I feel aggrieved.

Sister Ying coaxes the younger ones first, and then coaxes the older ones.

"Okay, your daughter is done crying, and you stop moaning. Just lie down and sleep."

Jing Shirong twitched twice before lying down.

 When he lay down, he had to hold Sister Ying in his arms to seek a sense of security. He even buried his head in her back like an aggrieved puppy.

Sister Ying suddenly felt that this scene seemed familiar.

Isn't this what Young Master Zhong looked like right after the third princess gave birth?

Is it possible that her brother Rong also suffered from half of the postpartum syndrome?

She looked back at him and saw him grunting, so she softened her heart and patted his head, "Okay, I won't talk about you anymore. You go to bed first."

Jing Shirong let out a dull sigh, closed her eyes obediently, and reached out to take Sister Ying's hand and put it to her mouth.

Sister Ying was helpless, her little hands kept smoothing his chest.

 After a while, he fell into a deep sleep.

After coaxing the older one, Sister Ying looked at the younger one on the bed.

 The little guy finished feeding and was looking at her with a cute expression on his face.

 She was just born during the day and had not opened her eyes, and no one had seen her open her eyes.

At this moment, the little girl had eaten and drank enough, and was in a good mood, so she opened her big round eyes and looked at her.

 Her eyes are round and large, and her double eyelids are very wrinkled.

 The little nose is small, but upturned, and the small mouth is also rosy, which is very cute.

Especially when she looks at you with such an innocent look, Sister Ying’s heart melts.

Sister Ying looked at her with motherly love for a long time. She first looked at her eyes and commented, "These eyes are like mine. They are watery. She will definitely be a little beauty with big eyes in the future."

 Look at the nose again, "Follow your father's nose, and your father's nose will be very beautiful."

“My skin is so supple and tender, I’m sure you’ll become your mother too.”

The little girl is really good-looking, and her facial features are all those of her parents. The more Sister Ying looks at her, the more she feels strange about her.

He lowered his head and took a sip from his daughter, "It smells so good~~"

 My daughter's body is filled with the scent of milk. It's so addictive to take a sip. I love it.

 (End of this chapter)

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