The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 814: , the little girl who loves to cry

Chapter 814, The Crying Little Girl

The little girl was speechless for a while as her mother held her neck and sucked her. She wrinkled her light eyebrows and pouted her little mouth, about to cry.

Sister Ying saw this posture and quickly stopped.

"No, no, no, no, I was wrong. Mom won't disturb you anymore. Just go to sleep."

 She picked up the child and burped her first. When the little girl hiccuped, Sister Ying put her on the bed and prepared to put her to sleep.

But the little girl was obviously full of sleep and didn't want to go to bed so early, so she opened her big round eyes and stared at Sister Ying.

Sister Ying found it interesting to see her looking at herself like this, and asked her softly, "What are you looking at?"

 The little girl's eyes have not yet grown up, so she doesn't know what she is looking at.

The little girl moved her little fists, opened her little mouth, and continued to bury it in Sister Ying's chest, obviously she wanted to eat again.

Sister Ying was puzzled, "Aren't you full?"

She touched her daughter’s belly. It was round, so she must have been full.

But the little girl didn't listen, she moaned and twisted her soft little body, just to get milk.

Sister Ying had no choice but to hold her and sit up, "Okay, okay, I won't eat anymore. You go to bed first, and then eat after you get up."

The little guy whined and whined, obviously about to cry.

Sister Ying was helpless, secretly thinking that it was really inconvenient that there were no pacifier sellers in ancient times.

 She searched on the bed for a while, and found a small toy with her sharp eyes. She might have left it behind when Brother Yuan and the others came in to play in the afternoon.

It is a flower mallet for coaxing children. It is about the size of a palm and has a hollow inside that can hold sand.

When the flower mallet is shaken, the sand inside makes a "rustle" sound, which attracts the attention of the baby.

Sister Ying waved the toy in front of her daughter, and it suddenly made a rustling sound.

As soon as the little girl heard the noise, she became quiet.

Sister Ying shook the flower mallet again. The little guy looked at it carefully for a while. Maybe he couldn't see clearly, but he felt like falling asleep when he heard the sound.

 Yawned with a small mouth and slowly closed his eyes.

She was just born, her eyelashes and eyebrows were not very obvious, they were light, but her little mouth was rosy, which showed that she had enough nutrition in her mother's womb.

She yawned twice, clenched her little fists in her little hands, nestled softly in Sister Ying's arms, and slowly fell asleep.

Sister Ying waited until she fell asleep before putting her in the bed.

 The small quilt was put on her and she breathed a sigh of relief.

After doing all this, she felt extremely tired, and her hands and waist were sore.

 But when I looked at the father of the child on the left, and then the little **** the right, all the tiredness was washed away.

She lay down contentedly, kissed the man, then the daughter, and finally fell asleep contentedly.

 The next day, I slept well.

Sister Ying slept until the afternoon.

As soon as she got up, she looked into the bed out of habit, only to find that her daughter was missing.

She was startled and sat up quickly.

Just then, the cry of a little girl came from outside the door. "Wow, wow~" she cried loudly.

Sister Ying felt heartbroken and asked quickly, "What's wrong?"

Jing Shirong took the baby back to her and told her, "She woke up just now and wanted to cry. My cousin asked me to take her to the wet nurse to feed her, but she didn't take the wet nurse's milk and she cried loudly."

"I was afraid that she would wake you up, so I took her out and coaxed her."

Who knew that the little girl didn't buy into her biological father's fault at all, so she opened her mouth and howled loudly.

Sister Ying didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she stretched out her hand and said, "Give it to me."

Jing Shirong handed the child to her and sighed, "If she doesn't kiss her mother, you will have a hard time in the future."

His original intention was to let the nanny take care of the child and let Sister Ying have a good rest, but the little girl didn't know why and just didn't want the nanny.

Unlike Jinghan's six-pound baby, she would eat it with relish if one of the two wet nurses at home fed her, and she was not picky about food at all. It's not like this in his family. This nanny doesn't want it, and that nanny doesn't want it.

 Once the wet nurse got close to her, she would howl loudly as if she had been stabbed.

Sister Ying opened her clothes and fed her first. She laughed when she heard what he said.

 “Is she really that picky?”

Jing Shirong nodded seriously, "Yes, both wet nurses have tried it and neither of them will eat it."

“It’s better to weigh six pounds. I’m not picky about what I eat or what I drink. It’s easy to maintain.”

Sister Ying raised her eyebrows, "Liu Jin? My cousin's daughter's name is Liu Jin?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "Yes, Murong said that a humble name is easy to support. The child was born weighing six pounds and six taels, so his nickname was Liujin."

 The name should not be called until the child is older.

Sister Ying smiled slightly and said, "It's pretty good. Six pounds and six pounds. It sounds very smooth."

She lowered her head to look at the little guy who was eating loudly, and asked Jing Shirong, "Their family's name is Liu Jin, what should we call this one?"

 They are five catties, so they can't be called five catties, right?

Jing Shirong’s mouth twitched. “Let’s think about other things.”

Sister Ying thought for a while, "How about calling me a crybaby?"

This girl loves to cry a lot. I think my cousin's Liu Jin has only cried for a while since she was born. I haven't heard her cry at other times. "

This is true, the two little girls have different temperaments, and the one in his family really likes to cry.

However, Jing Shirong didn't think there was anything wrong with his daughter crying, and he was especially protective of the calf.

 “Our little cutie is obviously exercising her voice.”

You see that she cries so much, and it’s all a dry howl, with no tears at all, which means that her daughter either loves to cry or is expressing her emotions.

Sister Ying chuckled and realized that this man was so protective of his calf after becoming a father. Anyway, whatever his daughter did was right, it was absolutely not okay to say anything to his daughter.

Sister Yang came in with the soup and smiled, "Why don't we call her Xiao Yunduo? She feels as soft as a small cloud. I really want to rub her little face."

Jing Shirong immediately glared at her and refused to allow Sister Yang to bully his daughter.

 “Little cloud?”

Sister Ying carefully savored her daughter’s nickname. It was indeed simple and nice. But he still asked Jing Shirong, "What about you? Have you chosen a name for your daughter?"

Jing Shirong naturally had it. He got up early in the morning and went to the study to look through the books. He carefully checked many books and wrote three full pages of names, just to find the best name for his daughter.

 He took out the paper and showed it to Sister Ying, "No, they are all on there, I just don't know which one to choose."

Sister Ying looked at the densely packed names on the paper, glanced down, and was deeply impressed by his intentions.

Like "Yuanyi, Yunke, Jiayun", they all have profound meanings.

But now that the child is still young, the name can be discussed later. It is better to find a simple nickname first.

Sister Yang suggested, "Otherwise, let's each take a writing paper, crumple it into a ball, and let the little cutie choose. Whatever she chooses, she can call it whatever she chooses."

This suggestion is a good one.

 “Okay, then write down your parents and parents-in-law too.”

Her husband's family and her mother's family both had nicknames for their children, so they simply kneaded them into a ball of paper and let the little girl choose.

Jing Shirong had no objection and wrote his own.

Sister Yang wrote Xiao Yunduo.

Sister Ying simply wrote Beibei.

 There was nothing she could do about it. She was born in ten months of pregnancy, and she just felt that her daughter was her darling.

Good night~



 (End of this chapter)

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